Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations alphabetisch

Council Decision (EU) 2017/861 of 11 May 2017 on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the European Union, within the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Protocol 3 to the EEA Agreement, concerning products referred to in Article 8(3)(b) of the Agreement
Council Decision (EU) 2017/861 of 11 May 2017 on the position to be adopted, on b... (32017D0861)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/876 of 18 May 2017 on the accession of the European Union to the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/876 of 18 May 2017 on the accession of the European Un... (32017D0876)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/883 of 11 May 2017 on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the European Union, within the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement, on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms (Budget Line 12.02.01)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/883 of 11 May 2017 on the position to be adopted, on b... (32017D0883)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/938 of 23 September 2013 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
Council Decision (EU) 2017/938 of 23 September 2013 on the signing, on behalf of ... (32017D0938)
Council Decision (EU) 2017/939 of 11 May 2017 on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
Council Decision (EU) 2017/939 of 11 May 2017 on the conclusion on behalf of the ... (32017D0939)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1030 of 13 July 2018 on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and New Zealand pursuant to Article XXIV:6 and Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 relating to the modification of concessions in the schedule of the Republic of Croatia in the course of its accession to the European Union
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1030 of 13 July 2018 on the conclusion of the Agreemen... (32018D1030)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1031 of 13 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, of the Status Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Albania on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the Republic of Albania
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1031 of 13 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32018D1031)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1034 of 16 July 2018 on the position to be taken, on behalf of the European Union, within the Joint Committee established under the Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus (Interbus Agreement), as regards draft Decision No x/xxxx of that Committee (Text with EEA relevance.)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1034 of 16 July 2018 on the position to be taken, on b... (32018D1034)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1041 of 13 July 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of a Protocol to the Framework Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, on the one part, and the Republic of Korea, on the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1041 of 13 July 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of t... (32018D1041)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1047 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Singapore, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1047 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32018D1047)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/104 of 20 November 2017 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2018/104 of 20 November 2017 on the signing, on behalf of t... (32018D0104)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1062 of 16 July 2018 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Union within the CETA Joint Committee established by the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other part as regards the adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the CETA Joint Committee and specialised committees
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1062 of 16 July 2018 on the position to be adopted on ... (32018D1062)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1089 of 22 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1089 of 22 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of t... (32018D1089)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1107 of 20 July 2018 on the conclusion of a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Iraq, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1107 of 20 July 2018 on the conclusion of a Partnershi... (32018D1107)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1194 of 21 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1194 of 21 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of t... (32018D1194)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1195 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of a Protocol to the Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus (Interbus Agreement) regarding the international regular and special regular carriage of passengers by coach and bus (Text with EEA relevance.)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1195 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32018D1195)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1197 of 26 June 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Japan, of the other part
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1197 of 26 June 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32018D1197)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1211 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of a Protocol amending the Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus (Interbus Agreement) by extending the possibility of accession to the Kingdom of Morocco (Text with EEA relevance.)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1211 of 16 July 2018 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32018D1211)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1279 of 18 September 2018 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Joint Committee established by the Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systems regarding the adoption of its Rules of Procedure
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1279 of 18 September 2018 on the position to be taken ... (32018D1279)
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1296 of 18 September 2018 establishing the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Union at the 13th General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) as regards certain amendments to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) and to the Appendices thereto
Council Decision (EU) 2018/1296 of 18 September 2018 establishing the position to... (32018D1296)