Council Decision (CFSP) 2025/442 of 28 February 2025 on Union outreach activities... (32025D0442)
EU - Rechtsakte: 18 Common Foreign and Security Policy


of 28 February 2025

on Union outreach activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty

Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 28(1) and Article 31(1) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
(1) The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 2 April 2013 and entered into force on 24 December 2014. All Member States of the Union are States Parties to the ATT (‘States Parties’).
(2) The ATT aims to establish the highest possible common international standards for regulating legal trade in conventional arms and to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and prevent their diversion. Key challenges are its effective implementation by States Parties and its universalisation, bearing in mind that regulating the international arms trade is a global endeavour. To contribute to addressing those challenges, the Council adopted Decision 2013/768/CFSP (1), thereby enlarging the export-control-related assistance portfolio of the Union with activities specific to the ATT. That Decision was followed by Council Decisions (CFSP) 2017/915 (2) and (CFSP) 2021/2309 (3) on Union outreach activities in support of the implementation of the ATT.
(3) Activities carried out under Decisions 2013/768/CFSP, 2017/915/CFSP and (CFSP) 2021/2309 have helped partner countries to cover a wide range of areas relevant to the establishment and development of a national arms transfer control system as required by the ATT. Cooperation has been developed with a number of beneficiary countries that had not previously been addressed under other Union export-control-related assistance activities, thereby reflecting the global nature of the ATT. Follow-up with those beneficiary countries is necessary to ensure that progress is sustained and to encourage regional outreach by those countries.
(4) In addition to the continuation of activities with current partner countries, it is advisable to extend partnership, on an exceptional basis, to other countries that have identified needs with regard to ATT accession or implementation in sub-regions in which the implementing agencies already have existing partnerships, at the request of such countries, in recognition of the value of a regional approach to the implementation and universalisation of the ATT.
(5) It is necessary to ensure complementarity and synergy between the outreach and assistance activities provided for in this Decision and other similar activities, including those provided for in Council Decisions (CFSP) 2023/2296 (4) and (CFSP) 2025/208 (5) and those Union activities that are relevant to export control assistance for dual-use goods. Therefore, it is important that regular exchanges of information take place among the implementing agencies for Union outreach activities in the field of arms export control, as well as between those implementing agencies and the European External Action Service. Such exchanges will encourage the participation of experts from other Member States, where relevant.
(6) The German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA) and Expertise France have previously been entrusted by the Council with the technical implementation of projects in support of the ATT,

Article 1

1.   For the purpose of supporting the effective implementation and universalisation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the Union shall undertake project activities with the following objectives:
(a) the reinforcement or development of arms transfer control capacities and expertise for ATT implementation in beneficiary countries;
(b) outreach to other countries, including non-States Parties to the ATT, with a view to supporting the universalisation of the ATT at national, regional and multilateral level.
2.   In order to achieve the objectives set out in paragraph 1, the Union shall undertake the following project activities:
(a) national workshops;
(b) ad hoc assistance;
(c) train-the-trainer activities;
(d) regional and multilateral activities, such as conferences, workshops and study visits;
(e) side events.
A detailed description of the project activities is set out in the Annex.
3.   The project activities referred to in this Decision shall be implemented in complementarity and synergy with Union assistance projects in the field of export control for conventional arms and dual-use goods, and, where appropriate, with other donors’ assistance projects in the field of arms trade control.

Article 2

1.   The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (the ‘High Representative’) shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision.
2.   The technical implementation of the project activities referred to in Article 1(2) shall be carried out by the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA) and Expertise France.
3.   BAFA and Expertise France shall perform their tasks under the responsibility of the High Representative. For that purpose, the High Representative shall enter into the necessary arrangements with BAFA and Expertise France.

Article 3

1.   The financial reference amount for the implementation of the project activities referred to in Article 1(2) shall be EUR 3 100 000,00.
2.   The expenditure financed by the reference amount set out in paragraph 1 shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the Union budget.
3.   The Commission shall supervise the proper management of the financial reference amount referred to in paragraph 1. For that purpose, it shall conclude the necessary agreements with BAFA and Expertise France. The agreements shall stipulate that BAFA and Expertise France are to ensure the visibility of the Union’s contribution, appropriate to its size.
4.   The Commission shall endeavour to conclude the agreements referred to in paragraph 3 as soon as possible after the entry into force of this Decision. It shall inform the Council of any difficulties in that process and of the date of conclusion of those agreements.

Article 4

1.   The High Representative shall report to the Council on the implementation of this Decision on the basis of annual reports prepared by BAFA and Expertise France.
2.   The Commission shall provide information on the financial aspects of the implementation of the project activities referred to in Article 1(2).

Article 5

1.   This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
2.   This Decision shall expire 36 months after the date of conclusion of the agreements referred to in Article 3(3) or six months after the date of its entry into force if those agreements have not been concluded within that period.
Done at Brussels, 28 February 2025.
For the Council
The President
(1)  Council Decision 2013/768/CFSP of 16 December 2013 on EU activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, in the framework of the European Security Strategy (
OJ L 341, 18.12.2013, p. 56
, ELI:
(2)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 of 29 May 2017 on Union outreach activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (
OJ L 139, 30.5.2017, p. 38
, ELI:
(3)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/2309 of 22 December 2021 on Union outreach activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (
OJ L 461, 27.12.2021, p. 78
, ELI:
(4)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/2296 of 23 October 2023 on Union support for activities of the Arms Trade Treaty Secretariat in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (
OJ L, 2023/2296, 24.10.2023, ELI:
(5)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2025/208 of 30 January 2025 in support a project on the promotion of effective arms export controls (
OJ L, 2025/208, 31.1.2025, ELI:




Background and purpose of Union support

This Decision builds on earlier Council Decisions that supported the UN process leading to the Arms Trade Treaty (‘ATT’) and the promotion of its effective implementation and universalisation. The ATT was adopted on 2 April 2013 by the UN General Assembly and entered into force on 24 December 2014.
The declared objective of the ATT is to ‘establish the highest possible common international standards for regulating or improving the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms and prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and prevent their diversion’. Its declared purpose is ‘contributing to international and regional peace, security and stability; reducing human suffering and promoting cooperation, transparency and responsible action by States Parties in the international trade in conventional arms, thereby building confidence among States Parties’  (1). The ATT’s objective and purpose are therefore compatible with the Union’s overall ambition with regard to foreign and security policy as enshrined in Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union.
A decade after the entry into force of the ATT, the main challenges continue to lie in its effective implementation and universalisation.
Although the Treaty has been expanded from 113 States Parties to 116 States Parties since the Tenth Conference of the States Parties (CSP10) in August 2024, universalisation still needs to be pursued. To advance universalisation, the ATT Working Group on Treaty Universalisation therefore highlighted the importance of building on existing universalisations efforts, sharing lessons on ratification and domestication practices, and to remain open and engaged with States from all regions interested in joining the Treaty.
Beyond universalisation, effective implementation of the ATT remains a key challenge. Challenges remain in relation to national control systems (one of the first themes of the multi-year work plan), improving transparency and reporting, and addressing risks under Articles 6 and 7. The priority theme of CSP10 – interagency cooperation – was seen as crucial to overcoming these hurdles. Based on the Working Paper
‘The Role of Interagency Cooperation in the Effective Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty Provisions’
(ATT/CSP10/2024/PRES/798/Conf.WP.IAC), the Conference recommended integrating interagency cooperation into guidance documents and creating tailored training programmes. Compliance with reporting obligations was reaffirmed as both a priority and a challenge, with States being encouraged to seek available assistance to meet these requirements. In this context, the work and role of regional reporting champions should be maintained and further activities undertaken to raise awareness of ATT reporting requirements and enhance reporting capacity of States Parties in their respective regions.
The outcomes of the CSP10 underlined the continued need for universal adherence, increased information sharing, interagency cooperation and capacity building to ensure the effective implementation and universalisation of the Treaty. Capacity-building initiatives and assistance projects therefore continue to play a vital role in implementing and promoting the objectives of the ATT.
In this context, the purpose of this Decision is to provide funding for a comprehensive set of assistance and outreach activities in order to contribute to addressing such challenges. It builds upon the results and lessons learnt of the three earlier phases funded by Decision 2013/768/CFSP, Decision (CFSP) 2017/915, and Decision (CFSP) 2021/2309, and demonstrates the continued and committed support to the ATT by the Union and its Member States.



The core objective of this Decision remains, as in three previous phases of the project, to support a number of States to build and/or strengthen their arms transfer control systems for effective implementation of the ATT with a view towards ownership and empowerment, and to continue to promote the universalisation of the ATT. To that end, the project encourages the enactment of effective, efficient and clear national rules and structures to govern the arms trade (good governance) based on multilateral and internationally recognized legal instruments and principles. The project also seeks to promote regional and international awareness, dialogue and cooperation in this area. Ultimately, the project aims to contribute to increasing global safety and security and to promote international peace.
Cooperation will be scaled and adapted to the needs of and progress made in each beneficiary country, taking into account the level of maturity and autonomy of the country’s national arms transfer control system. Other activities will aim at encouraging States which are not yet parties to the ATT to adopt the Treaty and start implementing it at a national level.
The specific objectives of the action are:
(a) support for reinforcement and/or development of arms transfer control capacities to facilitate the technical implementation of the ATT in existing beneficiary countries through instruments such as, among other, legal assistance and training of licensing and enforcement officials;
(b) universalisation of the Treaty at the national, regional and multilateral levels, through outreach to Partner States, including to States which are not yet parties to the ATT.


Partner countries

For the list of partner countries under this decision, see the appendix. A number of partner countries that received assistance under Council Decision 2013/768/CFSP and/or Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 and/or Council Decision 2021/2309 will continue to receive assistance under this Decision based on the recommendation by the implementing entities.
New countries expressing interest to participate in the project will only be admitted into the programme on an exceptional basis with the express consent of the Council Working Party on Conventional Arms Exports (COARM). Any prospective new partner countries should be sourced from those sub-regions in which the implementing agencies respectively already have existing partnership(s), as part of a newly adopted strategy to promote ‘universalisation through regionalisation’ going forward.
Prospective new partner countries will be asked to prepare a request for assistance to implement the ATT addressed to their potential implementing agency, which will forward the request to the COARM Chair for consideration by COARM. Their request should be as substantiated as possible, ideally already identifying all specifics of assistance needed, intended goals and timeline for their achievement. Where relevant, the requesting country should also refer to past or ongoing cooperation with other assistance providers and disclose information on its national ATT implementation strategy.
The requests will be assessed on the basis of, inter alia, the following criteria:
— the degree of political and legal commitment to adhere to the Treaty and the status of implementation of international instruments relevant to arms trade and arms transfer control that are applicable to the country,
— the likelihood of a successful outcome of the assistance activities,
— the assessment of any possible assistance already received or planned in the area of dual-use and arms transfer control,
— the country’s relevance to the global arms trade,
— the country’s relevance to the security interests of the EU,
— ODA eligibility.
Where the request for assistance is approved, an initial assessment of the needs and priorities of the country seeking assistance will be conducted, for example by using questionnaires and collecting existing information. Based on the results of this assessment, the respective implementing entity and the beneficiary country will jointly discuss the content for assistance through this action taking into account, where applicable, any ATT-related assistance provided through the Voluntary Trust Fund of the ATT, the UN Trust Facility supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR), the ATT Secretariat, or by other organisations. Where the country seeking assistance has already developed a national implementation strategy for the ATT, the implementing agency will also ensure that the assistance roadmap is consistent with that national implementation strategy.


Description of project activities

Project activities will address a variety of topics relevant to the national adoption and implementation of the ATT, particularly with regard to effective national arms trade controls. These include, among others, the principles and contents of the ATT, as well as the need for common international rules for the trade in arms; elements for a sound and robust legislation for arms trade controls; the licensing process (including e-licences, where applicable and appropriate); enforcement of such controls; risk assessment criteria, including related good practices to counter diversion and illicit trafficking; interagency cooperation; and working with industry and academia.
The assistance activities should be designed, where applicable, to respond in a flexible and reactive manner to meet the evolving individual needs of each beneficiary country, in order to strengthen their capacity to implement the ATT in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.
For beneficiary countries that have already benefited significantly from previous EU assistance programmes and made significant progress with regard to ATT implementation, the focus of cooperation will additionally concentrate on achieving self-reliance and developing intraregional support capacities, i.e. helping those partner countries take on a multiplier (champion) role for Treaty universalisation and implementation in their respective region, where appropriate and applicable. For these beneficiaries, some assistance workshops could – where appropriate – only involve mentoring components rather than repeating the technical assistance measures provided in the past.
The activities will address either one beneficiary country individually (national workshops), or a number of them having similar needs (multinational or regional workshops). They will take place according to various formats (in-person, online, hybrid, e-learning).
The expertise will be imparted by experts chosen from the pool of experts managed by the implementing agencies. The pool of experts will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis and expanded, as appropriate, to include new experts. Among others, new experts shall be identified in particular from long-term beneficiary and former beneficiary countries with more advanced arms transfer systems (ideally those that have participated in the Train the Trainer module).
The online platform first developed under the previous Decision may also play a role in strengthening engagement with the experts and building an experts’ community. More specifically, it could give experts the opportunity to:
— register, create their profile and detail their areas of expertise for a diversified and efficient mobilisation of the pool for the project’s activities,
— access a library of relevant information and documents related to the project and to ATT implementation, including bi-monthly newsletters, to ensure that all experts have access to a common body of ATT knowledge,
— connect to a forum in which they can share and discuss among each other any issues, questions or experiences they may have had with regard to the ATT and outreach.
The toolkit of outreach activities developed and elaborated in predecessor Council Decisions shall be maintained, as described in this section. It may be supplemented, where applicable, by EU political outreach activities headed by EU delegates for the purposes of lending added political momentum to the ATT ratification or implementation process in a partner country.


National activities

For each beneficiary country receiving individual national assistance, the dedicated assistance will be agreed between the respective implementing entity and the beneficiary country, considering the current state of the beneficiary country’s ATT implementation measures and achievements. This will be carried out by the implementing entity with the support of relevant experts, if required.


National workshops

Activity objective

The project will take the form of workshops offering individual beneficiary countries assistance in areas of specific national concern upon their request. State officials from the beneficiary countries, including government, licensing and enforcement officials, will participate in the workshops. Depending on the exact needs and availability of the beneficiary countries’ and Member States’ experts, the events, as a rule, will have a two-day format. Activities can also be organized online, as required.

Activity description

Activities will be predominantly in the form of workshop and seminars and will be allocated on a flexible and demand- driven basis according to the needs, interests and absorption capacities of the beneficiary countries. The intended timeframe for each activity is two to three days.
Where appropriate, beneficiary countries may request that representatives from other beneficiary countries or third countries be invited to a national activity. Feedback gathered under previous Decisions indicates that partner countries greatly welcome and also benefit from the opportunity to share knowledge, ideas, and good practices on a bilateral or sub- regional basis, thereby also fostering a closer cooperation between neighbouring countries.
Under Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915, a number of activities had to be organised in a virtual format due to travel and contact restrictions tied to the outbreak of COVID-19. Though not all activities are well suited for a virtual format, the success of many online activities under the previous Decision (CFSP) 2021/2309 suggests that a mix of virtual, in-person and hybrid (where a portion of the participants attends in person, while the remaining participants connect to the event remotely) formats can be effectively used in the current Decision.
A number of countries have been included in previous Decisions. In light of the assistance already received by these countries, assistance for these long-term beneficiary countries will take into account the level of progress made to date.


Ad hoc assistance

Activity objective

In addition, individual support, where suitable and appropriate, will be provided through remote assistance (among others: legal reviews; consultation on specific cases, including support for technical rating of a particular good, support with guiding materials; etc.).

Activity description

Ad hoc assistance can be carried out either:
(a) remotely, performed by experts as desk work or by using online tools/options;
(b) on-site, for example in the form of direct and in-person briefings or as longer (up to two-week) assignments carried out by a small group of experts (generally only one or two) providing comprehensive consultation and practical advice to a relevant authority in the beneficiary country; or
(c) a combination of the two (a so-called ‘blended approach’ in which some activities, depending on the topic, are conducted virtually while others are carried out in person).
This form of assistance will be made available to all beneficiary countries. The budget will provide a maximum number of expert days to be allotted to these assistance activities. A portion of the budget will also cover any technical tools and equipment needed to carry out these activities, such as subscription fees for online platforms for sharing documents.


Train-the-trainer approach

Activity objective

In order to promote ownership of national ATT implementation as well as regional Treaty universalisation initiatives and to ensure the sustainability of the Union’s assistance measures under this and previous Decisions, especially among long-term partner countries, it is critical that beneficiary countries develop capabilities and tools to carry on the process of ATT implementation and universalisation independently of EU or other external assistance. To help achieve this, it will be important to offer support to the beneficiary countries to develop national capacities with regard to (a) training their own staff; and (b) building a body of ATT implementation-related information and resources that will support the development of institutional memory and intraregional support capacities.
To avoid unnecessary duplications, the implementing entities will, where applicable and appropriate, ensure coordination with other EU-funded actions in this area, including those implemented by the ATT Secretariat.
An additional benefit of this activity will be to expand the project’s pool of experts, with experts from beneficiary countries to serve as multipliers of Treaty universalisation, where appropriate.

Activity description

The train-the-trainer approach will consist of two complementary components that will be adapted according to the different levels of progress and maturity within the beneficiary countries’ trade control systems.
One component of this module will be to conduct training workshops for a number of beneficiary countries’ experts in order to effectively enable them at a later stage to train their own colleagues taking into consideration their level of expertise. Newly trained experts will function as multipliers of ATT-related expertise in their own countries, and will help strengthen self-supporting institutional capacities.
The goal of these activities is to provide the future trainers with the didactical and training skills needed to train staff in their own country, while also increasing the beneficiary countries’ capabilities with regard to knowledge management and institutional memory. Where appropriate, partner countries may be encouraged to develop their own ‘Train the Trainers’ programme based on the training approach and materials developed under this and previous phases of the programme. These activities aim therefore to enable the beneficiary countries to become more independent and self-reliant with respect to creating, disseminating and maintaining ATT-related knowledge within relevant government authorities. Because of the hands-on and practical nature of these activities, an in-person format would be most appropriate; however, a blended approach that includes in-person and virtual activities may also be effective.
The second component will be an online platform that will support, when relevant and technically possible in partner countries, future trainers in developing their own training materials by housing a collection of material and documents pertinent to ATT implementation as assembled and/or, if needed, developed by the implementing entities and made available to the beneficiary countries. As well, the platform will enable the future trainers to seek out advice from the experts’ community and discuss any potential difficulties they may face in the implementation of their national trainings. The platform will also be used to provide follow-up to activities and archive deliverables produced under this and previous Decisions.
Building on the work done under the previous Decision, the implementing entities will have the option to delegate the development, curation and production of such material to external experts, also chosen from the pool of experts, as appropriate. With a view to strengthening institutional capacity in the relevant authorities of the beneficiary countries, the training activities should also focus on encouraging beneficiary countries to develop and maintain their own collection of information and documentation on ATT implementation.
The project platform will increase the visibility of the programme, facilitate contacts between stakeholders, foster dialogue between implementers and partners, and maintain cooperation with beneficiary countries. Where possible, materials developed under the project will be rendered accessible and the use of a social- network type of technology will allow active online communication and information exchange between the participants in a familiar environment. The institutions of the Union and Member States will also benefit from this dedicated platform where implementing entities will exchange information on the conduct of activities.
Where possible, the implementing entities will advertise the train-the-trainer workshops and materials and identify future trainers while carrying out assistance activities in beneficiary countries under this Decision (the final decision regarding the designation of future trainers will remain, however, the responsibility of the beneficiary country). Depending on their suitability, these officials may be subsequently registered in the pool of experts and invited to participate as an expert in other activities described in this Decision. This will further support the goal of encouraging long-term beneficiary countries to adopt the role of regional champions of ATT implementation and multipliers of Treaty universalisation.


Regional and International Activities


Multilateral Activities

Activity objective

The project will take the form of multilateral activities involving at least two beneficiary countries who are interested in an issue of common concern for the purpose of exchanging knowledge, experience and national approaches on this particular issue. These activities can be organized in one of the beneficiary countries of this Decision, in a beneficiary State or online. Multilateral knowledge exchange activities include both multinational workshops as well as study visits.
Multilateral activities will be be conducted to promote international and south-south cooperation beyond regional conferences. Especially the long-term partner countries (i.e. beneficiaries under previous Council Decisions) could benefit from this format, as it allows for information exchange and knowledge transfer on a particular issue with other peers and international experts.
Study visits provide beneficiary countries with the opportunity to access government authorities and officials in other countries that apply the ATT. Thus, they represent an important complement to national activities in the beneficiary countries by offering these countries a broader frame of reference regarding the practical implementation of the Treaty. Moreover, because of the close interaction between host country representatives and visiting officials, they also carry high training potential, especially for future experts and trainers-to-be. Study visits will therefore be made available to government officials, including those responsible for policy, licensing and enforcement, of each of the beneficiary countries described under point

Activity description

Each study visit will last up to three days and is generally intended for a single beneficiary country, however, where deemed appropriate and/or if requested by the countries themselves, several beneficiary countries may be invited to participate in the same study visit.
Given their nature, study visits should be conducted as in-person activities only. They may take place in a Member State or in a third country (third countries need not necessarily be beneficiary countries under this Council Decision). The organisation of the study visit will be ensured by the implementing entity in charge of the partner country benefitting from the study visit.
Multilateral workshops can be organized for up to two days and take place in one of the beneficiary countries involved in the activity, in a Member State or online.


Regional and cross-regional conferences

Activity objective

Regional activities are an increasingly important format to advance the cause of Treaty universalisation. One key observation from the experience gathered in previous project phases is that partner countries feel more comfortable and motivated to move forward on Treaty implementation when placed in the context of their surrounding region (i.e. when measured against neighbouring States), which holds common political, economic and cultural traits. Therefore, regional dynamics shall be used to foster a self-reinforcing cycle of regional exchange and mutual support. The regionally-focused activities will bring together several countries, either from a single region or from different regions (cross-regional and international activities), to share experiences and discuss issues of common concern and interest related to ATT implementation and arms trade controls. Beneficiary countries that have previously received assistance under Council Decision 2013/768/CFSP and/or Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 and Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/2309 and shown important progress and commitment with respect to ATT implementation will play a particularly important part in such activities as role models for their respective regions. Long-term capacity of established partner countries, where appropriate, will help them to become multipliers and ‘regional champions’ for Treaty universalisation in their respective regions. This could encourage ownership of ATT implementation at a regional level and promote south-south cooperation over the longer term.
Cross-regional and international activities have been included in this Decision in response to requests from beneficiary countries that wish to learn from the experience of countries in other parts of the world. In this manner, cross-regional and international activities can help animate and foster a more global exchange of approaches and practices related to the ATT.

Activity description

Regional activities will be organised as two or three-day events and will be allocated by region. These activities should include at least three participating countries. In addition to the beneficiary countries listed under section 3, it will be important to open these activities, where relevant, to third countries otherwise not included in this Decision, in particular non-States parties. Furthermore, where possible, it is advisable to involve at least one of the more advanced established beneficiary countries (i.e., countries that received assistance under Council Decision 2013/768/CFSP and/or Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 and Council Decision 2021/2309 as described in section 3 and whose arms trade control system has already reached a certain degree of maturity) to act as a multiplier and/or to invite the participation of experts from these countries as a way to encourage the building of regional expertise and south-south cooperation.
Regional activities will be organised according to demand and availability on the part of the host countries. In-person participation will be the preferred format for such activities as it will ensure the greatest impact; however, online or hybrid formats may also be used depending on the circumstances and preferences of the participants.
Regional activities will not be limited to single regions but instead also give beneficiary countries from different regions the possibility to attend cross-regional activities. During the implementation of the previous project phases, it became apparent that there is a high demand among partner countries to not only learn from and exchange information within their respective regions but also beyond that.


International Side Event

Activity objective

In order to reach the widest possible audience and promote not only the universalisation of the ATT but also the EU’s efforts towards this goal, BAFA and Expertise France will jointly organise an international side event in the margins of a multilateral conference organised at the UN level, e.g., during the annual session of the UN General Assembly’s First Committee in New York.

Activity description

The international side event will consist of a one-day event involving a select number of partner country representatives, international experts (especially from beneficiary or former beneficiary countries, preferably those who have participated in the Train-the-Trainer module) and representatives of international and regional organisations as well as civil society actors engaged in promoting ATT implementation and universalisation.


Side events in the margins of ATT Conferences of States Parties (CSP’s)

Activity objective

Annual Conferences of ATT States Parties offer a unique opportunity to reach out to relevant officials and stakeholders in charge of ATT matters. EU-funded side events will notably enable awareness raising about the EU's implementation support activities, facilitate contacts with countries that may subsequently seek assistance, and promote good practices, in particular by beneficiary countries.

Activity description

Three side events will take place over the duration of the programme, i.e. one for every annual Conference of ATT States Parties, and will be jointly organised by the implementing entities. EU funds may notably cover the travel expenses for a defined number of experts or officials from beneficiary countries.


Closing conference

Activity objective

The objective of the closing conference is to increase awareness and ownership of the ATT among not only the partner countries, but also relevant stakeholders such as national parliaments, regional and international organisations, and civil society representatives that are interested in in the broader impact that the Treaty should have. By convening representatives from many different parts of the world, the conference will furthermore serve as a forum for strengthening the international network and community of actors involved in the Treaty’s implementation and working towards its universalisation.

Activity description

The activity will take the form of a two-day hybrid (online only if agreed by the EEAS and implementing entities) conference to be organised close to the end of the implementation of this Decision and possibly back-to-back with a COARM meeting. The implementing entities will be jointly in charge of its implementation. This conference will gather relevant representatives of beneficiary countries of activities described in section 4 as well as other stakeholders involved in promoting the Treaty and its objectives.
The conference will facilitate exchanges of experience by the beneficiary countries, provide information on their positions vis-à-vis the ATT and the ATT's ratification and implementation status, and will enable the sharing of relevant information with representatives of national parliaments, regional organisations and civil society.
In addition to partner country representatives, the Closing Conference may also include experts that have contributed to project activities as well as representatives of other relevant organisations and civil society actors engaged in promoting ATT implementation and universalisation.


Engaging with the community of experts


Experts meetings

Activity objective

Experts meetings will focus on intensifying cooperation with and among experts from the project pool of experts that was established under Council Decisions 2013/768/CFSP, (CFSP) 2017/915, and (CFSP) 2021/2309, as well as with new experts, especially those from beneficiary and former beneficiary countries that have participated in the Train the Trainer module described in section 4.1.3. They will promote constructive exchanges on the implementation and outcomes of the project, thereby encouraging long-term involvement in the project and mobilising expertise within the larger ATT community. The activities will also contribute to south-south cooperation by involving, where appropriate, experts from beneficiary and former beneficiary countries themselves.

Activity description

Experts meetings will be convened by the implementing entities (each in charge of organizing one), mainly, though not exclusively, targeting experts who were involved in the previous phases of the project and/or who have frequently participated in project activities. The meetings will notably aim to:
— develop among experts a common understanding of the challenges and responses relating to ATT implementation support; harmonise and streamline key messages to be conveyed during outreach activities,
— provide experts with information on progress made by the partner countries with regard to ATT implementation and on assistance provided within the project,
— develop and/or modify, as appropriate, common approaches to be used in the assistance imparted by the experts so that advice provided by the experts is consistent and adapted to the needs of the beneficiary countries.
A two-pronged approach will be used to engage with experts consisting of the following:
— two online meetings involving experts from the experts pool to develop common goals and approaches for reaching out to beneficiary countries
— use of the online platform (initially developed under the second phase of the project), where applicable, and its tools to foster communication among experts, and to support the exchange of information on the ATT and project implementation (activities, experts, etc.).


Support for universalisation

In addition to providing beneficiary countries with technical assistance to support the implementation of the ATT, the present Decision also aims to promote and advance the universalisation of the Treaty, thereby contributing to wider multilateral efforts to prevent diversion and illicit trafficking of conventional arms and promoting more security for all.
To that end, actions undertaken within the framework of this Decision will also focus on establishing cooperation with non-States parties and encouraging accession to the ATT. The associated activities will reinforce the Treaty’s visibility, raising public awareness about the risks and threats posed by diversion and illicit trafficking of conventional arms, while also promoting dialogue between States and non-States parties in order to help build confidence and transparency.
When relevant, States which are not yet parties to the ATT will therefore be offered support under this Decision, where appropriate, in the form of technical assistance activities as described in section 4. These activities will be organised upon request of such States and according to demand and availability of resources.
In addition to this and in order to further encourage universalisation of the Treaty, regional and international activities, as described, will be organised with aim to:
— increase awareness about the risks and challenges of diversion and illicit trafficking of conventional arms,
— provide a platform for experts and officials from relevant authorities in different countries to exchange on strategic trade issues,
— promote objectives of universality, full implementation and enhancement of the ATT.
The activities shall be carried out in close collaboration with the authorities of the respective national governments and, as appropriate, relevant academia, NGOs and/or regional organizations. IThe activities shall, where appropriate and applicable, be supported by EU delegates for the purposes of lending added political momentum.


Implementing entities

The workload resulting from activities under this Decision makes it advisable to use two competent implementing entities: BAFA and Expertise France. They will, where appropriate, partner with, and/or delegate to, Member States’ export control agencies, relevant regional and international organisations, think tanks, research institutes and NGOs.
BAFA and Expertise France were responsible for the implementation of Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 and Decision 2021/2309 as well as of other previous and current EU outreach programmes. Taken together, both implementing entities therefore have the proven experience, qualifications and necessary expertise over the full range of relevant Union export control activities, both in the dual-use and arms export control areas.


Coordination with other relevant assistance activities

The implementing entities shall ensure proper coordination among the various Union instruments, in order to:
— ensure a coherent approach of Union outreach activities towards third countries,
— avoid overlaps in timing and contents of the activities,
— share experiences with regard to project implementation and identify potential synergies among the different assistance projects in the field of export control.
— seek synergy and complementarity with other donors’ assistance projects, where appropriate
To that end, annual online exchanges of information will take place between the implementing agencies of the Union outreach activities in the field of export control, as well as with the European External Action Service through an established and formalised coordination mechanism. The participation of experts from other Member States should be encouraged whenever relevant. The implementing entities will be jointly in charge of the activity’s implementation.
Attention should also be paid by the implementing entities to ATT-relevant activities carried out under the UN programme of action to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects and its Implementation Support System (PoA-ISS), UNSCR 1540 (2004), the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund and the UNSCAR, as well as bilateral assistance activities. The implementing entities should liaise as appropriate with other assistance providers in order to share information, avoid undue duplication and ensure consistency and complementarity.
The project shall also aim to increase among the beneficiary countries the awareness of Union instruments able to support south-south cooperation in export controls. In this regard, the assistance activities should provide, where appropriate, information on and promote available instruments such as the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative and other EU P2P Programmes.


Union visibility and availability of assistance material

Materials and tools produced by the project, including the online platform described under point, will ensure and enhance the visibility of the Union. All such outputs will follow the logo and graphic chart of the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions and include the logo ‘EU P2P export control programme’. Union Delegations should be involved in events in third countries to enhance political follow-up and visibility.
Developed during phase III of the project, the production and electronic distribution of an EU assistance programme newsletter will be continued in order to reach an increasingly wide audience within the partner countries, the Member States and the international ATT expertise community.


Impact assessment

The impact of activities provided for by this Decision should be technically assessed upon their completion. The impact assessment will be carried out by the implementing entities in cooperation with the European External Action Service, including, as appropriate, with the Union Delegations in the beneficiary countries, as well as with other relevant stakeholders. The impact assessment should pay special attention to the number of beneficiary countries that have ratified the ATT and to the development of their arms transfer control capacities. Such assessment of the arms transfer control capacities of the beneficiary countries should, in particular, cover the preparation and issuance of national relevant regulations, the fulfilment of ATT reporting obligations, and the empowerment of a relevant body in charge of arms transfer control.



The implementing entities will prepare regular reports, including after the completion of each of the activities. The reports should be submitted to the High Representative no later than six weeks after the completion of relevant activities.
Country-specific progress reports will be introduced and will be submitted to COARM on an annual basis by the end of each year. A reporting template will be developed by the implementing agencies and submitted to the COARM Chair for consideration no later than three months after the entry into force of this Decision.



The total estimated duration of the action will be 36 months.
(1)  Arms Trade Treaty, Art. 1.


Partner countries will be addressed as follows by the implementing entities:
BAFA Partner Countries (PC) in EU ATT OP IV:
Costa Rica
Expertise France Partner Countries (PC) in EU ATT OP IV:
Cote d’Ivoire
Sierra Leone
Union of the Comoros
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)