Commission Implementing Decision of 22 February 2019 on the publication in th... (32019D0227(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 22 February 2019

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of an application for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(‘Dehesa del Carrizal’ (PDO))

(2019/C 74/03)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) Spain has sent an application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dehesa del Carrizal’ in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) The Commission has examined the application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 have been met.
(3) In order to allow for the presentation of statements of opposition in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dehesa del Carrizal’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dehesa del Carrizal’ (PDO), in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, is contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision confers the right to oppose the amendment of the specification referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within two months of the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 22 February 2019.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671




Date of application: 27.6.2014



Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 — Non-minor modification


Description and reasons for amendment


Deletion of the maximum actual alcoholic strength

The maximum alcoholic strength of the wines, i.e. 15 % vol., has been deleted, since the current level limits the possibility for more mature vintages and does not take advantage of the potential of the available varieties and of the soil.
Under point 2.1, ANALYTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WINES, of the product specification, instead of ‘Actual alcoholic strength (% vol) 12 ≤ % vol ≤ 15’ it should read ‘≥ 12 %’. The Single Document has not been amended.


Inclusion of a new variety

The ‘Petit Verdot’ variety has been introduced due to its ability to adapt to the characteristics of the production area and because of the characteristics of the grape in terms of achieving the quality and characteristics of the unique wines of Dehesa del Carrizal. This means that monovarietal wines of this variety can be produced, and that Petit Verdot can be included in wines blended from different varieties.
Under point 2.2 of the product specification, on the characteristics to be determined through organoleptic analysis, point 2.2.3, on Tinto Petit Verdot and the organoleptic characteristics of the wines produced from this variety, has been added, and under points 2.2.4 and 2.2.5, the Petit Verdot variety has been included in the blends of those wines. It has also been included under point 3.1 on monovarietal wines.
‘Petit Verdot’ has also been included under point 6, ‘Wine grape varieties’.
It has been included as a secondary variety. The Single Document is therefore not affected.


Inclusion of the Tempranillo variety in all blends

The ‘Tempranillo’ variety has been included in all possible blends of permitted varieties so as to increase the options for blending, using the specific features of each variety, without varying the analytical and organoleptic characteristics defined for these wines in the specification.
In point 2.2 of the product specification, on the characteristics to be determined through organoleptic analysis, point 2.2.4 includes the Tempranillo variety. The Single Document has not been amended.


Minimum ageing time

The maximum ageing time has been removed as the barrel capacities have been amended, and the maximum ageing times need to be extended. A restriction is therefore placed only on the minimum ageing time, as the wine is controlled by tasting.
In the product specification, the following points have been amended: 2.2.4, 2.2.5, 3.1 and 3.2. The Single Document has not been amended.


Increase in the alcoholic fermentation temperature

The temperature range for alcoholic fermentation has been deleted, and a maximum temperature has been set. This allows alcoholic fermentation to start at a lower temperature, which means that it starts more slowly, protecting the wines' primary aromas.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, where it refers to alcoholic fermentation at temperatures ‘between 22 °C and 30 °C’, it should read ‘up to 35 °C’.
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Minimum maceration time

The range of days for maceration has been deleted, and a minimum number of days has been set in order to achieve more primary aromas in certain batches and give the final product organoleptic complexity.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, where it says tanking ‘between 10 and 30’, it should say ‘for a minimum of seven’ days of maceration.
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Increase in the pressing yield

An increase in the pressing yield for all wines from 60-70 litres per 100 kg of harvest to 75 litres per 100 kg of harvest is requested, since previously only manual harvesting has been considered, and in the case of mechanical harvesting, yields rise by between 4 % and 6 % as in this case only the grapes and not the stalks go into the winery.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, instead of ‘60-70 litres per 100 kg of harvest’, it should read ‘75 litres per 100 kg of harvest’.
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Increase to the malolactic fermentation temperature

The temperature range for malolactic fermentation has been deleted, and a maximum temperature has been set. This allows malolactic fermentation to start at a lower temperature, which means that it starts more slowly, giving the final product greater organoleptic complexity.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, where it refers to malolactic fermentation at temperatures ‘between 20 °C and 22 °C’, it should read ‘up to 25 °C’.
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Minimum period of malolactic fermentation

The range of days for malolactic fermentation has been deleted, and a minimum number of days has been set, as some batches have lower levels of malic acid at the start of malolactic fermentation, and can therefore complete the process early.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, where it says tanking ‘which lasts from 10 to 30 days’, it should say ‘which lasts for a minimum of seven days’.
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Capacity of the barrels and vats

The capacity in litres of the oak barrels and wooden vats has been deleted, as the use of barrels and vats of different volumes allows us to adapt the ageing times of the different varieties of grape depending on their characteristics.
In point 3.1 of the product specification, instead of ‘Ageing in 225-300 litre oak barrels no more than five years old, for 12-24 months, and 4 000 litre wooden vats, with the ageing time controlled by tasting,’ it should read ‘Ageing for at least 12 months in French and/or American and/or European oak barrels and/or wooden vats, with the ageing time controlled by tasting.’
In point 3.2 of the product specification, instead of ‘Ageing lasts for a total of 12-24 months, and takes place in 225-300 litre French oak barrels and 4 000 litre wooden vats. The barrels used may be no more than 2-3 years old in the first few months, followed by barrels which are new or a year old. The ageing time is controlled by tasting’, it should read ‘Two types of wine are produced depending on the total ageing time, which can vary from a minimum of 3 months for the wine described in point 2.2.4 of this specification, and a minimum of 12 months for the wine described in point 2.2.5 of this specification. Ageing in French and/or American and/or European oak barrels and/or wooden vats, with the ageing time controlled by tasting.’
In the Single Document, point 2.5.1, ‘Specific oenological practices’, has been amended.


Amendments to the production of Chardonnay white wine

The maximum temperature for cold maceration has been limited with the aim of achieving a greater complexity of aromas so that the primary aromas are better expressed. The maximum percentage of must fermented over its sediment and the required length of time spent in the barrels have been deleted, with the aim of fermenting a greater quantity of must for a longer length of time in the oak barrels in order to achieve more tertiary aromas. The length of the fermentation process has also been extended in order to achieve greater secondary aromas. This produces a more complex wine that requires minimum or no filtration.
Point 3.3 of the product specification and point 2.5.1 of the Single Document have been amended.


Enlargement of the geographical area

We are requesting an increase of 5,03 hectares to the area, as this extra area is adjacent to the parcels already included in the product specification. As these parcels adjoin those parcels currently included in the geographical area of the PDO, separated only by a road, they meet the same climate, relief and soil conditions. They were not originally included as they were not planted with vines.
In point 4 of the product specification, ‘Demarcation of the geographical area’, of the product specification, the words ‘and parcels 860a, 860b and 860c of polygon 23’ have been added, and the area has been increased to ‘26,2764 hectares’.
In the Single Document, point 2.6, ‘Defined geographical area’, has been amended.


Inclusion of a new maximum yield

A maximum yield has been included for the new Petit Verdot variety, given that, when a new variety is added, the maximum yield established for that new variety must be included.
In the product specification, under point 5 ‘Maximum yield’, the following has been added: ‘- Petit Verdot: 84 hl/ha and 12 000 kg/ha.’
In the Single Document, point 2.5.2, ‘Maximum yield’, has been amended.


Update to the list of authorised certifying bodies for the ‘Dehesa del Carrizal’ product specification.

The name and address of the current authorised certifying body are given.
In the product specification, under point 9.1, ‘Control body’, the following certifying body has been included:
Pol. Industrial Calle XV, Parcela R-113
13200 Manzanares (Ciudad Real)
A new link has also been included, which lists the certifying bodies delegated to verify the product specification for this PDO.
The Single Document has not been amended.



Name to be registered

Dehesa del Carrizal


Geographical indication type

PDO — Protected Designation of Origin


Categories of grapevine products



Description of the wine(s)


Red and White Wine
Monovarietal and blended reds with a morello, cherry or sour-cherry colour depending on the wine, with a medium to medium/high colour intensity. Fruity aromas with mountain notes. Taste of compote with a long and rich aftertaste.
The white has a greeny straw-yellow colour, with a slightly bright intensity. Aroma of exotic fruit and stone fruit flesh. Butter, cream, yeast. Dry, unctuous, almost oily. Tannins from new wood. Tropical fruit, lees and toast. Powerful and fresh aftertaste.
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


For limits that have not been specified, the general legislation in force must be complied with.


Wine making practices


Essential oenological practices

Pressing without exceeding 1,5 kg/cm
which enables no more than 75 litres per 100 kg of harvest to be obtained. Reds: alcoholic fermentation at a temperature which never exceeds 35 °C. Malolactic fermentation at a maximum temperature of 25 °C for a minimum of seven days. Ageing in French and/or American and/or European oak barrels and wooden vats. Whites: cold maceration for 6-12 hours at a maximum temperature of 16 °C. At least 25 % of the must obtained should ferment over its sediment in barrels.


Maximum yields

Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo
10 000 kg of grapes per hectare
Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo
70 hectolitres per hectare
Syrah and Petit Verdot
12 000 kg of grapes per hectare
Syrah and Petit Verdot
84 hectolitres per hectare
8 500 kg of grapes per hectare
59,5 hectolitres per hectare
9 000 kg of grapes per hectare
63 hectolitres per hectare


Demarcated geographical area

The area includes the following parcels in the municipality of Retuerta del Bullaque (Ciudad Real), parcels 449a, 449ec, 449ea, 449eb, 449ada, 449adb, 449adc and 449eca of polygon 9, and parcels 860a, 860b and 860c of polygon 23.
The surface area of the vineyard is 26,2764 hectares.


Main wine grapes variety(ies)



Description of the link(s)

Detailed information about the geographical area (natural and human factors):
The geographical area is characterised by the existence of areas of stony ground and narrow channels of water. It is situated in a depression, on a north-facing hillside, protected by a hill that shades the vineyard in the early hours of the evening, and crossed by the Carrizal. This stream provides moisture, with mist even during the summer, resulting in wines that are almost Atlantic in nature, in contrast to the Mediterranean wines from the surrounding areas.
The altitude, almost 800 metres above sea level, causes great differences in temperature between day and night and slow maturation, and in exceptional years the maturation period can last for up to 60 days from ripening to harvest. The temperature variation during the maturation period is also greater than in the surrounding area.
The soil is characterised by a coarse texture, with areas in which up to 80 % of the fraction is greater than 2 mm. During soil formation, the stream transported quartzite, which was of primary importance as it formed a layer with a coarse texture and of considerable thickness above the lower strata of loamy soil. The soil is quartzite soil and is acidic, with a pH between 4,7 and 6, which is much lower than the pH of the surrounding area.
The geographical area is shielded by Mediterranean mountainous terrain, which shelters against the hot southerly winds, preventing higher temperatures. It is characterised by species such as holm oak, pine, heather, rockrose, rosemary and thyme.
Information on the quality or characteristics of the wine due fundamentally or exclusively to the geographical environment:
The wines produced are Atlantic in nature, in contrast to the Mediterranean wines from the surrounding area. They are characterised by the absence of warm notes, aromas reminiscent of scrubland (thyme, rosemary and heather) and resinous and soothing notes (pine and eucalyptus), or exotic fruit and stone fruit flesh in the white wines.
The wines are fresh and balanced, with a good acidity. The red wines, with mature tannins, are smooth and elegant, while the white wines are fresh, with a higher acidity than is typical of wines from the surrounding area.
Both the red and white wines allow for long periods of ageing in the bottle.
Link between the characteristics of the geographical area and the quality of the wine:
The altitude and orientation of the geographical area, protecting it from hot, dry winds, the fact that the vineyard is shaded in the evening and the moisture provided by the stream result in a temperature range which allows the tannin to ripen sufficiently. This creates wines with an absence of warm notes and a notable Atlantic nature. The red wines are characterised by a smooth taste, with mature tannins and a long and rich aftertaste, while the white wines have a potent and fresh aftertaste.
The coarse texture of the soil and the transportation of quartzite by the stream raise the soil's acidity, resulting in fresh, balanced wines with a higher acidity than is typical of wines from the surrounding area. This allows for longer periods of ageing in the bottle.
The presence of scrubland, with typical plant species (rockrose, heather, thyme, lavender, rosemary, etc.) surrounding the vineyard, gives the wine's aroma characteristic scrubland notes and soothing hints, or notes of exotic fruit and stone fruit flesh in the white wines.


Essential further conditions

Link to the product specification