Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations alphabetisch

Council Decision (EU) 2024/1394 of 22 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Japan, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1394 of 22 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of ... (32024D1394)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1412 of 19 February 2024 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and timber products to the European Union (FLEGT)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1412 of 19 February 2024 on the signing, on behalf of ... (32024D1412)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1413 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and timber products to the European Union (FLEGT)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1413 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion of the Volunta... (32024D1413)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1489 of 21 May 2024 authorising the opening of negotiations for the amendment of the Agreements concerning the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino, respectively
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1489 of 21 May 2024 authorising the opening of negotia... (32024D1489)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1511 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Union within the EEA Joint Committee established by the Agreement on the European Economic Area concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial services) to the EEA Agreement
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1511 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be adopted on... (32024D1511)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1593 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on supplementary rules in relation to the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund, for the period 2021 to 2027
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1593 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of ... (32024D1593)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1606 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and Iceland on supplementary rules in relation to the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund, for the period 2021 to 2027
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1606 of 29 April 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of ... (32024D1606)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1638 of 30 May 2024 on the withdrawal of the Union from the Energy Charter Treaty
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1638 of 30 May 2024 on the withdrawal of the Union fro... (32024D1638)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1639 of 30 May 2024 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Serbia on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the Republic of Serbia
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1639 of 30 May 2024 on the signing, on behalf of the U... (32024D1639)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1644 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Energy Charter Conference
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1644 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on beh... (32024D1644)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1647 of 30 May 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1647 of 30 May 2024 on the conclusion, on behalf of th... (32024D1647)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1651 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the International Sugar Council’s Accessions Committee concerning the conditions for accession of the State of Kuwait to the International Sugar Agreement, 1992
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1651 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on beh... (32024D1651)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1667 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 16th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on the adoption of a recommendation and conclusions addressed to five State Parties on their implementation of that Convention, with regard to matters related to institutions and public administration of the Union
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1667 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on beh... (32024D1667)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1668 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 16th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on the adoption of a recommendation and conclusions addressed to five State Parties on their implementation of that Convention, with regard to matters related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters, asylum and non-refoulement
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1668 of 30 May 2024 on the position to be taken on beh... (32024D1668)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1669 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Committee of the Parties of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on amendments to the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, with regard to matters related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters, asylum and non-refoulement
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1669 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be taken on b... (32024D1669)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1677 of 30 May 2024 on the approval of the withdrawal of the European Atomic Energy Community from the Energy Charter Treaty
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1677 of 30 May 2024 on the approval of the withdrawal ... (32024D1677)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1680 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Committee of the Parties of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on amendments to the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, with regard to matters related to institutions and public administration of the Union
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1680 of 22 April 2024 on the position to be taken on b... (32024D1680)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1687 of 10 June 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 16th session of the Committee of Technical Experts of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) as regards the revision of the Uniform Technical Prescription applicable to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – freight wagons’, to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – noise’, to train composition and route compatibility checks, as well as to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for freight services’
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1687 of 10 June 2024 on the position to be taken on be... (32024D1687)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1693 of 30 May 2024 authorising the opening of negotiations for an agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra on several aspects in the field of border management
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1693 of 30 May 2024 authorising the opening of negotia... (32024D1693)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1698 of 14 December 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Agreement between the European Union and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on certain aspects of air services
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1698 of 14 December 2015 on the signing, on behalf of ... (32024D1698)