Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 07 Transport policy alphabetisch

Council Decision (EU) 2022/644 of 12 April 2022 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Union within the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee during its 105th session and within the International Maritime Organization’s Facilitation Committee during its 46th session as regards the adoption of amendments to the resolutions on performance standards in relation to equipment used in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and of amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL)
Council Decision (EU) 2022/644 of 12 April 2022 on the position to be adopted on ... (32022D0644)
Council Decision (EU) 2022/675 of 11 April 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 57th session of the Committee of Experts for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail as regards certain amendments to Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail
Council Decision (EU) 2022/675 of 11 April 2022 on the position to be taken on be... (32022D0675)
Council Decision (EU) 2022/762 of 12 May 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Port State Control Committee of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State control as regards the Russian Federation’s membership of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding
Council Decision (EU) 2022/762 of 12 May 2022 on the position to be taken on beha... (32022D0762)
Council Decision (EU) 2022/936 of 13 June 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 14th meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) as regards the modification of the uniform technical prescriptions concerning telematics applications for freight and the revision of Annex B to the ATMF Uniform Rules on derogations, and in the written procedure of the Revision Committee of OTIF as regards the modification of the ATMF Uniform Rules
Council Decision (EU) 2022/936 of 13 June 2022 on the position to be taken on beh... (32022D0936)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/1052 of 22 May 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Joint Committee established by the Agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan as regards the adoption of the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee
Council Decision (EU) 2023/1052 of 22 May 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D1052)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/1082 of 30 May 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee during its 107th session as regards the amendment of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), of the 1994 International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft (the ‘1994 HSC Code’) and the 2000 International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft (the ‘2000 HSC Code’), of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (the ‘Polar Code’), of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers (STCW) and the STWC Code, and of the International Life-Saving Appliances Code (the ‘LSA Code’)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/1082 of 30 May 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D1082)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2079 of 18 September 2023 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and Japan on certain provisions of agreements between Member States of the European Union and Japan for air services
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2079 of 18 September 2023 on the conclusion, on behalf... (32023D2079)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2116 of 22 May 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 15th meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) as regards the modification of the uniform technical prescriptions concerning the qualifications and independence of assessing entities and concerning a common safety method on risk evaluation and assessment, the modification of the rules of procedure of the Committee of Technical Experts, and the modification of the references to the technical documents of TAF TSI listed in Appendix I to the uniform technical prescriptions concerning telematics applications for freight
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2116 of 22 May 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D2116)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2582 of 8 November 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the 5th session of the OTIF ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International Cooperation
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2582 of 8 November 2023 on the position to be taken on... (32023D2582)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2751 of 30 November 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the International Maritime Organization during the 33rd session of its Assembly on the adoption of amendments to the Guidelines on places of refuge for ships in need of assistance, to the Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, to the Non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the IMO Instruments Implementation Code and to the Guidelines on implementation of the International Safety Management Code by Administrations
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2751 of 30 November 2023 on the position to be taken o... (32023D2751)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2756 of 4 December 2023 authorising the opening of negotiations with the State of Israel for an agreement on civil aviation safety
Council Decision (EU) 2023/2756 of 4 December 2023 authorising the opening of neg... (32023D2756)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/362 of 14 February 2023 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and Japan on certain provisions of agreements between Member States of the European Union and Japan for air services
Council Decision (EU) 2023/362 of 14 February 2023 on the signing, on behalf of t... (32023D0362)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/568 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the Union in the 228th session of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as regards the adoption of Amendment 93 to Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume I – Radio Navigation Aids of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and of the amendment to the Technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air to permit active tracking devices powered by small lithium batteries in checked baggage
Council Decision (EU) 2023/568 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D0568)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/569 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, in respect of proposals for the amendment of Annex 16, Volumes I to III to the Chicago Convention, concerning Standards and Recommended Practices relating to environmental protection
Council Decision (EU) 2023/569 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D0569)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/576 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Committee established by the Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine on the carriage of freight by road as regards the adoption of the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee and the continuation of the Agreement
Council Decision (EU) 2023/576 of 9 March 2023 on the position to be taken on beh... (32023D0576)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/684 of 20 March 2023 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part, and on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Ancillary Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the first part, Iceland, of the second part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the third part, on the application of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part
Council Decision (EU) 2023/684 of 20 March 2023 on the signing, on behalf of the ... (32023D0684)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/746 of 28 March 2023 establishing the criteria and the procedure for establishing the position to be taken on the European Union’s behalf within the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards the adoption of, or amendments to, international standards and recommended practices, and the notification of differences with respect to adopted international standards
Council Decision (EU) 2023/746 of 28 March 2023 establishing the criteria and the... (32023D0746)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/911 of 28 September 2021 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of a Protocol to the Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus (Interbus Agreement) regarding the international regular and special regular carriage of passengers by coach and bus
Council Decision (EU) 2023/911 of 28 September 2021 on the conclusion, on behalf ... (32023D0911)
Council Decision (EU) 2023/983 of 15 May 2023 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the European Union within the Group of Experts of the European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport (AETR), within the Working Party on Road Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and, if relevant, in relation to a communication by the United Nations Secretary-General pursuant to Article 21(1) of the AETR, as regards an amendment to introduce a ‘force majeure’ clause
Council Decision (EU) 2023/983 of 15 May 2023 on the position to be adopted on be... (32023D0983)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1005 of 25 March 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the European Committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation and within the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine on the adoption of standards concerning professional qualifications in inland navigation
Council Decision (EU) 2024/1005 of 25 March 2024 on the position to be taken on b... (32024D1005)