EU - Rechtsakte: 18 Common Foreign and Security Policy

Neueste gefundene Änderungen

Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/2181 of 27 August 2024 on the appointment of the EU Mission Force Commander for the European Union Military Assistance Mission in Mozambique (EUMAM Mozambique), and repealing Decision (CFSP) 2023/1790 (EUMAM Mozambique/1/2024)
Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/2181 of 27 August 2024 on t... (32024D2181)
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the participation of the Swiss Confederation in the European Union military mission to contribute to the training of the Malian Armed Forces (EUTM Mali)
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the parti... (22014A0521(01))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Central African Republic on the status in the Central African Republic of the European Union CSDP Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA)
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union an... (22015A0428(01))
Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1131 of 30 July 2020 launching the European Union CSDP Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA)
Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1131 of 30 July 2020 launching the European Union CS... (32020D1131)
Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/1191 of 16 April 2024 on the acceptance of a third State’s contribution to the European Union military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH/36/2024)
Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/1191 of 16 April 2024 on th... (32024D1191)
Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/1202 of 23 April 2024 extending the mandate of the Head of Mission of the European Union Partnership Mission in Moldova (EUPM Moldova) (EUPM Moldova/1/2024)
Political and Security Committee Decision (CFSP) 2024/1202 of 23 April 2024 exten... (32024D1202)
Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/1248 of 29 April 2024 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Armed Forces of Côte d’Ivoire
Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/1248 of 29 April 2024 on an assistance measure under... (32024D1248)

Alle Rechtstexte

2010/443/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/443/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for Central Asia
2010/443/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/443/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the man... (32010D0443)
2010/444/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/444/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
2010/444/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/444/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the man... (32010D0444)
2010/445/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/445/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the crisis in Georgia
2010/445/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/445/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the man... (32010D0445)
2010/447/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/447/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace process
2010/447/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/447/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the man... (32010D0447)
2010/449/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/449/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus
2010/449/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/449/CFSP of 11 August 2010 extending the man... (32010D0449)
2010/452/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/452/CFSP of 12 August 2010 on the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia, EUMM Georgia
2010/452/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/452/CFSP of 12 August 2010 on the European U... (32010D0452)
2010/461/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/461/CFSP of 26 July 2010 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
2010/461/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/461/CFSP of 26 July 2010 on support for acti... (32010D0461)
2010/464/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/464/CFSP of 6 August 2010 on the signing and conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Uganda on the Status of the European Union-led Mission in Uganda
2010/464/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/464/CFSP of 6 August 2010 on the signing and... (32010D0464)
2010/610/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision EUSEC/2/2010 of 8 October 2010 on the appointment of the Head of Mission for the European Union mission to provide advice and assistance for security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUSEC RD Congo)
2010/610/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision EUSEC/2/2010 of 8 Octobe... (32010D0610)
2010/616/EU: Council Decision of 7 October 2010 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and Japan on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
2010/616/EU: Council Decision of 7 October 2010 on the conclusion of the Agreemen... (32010D0616)
2010/649/EU: Council Decision of 7 October 2010 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation
2010/649/EU: Council Decision of 7 October 2010 on the conclusion of the Agreemen... (32010D0649)
2010/753/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/5/2010 of 26 November 2010 on the appointment of an EU Force Commander for the European Union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast (Atalanta)
2010/753/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/5/2010 of 26 No... (32010D0753)
2010/92/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/92/CFSP of 15 February 2010 extending restrictive measures against Zimbabwe
2010/92/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/92/CFSP of 15 February 2010 extending restric... (32010D0092)
2010/96/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/96/CFSP of 15 February 2010 on a European Union military mission to contribute to the training of Somali security forces
2010/96/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/96/CFSP of 15 February 2010 on a European Uni... (32010D0096)
2010/97/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/97/CFSP of 16 February 2010 on adapting and extending the period of application of the measures in Decision 2002/148/EC concluding consultations with Zimbabwe under Article 96 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement
2010/97/CFSP: Council Decision 2010/97/CFSP of 16 February 2010 on adapting and e... (32010D0097)
2011/209/EU: Council Decision of 28 February 2011 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Memorandum of Cooperation NAT-I-9406 between the United States of America and the European Union
2011/209/EU: Council Decision of 28 February 2011 on the signing, on behalf of th... (32011D0209)
2011/237/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/1/2011 of 13 April 2011 on the appointment of an EU Force Commander for the European Union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast (Atalanta)
2011/237/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/1/2011 of 13 Ap... (32011D0237)
2011/327/EU: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of 1 June 2011 on the handling of documents of EU civilian crisis management missions and military operations and repealing Decision 2008/836
2011/327/EU: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member Sta... (42011D0327)
2011/359/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision EUJUST LEX-IRAQ/1/2011 of 21 June 2011 concerning the appointment of the Head of Mission for the European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq, EUJUST LEX-IRAQ
2011/359/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision EUJUST LEX-IRAQ/1/2011 o... (32011D0359)
2011/399/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/3/2011 of 5 July 2011 on the appointment of an EU Force Commander for the European Union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast (Atalanta)
2011/399/CFSP: Political and Security Committee Decision Atalanta/3/2011 of 5 Jul... (32011D0399)