Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2662 of 14 October 2024 establishing a... (32024D2662)
EU - Rechtsakte: 20 Peoples Europe


of 14 October 2024

establishing a standard EU Emergency Travel Document application form and amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Council Directive (EU) 2019/997 of 18 June 2019 establishing an EU Emergency Travel Document and repealing Decision 96/409/CFSP (1), and in particular Article 4(9) and Article 9(1) thereof,
(1) Directive (EU) 2019/997 lays down rules on the conditions and procedure for unrepresented citizens in third countries to obtain an EU Emergency Travel Document (‘EU ETD’) and establishes a uniform format for the document, consisting of a uniform EU ETD form and a uniform EU ETD sticker.
(2) Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 (2) lays down additional technical specifications concerning the design, format and colours of the uniform EU ETD form and sticker, the requirements for the material and printing techniques of the uniform EU ETD form, and security features and requirements including enhanced anti-forgery, counterfeiting and falsification standards.
(3) To facilitate the exchange of information on applications for the issuance of an EU ETD, a standard EU ETD application form should be established.
(4) In accordance with Article 4(8) of Directive (EU) 2019/997, the recipient of an EU ETD is to be asked to return the EU ETD upon arrival at the final destination. Information on the obligation to return the EU ETD is, pursuant to Article 4(9) of that Directive, to be included in the standard EU ETD application form.
(5) To provide recipients of EU ETDs with the information necessary to be able to return the document to the appropriate authority in line with the information provided on the standard EU ETD application form, it is necessary to lay down additional technical specifications relating to the issuing of the EU ETD. These specifications should provide that the Member State of nationality should inform the assisting Member State as to where the EU ETD is to be returned, information that should then be provided to the recipient of the EU ETD.
(6) It is also necessary to revise and update certain technical standards prescribed by Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452. In Part I of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452, it should be clarified that any blank uniform EU ETD forms and stickers stolen or lost during the delivery process should be reported to Interpol’s database on Stolen and Lost Travel Documents by the Member State procuring them to avoid gaps in reporting.
(7) Rules on the filling in and affixing of uniform EU ETD stickers should be added as Part III of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 to ensure that Member State authorities follow common standards when filling in EU ETDs, including their machine-readable zone.
(8) Pursuant to Article 10(1) of Directive (EU) 2019/997, each Member State is to designate a body having responsibility for producing uniform EU ETD forms and stickers. The same body may be designated by several or all Member States. Currently, Member States have designated three different bodies. In order to avoid that EU ETDs produced by different bodies are assigned the same document number, it is necessary to ensure that numbering ranges are differentiated by reference to the different bodies designated by the Member States. In addition, a numbering range should be reserved for possible future use. Those rules should be added as Part IV of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452.
(9) Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 should therefore be amended accordingly.
(10) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 (3),

Article 1

1.   The standard EU Emergency Travel Document application form shall be as set out in Annex I.
2.   During the consultation provided for by Article 4 of Directive (EU) 2019/997 prior to the issuance of an EU Emergency Travel Document, the assisting Member State shall ask the Member State of nationality to provide information as to where the applicant is to return the EU Emergency Travel Document to be issued upon arrival at the final destination, such as:
(a) the authority of the Member State of nationality responsible for issuing travel documents;
(b) an embassy or consulate of the Member State of nationality;
(c) border officials of the Member State of nationality.
3.   The Member State of nationality shall provide the information referred to in paragraph 2 to the assisting Member State. The assisting Member State shall communicate that information to the applicant when issuing the EU ETD.

Article 2

Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 is amended as follows:
(1) in Article 1, the following paragraphs are added:
‘The rules on the filling in and affixing of uniform EU ETD stickers shall be as set out in Part III of the Annex.
The rules on different bodies having responsibility for producing uniform EU ETD forms and stickers shall be as set out in Part IV of the Annex.’;
(2) point 3.8 of Part I of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 is replaced by the text in Annex II to this Decision;
(3) the text in Annex III to this Decision is added as Part III of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452;
(4) the text in Annex IV to this Decision is added as Part IV of the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452.

Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 14 October 2024.
For the Commission
The President
OJ L 163, 20.6.2019, p. 1
, ELI:
(2)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2452 of 8 December 2022 laying down additional technical specifications for the EU Emergency Travel Document established by Council Directive (EU) 2019/997 (
OJ L 320, 14.12.2022, p. 47
, ELI:
(3)  Council Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 of 29 May 1995 laying down a uniform format for visas (
OJ L 164, 14.7.1995, p. 1
, ELI:


[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Application for EU Emergency Travel Document

Demande de titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE

Standard application form / Formulaire type de demande

This application form is free / Ce formulaire est gratuit


Surname (Family name) / Nom(s) [nom(s) de famille]


Given name(s) (First name(s)) / Prénom(s)


Date of birth (DD MM YYYY) / Date de naissance (JJ MM AAAA)


Place of birth (city) / Lieu de naissance


Country of birth / Pays de naissance


Sex / Sexe

Male / Masculin

Female / Féminin

Unspecified / Non spécifié


Nationality / Nationalité


Other nationalities, if any / Autre(s) nationalité(s), le cas échéant


Where available, national registration or social security number / Numéro de registre national ou de sécurité sociale, le cas échéant


The applicant is / Le demandeur est

an EU citizen (person holding the nationality of an EU Member State) / un(e) citoyen(ne) de l’UE (personne ayant la nationalité d’un État membre de l’UE)

an EU citizen’s non-EU family member who is a legal resident in an EU Member State (specify family relationship with the EU citizen) / un membre de la famille d’un citoyen de l’UE qui n’a pas la nationalité d’un État membre et qui réside légalement dans un État membre de l’UE (veuillez préciser le lien de parenté avec le citoyen de l’UE)

other (specify) / autre (veuillez préciser)


Applicant’s contact information / Coordonnées du demandeur

Home address / Adresse du domicile

Email / Courriel

Telephone number / Tél.


Destination country for the EU Emergency Travel Document / Pays de destination pour le titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE


Type of destination country / Type de pays de destination

applicant’s EU Member State of nationality / État membre de l’UE dont le demandeur a la nationalité

applicant’s EU Member State of residence (if not identical with Member State of nationality) / État membre de l’UE dans lequel réside le demandeur (si différent de celui dont il a la nationalité)

other (specify the reason for this destination) / autre (veuillez préciser la raison de cette destination)


Countries of transit between the departure country and the destination country indicated under point 13, reflecting the planned route / Pays de transit entre le pays de départ et le pays de destination indiqué au point 13, conformément à l’itinéraire prévu


Expected duration of the journey, reflecting the planned route (in days) / Durée prévue du voyage, conformément à l’itinéraire prévu (en jours)

If available, the following information / Les informations suivantes, si elles sont disponibles


Type of travel document replaced / Type de titre de voyage remplacé


Number of the travel document replaced / Numéro du titre de voyage remplacé


Date of issue (DD MM YYYY) / Date de délivrance (JJ MM AAAA)


Date of expiry (DD MM YYYY) / Date d’expiration (JJ MM AAAA)


Issued by (country) / Délivré par (pays)


Where the applicant is under the age of 18, the following information on the parent/legal guardian: Surname, first name, nationality, address (if different from applicant’s), telephone number and email address (additional information may be required) / Si le demandeur a moins de 18 ans, les informations suivantes sur le parent/tuteur légal (nom, prénom, nationalité, adresse (si différente de celle du demandeur), numéro de téléphone et courriel (des informations complémentaires peuvent être requises).

Information for the applicant (or parent/legal guardian) / Informations destinées au demandeur (ou au parent/tuteur légal)

By signing this application, I declare that I am aware that I need to return the EU Emergency Travel Document to the authorities once I have reached my final destination in line with the information that I receive upon issuance of the EU Emergency Travel Document. The EU Emergency Travel Document should be returned to the authorities designated by my Member State of nationality. These may include:

the authority of my EU Member State of nationality responsible for issuing travel documents such as passports;

an embassy/consulate of my EU Member State of nationality;

border officials of the EU Member State of nationality.

The collection of personal data included in this application form and any available means of identification such as an identity card or driving licence, and the taking of my photograph, are necessary for the processing of the application for an EU Emergency Travel Document. Any personal data concerning me that appears on the application form and any available means of identification such as an identity card or driving licence, as well as my photograph, may be provided to the relevant authorities of my EU Member State of nationality and processed by those authorities, as well as the authorities of the assisting EU Member State, for the purposes of issuing an EU Emergency Travel Document.

The assisting Member State and the Member State of nationality will retain such personal data only for as long as necessary, including for the collection of any applicable fees. In no case will that personal data be retained longer than 180 days by the assisting Member State or longer than two years by the Member State of nationality.

In accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the consular authorities of the assisting Member State and the Member State of nationality act as controllers regarding the personal data including on this form. I am aware that I can address requests for the exercise of my rights under that Regulation to those controllers.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all information provided by me is correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements may lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of an EU Emergency Travel Document already issued. It may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Member State handling the application.

En signant la présente demande, je déclare savoir que j’ai l’obligation de restituer le titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE aux autorités dès mon arrivée à ma destination finale, conformément aux informations que j’ai reçues au moment de sa délivrance . Le titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE doit être restitué aux autorités désignées par l’État membre dont j’ai la nationalité. Il peut s’agir:

de l’autorité de l’État membre de l’UE dont j’ai la nationalité qui est chargée de la délivrance de titres de voyage tels que les passeports;

d’une ambassade ou d’un consulat de l’État membre de l’UE dont j’ai la nationalité;

des gardes-frontières de l’État membre de l’UE dont j’ai la nationalité.

Il est nécessaire, aux fins du traitement de la demande de titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE, de collecter les données à caractère personnel figurant dans le présent formulaire de demande et sur tous les moyens d’identification disponibles, par exemple la carte d’identité ou le permis de conduire, ainsi que de me photographier. Toutes les données à caractère personnel me concernant figurant dans le formulaire de demande et sur tous les moyens d’identification disponibles, par exemple la carte d’identité ou le permis de conduire, ainsi que ma photo, peuvent être transmises aux autorités compétentes de l’État membre de l’UE dont j’ai la nationalité et être traitées par ces autorités, ainsi que par les autorités de l’État membre de l’UE prêtant assistance aux fins de la délivrance du titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE.

L’État membre prêtant assistance et l’État membre dont j’ai la nationalité ne conserveront ces données à caractère personnel que le temps nécessaire, y compris aux fins de la perception de tous les frais applicables. Ces données ne seront en aucun cas conservées plus de 180 jours par l’État membre prêtant assistance et plus de deux ans par l’État membre dont j’ai la nationalité.

Conformément au règlement général de l’UE sur la protection des données [règlement (UE) 2016/679], les autorités consulaires de l’État membre prêtant assistance et l’État membre dont j’ai la nationalité agissent en qualité de responsables du traitement des données à caractère personnel, y compris celles figurant dans le présent formulaire. Les demandes relatives à l’exercice de mes droits peuvent leur être adressées conformément audit règlement.

Je déclare qu’à ma connaissance, toutes les indications que j’ai fournies sont correctes et complètes. Je suis informé(e) que toute fausse déclaration entraînera le rejet de ma demande ou l’annulation du titre de voyage provisoire de l’UE s’il a déjà été délivré, et peut entraîner des poursuites pénales à mon égard en application du droit de l’État membre qui traite la demande.

Place and date / Lieu et date

Signature of the applicant (or parent/legal guardian) / signature du demandeur (ou du parent/tuteur légal)

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY / Partie réservée à l’administration

Date of application / Date de la demande

Application number / Numéro de la demande

Application lodged at / Demande introduite

embassy / ambassade

consulate / consulat

other authority (specify) / autre autorité (veuillez préciser)

of EU Member State / d’État membre de l’UE

in (country/city) / à/en/au/aux (nom du pays/de la ville)

Contact information / Coordonnées de contact

File handled by / Responsable du dossier

Surname and given name(s) / Nom et prénom(s)

Email / Courriel

Telephone number / Tél.




The delivery of EU ETDs must be regulated by the Member State issuing the contract together with the producer. As complete yet non-personalised EU ETDs are considered to be high-risk security items, the transport must be of the highest level possible.
A generic risk assessment must be carried out and documented for each type of transport and any additional security measures assessed to be necessary must be implemented (e.g. armoured vehicle, accompanying vehicle). These assessments must be reviewed whenever there is a change in the relevant circumstances.
All loading and unloading activities – including delivery to the receiving party – must be monitored under dual control, that is, involving two or more persons.
The serial numbers of the EU ETDs being transported must be provided to the Member State issuing the contract via electronic means prior to departure.
The status and position of vehicles carrying security printing products should be checked at regular intervals during transport. There must be at least two independent systems, which ensure effective communication with external partners in the event of any disruption to the transport.
Any irregularity (e.g. the failure of any party involved to meet these minimum transport requirements, an attack on the transport or a loss by any cause during the transport) must be reported to the producing company immediately.
There must be no access to the secure products from inside the driver’s cab and the compartment in which the goods are transported must be made from metal and entirely enclosed (no curtain-sided vehicles) with access for loading and un-loading via a locked door. Keys to the locks must not be carried inside the vehicle.
Any contract for the delivery of blank EU ETD forms and stickers must provide that any theft or loss of blank uniform EU ETD forms and stickers during the delivery process is immediately reported to the Member State issuing the contract, including the serial numbers concerned. The Member States issuing the contract must report such theft or loss to Interpol’s database on Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD), without prejudice to any reporting obligations under Article 38(2)(k) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1).’.
(1)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 November 2018 on the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System (SIS) in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, amending and repealing Council Decision 2007/533/JHA, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1986/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Decision 2010/261/EU (
OJ L 312, 7.12.2018, p. 56
, ELI:


Part III

Filling in and affixing uniform EU Emergency Travel Document stickers


Filling in uniform EU Emergency Travel Document stickers

The following entries shall be inserted in the uniform EU Emergency Travel Document (EU ETD) sticker:
This Section indicates the destination country for which the EU ETD is issued.
This Section shall be completed by using the short name in English as set out in Section 7.1.1. and Annex A5 of the Interinstitutional Style Guide published by the Publications Office of the European Union.
The issuing Member State may also indicate the destination country in another official language(s). Where different languages are used, they shall be separated by an oblique (/) (example: Italy/Italie).
“VIA/VIA” Section:
This Section may indicate any transit country between the departure and destination country, reflecting the planned route.
This Section shall be completed by using the three-letter codes as set out in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents.
Where multiple transit countries are indicated, they shall be separated using a horizontal dash (example: ESP-AUT). No more than five transit countries shall be indicated.
This Section shall be completed by filling in the number of the uniform EU ETD form to which the uniform EU ETD sticker will be affixed.
This Section indicates the Member State issuing the EU ETD.
This Section shall be completed by using the three-letter code as set out in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents.
This Section indicates the location of the issuing authority.
The location shall be indicated in English or French.
The issuing Member State may, in accordance with national practice, include the name or abbreviation of the issuing authority.
“DATE OF ISSUE/Date de délivrance” Section:
This Section indicates the date of issuance of the EU ETD.
Dates shall be written as follows:
— the day using two digits, the first of which is a zero if the day in question is a single digit;
— blank space;
— the month using two digits, the first of which is a zero if the month in question is a single digit;
— blank space;
— the year using four digits.
For example: 20 01 2018 = 20 January 2018.
“DATE OF EXPIRY/date d’expiration” Section:
This Section indicates the date of expiry of the EU ETD.
Dates shall be written as defined in point 1.6 of this Part of the Annex.
Pursuant to Article 6 of Directive (EU) 2019/997, an EU ETD is to be valid for the period required for completion of the journey for which it is issued. In calculating that period, allowance is to be made for necessary overnight stops and for making travel connections. The period of validity is to include an additional ‘period of grace’ of two days. As provided for in Article 6 of Directive (EU) 2019/997, save in exceptional circumstances, the validity of an EU ETD is not to exceed 15 calendar days.
This Section indicates the recipient’s surname and given name(s), in that order, and separated by a single comma (,).
This Section shall be completed by using the conventions for writing names set out in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents.
A second line may be used to accommodate long names. Any such line shall be indented in a way so as to avoid interference with the diffractive optically variable image device, the space reserved for the possible addition of a common 2D barcode, or the machine-readable zone.
If the number of characters of the surname and given name exceeds the number of spaces available, the excess characters shall be replaced by a dot (.).
This Section indicates the nationality of the recipient.
This Section shall be completed by using the three-letter codes as set out in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents.
This Section indicates the date of birth of the recipient.
Dates shall be written as defined in point 1.6 of this Part of the Annex.
“SEX/SEXE” Section:
This Section indicates the sex of the recipient.
This Section shall be completed in accordance with ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents, part 6.
“REMARKS/Observations” Section:
This Section shall be used by the issuing authority to indicate any further necessary information, for example the type and number of the document replaced.
If this information is available, the document replaced shall be indicated using the two-letter document code as set out in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents followed by the document number (e.g. PP123456789).
If the number of characters of the surname and given name exceeded the number of spaces available in the Section “SURNAME, GIVEN NAME/NOM, PRÉNOM”, the excess characters shall be indicated after a dot (.).
If the EU ETD is issued to a minor, this Section may also be used to indicate the name and relationship of the adult accompanying the minor, for example in the following format:
‘Accompanied by [surname, given name] ([indicate relationship, e.g. ‘mother’, ‘father’, etc.])’, such as ‘Accompanied by Eriksson, Anna Maria (mother)’.
The information shall be entered in either English or French.
Type size
The entries of the visual inspection zone should be filled in using a type size of at least 1,8 mm (when measuring the letter ‘E’). They shall not be printed with a type size of less than 1,6 mm.
Section for the facial image:
The EU ETD holder’s photograph, in colour, shall be integrated in the space reserved for that purpose on the EU ETD sticker in accordance with ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents, part 6, and the technical report on portrait quality.
For the quality of the portrait, the technical report on portrait quality (Reference Facial Images for MRTD) version 1.0 of April 2018 (1) applies.
Machine-readable zone (MRZ):
The uniform EU ETD sticker shall contain the relevant machine-readable information in line with ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents, part 6, and shall comply with the specifications in ICAO Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents, part 3.
In addition the following positions shall be filled in as follows:




(line 1)

Data element



Document code

The characters ‘PU’ shall be used to designate the document as a single-sheet emergency travel document with MRZ(2).




(line 2)

Data element



Document number

The two-letter country code of the issuing Member State as set out in ICAO Document 9303 and the seven-digit number pre-printed on the uniform EU ETD sticker shall be used.


Optional data elements

The number of the uniform EU ETD form shall be used.


Affixing the uniform EU ETD sticker

The uniform EU ETD sticker shall be securely affixed to the second page of the uniform EU ETD form in such a way as to prevent easy removal.
The uniform EU ETD sticker shall be aligned with and affixed to the edge of the page. The machine-readable zone of the uniform EU ETD sticker shall be aligned with the outer edge of the page.
The stamp of the issuing authorities shall be placed on the uniform EU ETD sticker in such a manner that it extends onto the page.’
(2)  Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2024/1986 of 6 May 2024 amending Council Directive (EU) 2019/997 as regards the machine-readable zone of the EU Emergency Travel Document (
OJ L, 2024/1986, 16.7.2024, ELI:


Part IV

Rules on different bodies having responsibility for producing uniform EU ETD forms and stickers


Bodies designated by Member States

In accordance with Article 10 of Directive (EU) 2019/997, Member States have communicated the following bodies as producing their uniform EU ETD forms and stickers:
(1) Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
Designated by: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden.
(2) Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, S. A.
Designated by: Portugal.
(3) IN Group
Designated by: France (1).


Numbering ranges assigned to the different designated bodies for the production of EU ETD forms

Member States shall ensure that the body they have designated as having responsibility for producing their uniform EU ETD forms and stickers remains, when pre-printing the seven-digit number on EU ETD forms, within the following numbering ranges:
(1) Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.: 0 000 000 – 6 999 999;
(2) Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, S. A.: 7 000 000 – 7 499 999;
(3) IN Group: 7 500 000 – 8 999 999.
The numbering range 9 000 000 – 9 999 999 shall be reserved for future use.’
(1)  France has informed the Commission that if necessary, it will change its designated body to Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)