Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/770 of 14 April 2016 establishing a co... (32016D0770)
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/770 of 14 April 2016 establishing a common format for the submission of information concerning the operation of the procedures pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (notified under document C(2016) 2068)
- of 14 April 2016
- establishing a common format for the submission of information concerning the operation of the procedures pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals
- (notified under document C(2016) 2068)
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Section 1: General information
- Section 2: Information on the designated national authority (Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012)
- Section 3: Support to exporters and importers
- Section 4: Coordination between DNAs/ECHA and the Commission
- Section 5: Export notifications forwarded to Parties and other countries
- (Only relevant for Member States that processed export notifications in the reporting period.)
- Article 8(5) — export of a chemical relating to an emergency situation
- Article 8(7) — provision of available additional information concerning exported chemicals
- Article 8(8) — administrative fee for export notifications
- Section 6: Information on export and import of chemicals
- Exporters (Article 10)
- Importers (Article 10)
- Member State reporting to ECHA
- Section 7: Obligations in relation to export of chemicals other than export notification
- Communication of information and decisions to those concerned within the jurisdiction of your Member State (Article 14(3))
- Exporter compliance with decisions in each import response (Article 14(4))
- Provision of support to importing parties (Article 14(5))
- Substances that cannot be exported unless certain conditions are fulfilled (Article 14(6))
- DNAs decision that export may proceed 60 days after an explicit consent request was made (Article 14(7))
- Validity of explicit consent (Article 14(8))
- Section 8: Obligations in relation to import of chemicals
- Import decisions made available to those concerned (Article 13(5))
- Section 9: Information on transit movement
- First transit movement information and time frame requirements (Article 16)
- Section 10: Requirements linked to exported chemicals and information to accompany them
- Section 11: Technical assistance (optional)
- Cooperation
- Capacity building
- Section 12: Enforcement of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012
- General information
- Enforcement strategy
- Reporting on enforcement activities
- Power of enforcement authorities
- Details of infringements
- Penalties
- Collaboration
- Role of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (‘the Forum’; see Article 18(2))
- Section 13: IT related aspects
- DNAs and the ePIC system
- Exporters and the ePIC system
- Customs, other enforcement authorities and the ePIC system (optional)
- Section 14: Additional comments