Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations alphabetisch

85/507/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 4 November 1985 concerning the conclusion of the Framework Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation between the European Communities and the Swiss Confederation
85/507/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 4 November 1985 concerning the conclusio... (31985D0507)
85/613/EEC: Council Decision of 20 December 1985 concerning the adoption, on behalf of the Community, of programmes and measures relating to mercury and cadmium discharges under the convention for the prevention of marine pollution from land-based sources
85/613/EEC: Council Decision of 20 December 1985 concerning the adoption, on beha... (31985D0613)
86/103/EEC: Council Decision of 24 March 1986 accepting, on behalf of the Community, Annex F 2 to the International Convention on the simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures
86/103/EEC: Council Decision of 24 March 1986 accepting, on behalf of the Communi... (31986D0103)
86/181/EEC: Council Decision of 6 May 1986 concerning the accession of the European Economic Community to the Agreement on the temporary importation, free of duty, of medical, surgical and laboratory equipment for use on free loan in hospitals and other medical institutions for purposes of diagnosis or treatment
86/181/EEC: Council Decision of 6 May 1986 concerning the accession of the Europe... (31986D0181)
86/238/EEC: Council Decision of 9 June 1986 on the accession of the Community to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, as amended by the Protocol annexed to the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the States Parties to the Convention signed in Paris on 10 July 1984
86/238/EEC: Council Decision of 9 June 1986 on the accession of the Community to ... (31986D0238)
86/277/EEC: Council Decision of 12 June 1986 on the conclusion of the Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on long-term financing of the cooperative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe (EMEP)
86/277/EEC: Council Decision of 12 June 1986 on the conclusion of the Protocol to... (31986D0277)
86/28/Euratom: Council Decision of 20 January 1986 approving the conclusion by the Commission of a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of Canada concerning cooperation in the field of fusion research and development
86/28/Euratom: Council Decision of 20 January 1986 approving the conclusion by th... (31986D0028)
86/37/EEC, ECSC: Recommendation of the Commission of 28 February 1986 to the Member States on the extension of the period of validity of the transitional measures adopted in respect of ACP States and overseas countries and territories: - Council Regulation (EEC) No 485/85, - Council Regulation (EEC) No 486/85, - Council Decision 85/159/EEC, - Decision 85/160/ECSC of the representatives of the Government of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council of 26 February 1985
86/37/EEC, ECSC: Recommendation of the Commission of 28 February 1986 to the Memb... (31986H0037)
86/548/EEC: Financial Regulation of 11 November 1986 applicable to the Sixth European Development Fund
86/548/EEC: Financial Regulation of 11 November 1986 applicable to the Sixth Euro... (31986Q0548)
86/553/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation concerning non-agricultural and processed agricultural products not covered by the Agreement
86/553/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreem... (31986D0553)
86/557/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreements in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway concerning agriculture and fisheries
86/557/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreem... (31986D0557)
86/559/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreements in the form of Exchanges of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation concerning agriculture and fisheries
86/559/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Agreem... (31986D0559)
86/573/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation consequent on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Community
86/573/EEC: Council Decision of 15 September 1986 on the conclusion of the Additi... (31986D0573)
86/77/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 February 1986 approving certain food-aid operations carried out by humanitarian organizations and exempting them from monetary compensatory amounts (Only the English text is authentic)
86/77/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 February 1986 approving certain food-aid ope... (31986D0077)
86/88/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 10 March 1986 concerning the conclusion of the Framework Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Norway
86/88/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 10 March 1986 concerning the conclusion o... (31986D0088)
87/105/Euratom: Commission Decision of 6 November 1986 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement for cooperation in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion between the European Atomic Energy Community and the United States Department of Energy by the Commission for and on behalf of the said Community
87/105/Euratom: Commission Decision of 6 November 1986 concerning the conclusion ... (31987D0105)
87/149/EEC: Council Decision of 3 November 1986 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on the Mediterranean preferences, citrus and pasta
87/149/EEC: Council Decision of 3 November 1986 concerning the conclusion of the ... (31987D0149)
87/177/EEC: Council Decision of 9 February 1987 concerning the conclusion of the Framework Agreements for scientific and technical cooperation between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Austria
87/177/EEC: Council Decision of 9 February 1987 concerning the conclusion of the ... (31987D0177)
87/183/Euratom: Commission Decision of 9 March 1987 concerning the final conclusion on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, of the Framework Agreements for scientific and technical cooperation between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Austria
87/183/Euratom: Commission Decision of 9 March 1987 concerning the final conclusi... (31987D0183)
87/209/EEC: Council Decision of 9 February 1987 on the conclusion of the Protocol of Accession of Mexico to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
87/209/EEC: Council Decision of 9 February 1987 on the conclusion of the Protocol... (31987D0209)