of 5 December 2024
on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Protocol on the implementation of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Government of Greenland and the Government of Denmark, of the other part (2025–2030)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 43 in conjunction with Article 218(5) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,
(1) The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Government of Greenland and the Government of Denmark, of the other part (1) (‘the Agreement’) was approved by means of Council Decision (EU) 2021/2043 (2) and entered into force on 18 February 2022. The Protocol thereto setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Agreement will expire on 21 April 2025.
(2) On 13 June 2024, the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations with the Government of Greenland (‘Greenland’) and the Government of Denmark for the conclusion of a new protocol on the implementation of the Agreement.
(3) The Commission has negotiated, on behalf of the Union, a new protocol on the implementation of the Agreement. As a result of those negotiations, the Protocol on the implementation of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Government of Greenland and the Government of Denmark, of the other part (2025–2030) (‘the Protocol’) was initialled on 20 September 2024.
(4) The objectives of the Protocol are to enable Union vessels to fish in Greenland’s fishing zone and to enable the Union and Greenland to work closely together to further promote the development of a sustainable fisheries policy and the responsible exploitation of fishery resources in Greenland’s fishing zone. That cooperation will also contribute to decent working conditions in the fisheries sector.
(5) The Protocol should be signed.
(6) In accordance with the Treaties, the Commission should ensure the signing of the Protocol, subject to its conclusion.
(7) In view of the economic importance of Union fishing activity in Greenland’s fishing zone and the need to limit, as much as possible, the duration of any interruption of that activity, the Protocol should be applied on a provisional basis, pending the completion of the procedures necessary for its entry into force.
(8) The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 42 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) and delivered an opinion on 11 December 2024,
Article 1
The signing on behalf of the Union of the Protocol on the implementation of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Government of Greenland and the Government of Denmark, of the other part (2025–2030) (‘the Protocol’) is hereby authorised, subject to the conclusion of the said Protocol (4).
Article 2
The Commission shall ensure the signing of the Protocol, subject to its conclusion.
Article 3
The Protocol shall be applied on a provisional basis, in accordance with Article 12 thereof, as from the date of its signature (5), pending the completion of the procedures necessary for its entry into force.
Article 4
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 5 December 2024.
For the Council
The President
OJ L 175, 18.5.2021, p. 3
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/agree_internation/2021/793/oj.
(2) Council Decision (EU) 2021/2043 of 18 November 2021 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Government of Greenland and the Government of Denmark, of the other part, and the implementing Protocol thereto (
OJ L 418, 24.11.2021, p. 1
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2021/2043/oj).
(3) Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (
OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2018/1725/oj).
(4) The text of the Protocol is published in
OJ L, 2024/3203, 30.12.2024, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/prot/2024/3203/oj
(5) The date of signature of the Protocol will be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union
by the General Secretariat of the Council.
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2024/3202/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)