of 5 November 2024
appointing five members and six alternate members, proposed by the Republic of Poland, of the Committee of the Regions
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 305 thereof,
Having regard to Council Decision (EU) 2019/852 of 21 May 2019 determining the composition of the Committee of the Regions (1),
Having regard to the proposal of the Polish Government,
(1) Pursuant to Article 300(3) of the Treaty, the Committee of the Regions is to consist of representatives of regional and local bodies who either hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate or are politically accountable to an elected assembly.
(2) On 20 January 2020, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2020/102 (2), appointing the members and alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the period from 26 January 2020 to 25 January 2025. On 18 February 2021, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2021/322 (3) appointing an alternate member of the Committee of the Regions. On 13 March 2023, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2023/581 (4) appointing a member and three alternate members, proposed by the Republic of Poland, of the Committee of the Regions.
(3) Four members’ seats on the Committee of the Regions have become vacant following the resignation of Mr Gustaw Marek BRZEZIN and the end of the national mandates on the basis of which Mr Mariusz Rafał FRANKOWSKI, Mr Józef JODŁOWSKI, and Mr Robert KOŚCIUK were proposed for appointment.
(4) Mr Joachim Michał SMYŁA was appointed as a member of the Committee of the Regions until 30 April 2024. A member’s seat on the Committee of the Regions has therefore become vacant.
(5) Two alternate members’ seats on the Committee of the Regions have become vacant following the end of the national mandates on the basis of which Mr Adam BANASZAK and Mr Sebastian ŁUKASZEWICZ were proposed for appointment.
(6) Mr Marcin Artur JABŁOŃSKI, Mr Andrzej Antoni PŁONKA, and Ms Lucyna Teresa SOKOŁOWSKA were appointed as alternate members of the Committee of the Regions until 30 April 2024. Three alternate members’ seats on the Committee of the Regions have therefore become vacant.
(7) An alternate member’s seat will become vacant following the appointment of Mr Piotr Franciszek CAŁBECKI as a member of the Committee of the Regions.
(8) The Polish Government has proposed the following representatives of regional or local bodies who hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate as members of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025: Mr Adam BANASZAK, on the basis of a different national mandate,
Radny Powiatu Inowrocławskiego
(Councillor of Inowroclaw County), Mr Piotr Franciszek CAŁBECKI,
Radny Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
(Councillor of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship), Ms Ewa JANCZAR,
Radna Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy
(Councillor of the Capital City of Warsaw), Mr Andrzej Antoni PŁONKA,
Radny Powiatu Bielskiego
(Councillor of the Bielsko-Biala County), and Mr Joachim Michał SMYŁA,
Radny Powiatu Lublinieckiego
(Councillor of Lubliniec County).
(9) The Polish Government has proposed the following representatives of regional or local bodies who hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate as alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025: Mr Grzegorz CICHY,
Burmistrz Gminy i Miasta Proszowice
(Mayor of the Commune and City of Proszowice), Mr Marcin Artur JABŁOŃSKI,
Członek Zarządu Województwa Lubuskiego
(Member of the Management Board of the Lubuskie Voivodship), Mr Marcin KUCHCIŃSKI,
Radny Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego
(Councillor of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship), Ms Janina Ewa ORZEŁOWSKA,
Radna Województwa Mazowieckiego
(Councillor of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship), Mr Rafał Henryk RUDKA,
Radny Powiatu Bocheńskiego
(Councillor of the Bochnia District), and Ms Lucyna Teresa SOKOŁOWSKA,
Radna Powiatu Rzeszowskiego
(Councillor of the Rzeszów County),
Article 1
The following representatives of regional or local bodies who hold an electoral mandate are hereby appointed to the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025:
(a) as members:
Radny Powiatu Inowrocławskiego
(Councillor of Inowroclaw County) (change of mandate),
— Mr Piotr Franciszek CAŁBECKI,
Radny Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
(Councillor of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship),
Radna Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy
(Councillor of the Capital City of Warsaw),
— Mr Andrzej Antoni PŁONKA,
Radny Powiatu Bielskiego
(Councillor of the Bielsko-Biala County), and
— Mr Joachim Michał SMYŁA,
Radny Powiatu Lublinieckiego
(Councillor of Lubliniec County),
(b) as alternate members:
— Mr Grzegorz CICHY,
Burmistrz Gminy i Miasta Proszowice
(Mayor of the Commune and City of Proszowice),
— Mr Marcin Artur JABŁOŃSKI,
Członek Zarządu Województwa Lubuskiego
(Member of the Management Board of the Lubuskie Voivodship),
Radny Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego
(Councillor of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship),
— Ms Janina Ewa ORZEŁOWSKA,
Radna Województwa Mazowieckiego
(Councillor of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship),
— Mr Rafał Henryk RUDKA,
Radny Powiatu Bocheńskiego
(Councillor of the Bochnia District), and
— Ms Lucyna Teresa SOKOŁOWSKA,
Radna Powiatu Rzeszowskiego
(Councillor of the Rzeszów County).
Article 2
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 5 November 2024.
For the Council
The President
OJ L 139, 27.5.2019, p. 13
(ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2019/852/oj).
(2) Council Decision (EU) 2020/102 of 20 January 2020 appointing the members and alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the period from 26 January 2020 to 25 January 2025 (
OJ L 20, 24.1.2020, p. 2
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2020/102/oj).
(3) Council Decision (EU) 2021/322 of 18 February 2021 appointing an alternate member of the Committee of the Regions (
OJ L 64, 24.2.2021, p. 1
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2021/322/oj).
(4) Council Decision (EU) 2023/581 of 13 March 2023 appointing a member and three alternate members, proposed by the Republic of Poland, of the Committee of the Regions (
OJ L 76, 15.3.2023, p. 5
, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2023/581/oj).
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2024/2872/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)