of 29 January 2025
authorising the placing on the market of
Lemna minor
Lemna gibba
plants as novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470
(Text with EEA relevance)
Article 1
Article 2
Authorised novel food |
Conditions under which the novel food may be used |
Additional specific labelling requirements |
Other requirements |
Data protection |
‘Heat-treated Lemna minor and Lemna gibba |
Specified food category |
Maximum levels |
Not specified |
Authorised Novel Food |
Specification |
‘Heat-treated Lemna minor and Lemna gibba |
Description/Definition: Lemna minor and Lemna gibba plant material cultivated under controlled conditions consisting of heat treated small green leaves with some minor white roots. Characteristics/composition Moisture 91–95 g/100 g Protein (N × 6,25) 1–4 g/100 g Carbohydrates 1–3 g/100 g Dietary fibre 0,5–3 g/100 g Ash 1–2 g/100 g Fat 0,2–0,6 g/100 g Oxalates (as calcium oxalate) < 1,6 g/kg Beta-carotene < 3,160 μg/100 g Folate < 38 μg/100 g Phylloquinone < 46 μg/100 g Copper < 2,5 mg/kg Iron < 53 mg/kg Manganese ≤ 6 mg/kg Molybdenum < 0,5 mg/kg Zinc < 20 mg/kg Chromium < 1 mg/kg Boron < 15 mg/kg Contaminants Nitrate < 520 mg/kg Nitrite < 1,75 mg/kg Lead < 0,3 mg/kg Cadmium < 0,2 mg/kg Mercury < 0,05 mg/kg Arsenic < 0,05 mg/kg Microcystins < 23 μg/kg Nodularins < 7 μg/kg IAA < 0,1 mg/kg Microbiological criteria Total aerobic microbial count: < 5 000 CFU/g Escherichia coli: < 100 CFU/g Bacillus cereus: < 100 CFU/g Coagulase-positive staphylococci: Not detected in 10 g Listeria monocytogenes: Absence in 25 g Salmonella spp. Absence in 25 g Total yeast and mould count: < 100 CFU/g IAA: indole-3-acetic acid; CFU: colony forming unit.’ |