Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union an... (22017A1024(02))
EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and Iceland concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products

A.   Letter from the European Union

I have the honour to refer to the bilateral agricultural trade negotiations between the European Union and Iceland (the Parties) that were concluded on 17 September 2015. A new round of agricultural trade negotiations between the European Commission and Iceland was undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area with the aim to further the ogressive liberalisation of agricultural trade between the Parties on a preferential, reciprocal and mutually beneficial basis. The negotiations were carried out on an orderly basis, with due consideration given to developments in the Parties' respective agricultural policies, including developments in bilateral trade and trade conditions with other trading partners.
I hereby confirm that the results of the negotiations were as follows:
(1) Iceland undertakes to grant duty-free access to products originating in the European Union, listed in Annex I.
(2) Iceland undertakes to provide duty free quotas for products originating in the European Union, as specified and listed in Annex II.
(3) Iceland undertakes to reduce import duties on products originating in the European Union, listed in Annex III.
(4) The European Union undertakes to grant duty-free access to products originating in Iceland, listed in Annex IV.
(5) The European Union undertakes to provide duty free quotas for products originating in Iceland, as specified and listed in Annex V.
(6) The tariff codes set out in Annexes I to V are the tariff codes that apply to the Parties on 1 January 2015.
(7) These bilateral concessions replace and consolidate all existing bilateral concessions in agricultural products that are currently in force, by virtue of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
(8) Protocol 3 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Iceland, as amended by Decision No 2/2005 of the EC-Iceland Joint Committee concerning the definition of the concept of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation (1), shall apply mutatis mutandis to the products mentioned in Annexes I to V.
(9) The Parties agree to ensure that the benefits, which they grant each other, will not be jeopardised by other restrictive import measures.
(10) The Parties agree to ensure that tariff quotas will be managed in such a way that imports may take place regularly and that the quantities agreed for import can effectively be imported.
(11) The Parties agree to promote trade in eco-friendly products and products with a geographical indication. In order to strengthen the protection of geographical indications in the territories of both Parties, an agreement on geographical indications was negotiated in parallel to this Agreement.
(12) The Parties agree to exchange at regular interval information on traded products, tariff quota management, price quotations and any useful information concerning the respective domestic markets and the implementation of this Agreement.
(13) Consultations will be held at the request of either Party on any question on the implementation of this Agreement. If difficulties arise in the implementation of this Agreement, these consultations will be held as promptly as possible, with a view to adopting appropriate corrective measures.
(14) The first consultations relating to this Agreement will be held before implementing arrangements are put in place. This is to facilitate the smooth implementation of this Agreement.
(15) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the seventh month following the date on which the Parties have notified each other that the required internal procedures have been completed. If this date is before the date of the entry into force of the Agreement between the European Union and Iceland on the protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, done at Brussels on the twenty-third day of March in the year two thousand and seventeen, this Agreement shall only enter into force on the same date as the latter. Where necessary, tariff quotas will be opened on a pro-rata basis.
(16) The Parties agree to resume bilateral negotiations under Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area in two years' time with particular consideration given to the outcome of the WTO negotiation process in agriculture.
I have the honour to confirm that the European Union is in agreement with the contents of this letter.
I should be obliged if you would confirm that the Government of Iceland is in agreement with the above.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Съставено в Брюксел на
Hecho en Bruselas, el
V Bruselu dne
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den
Geschehen zu Brüssel am
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις
Done at Brussels,
Fait à Bruxelles, le
Sastavljeno u Bruxellesu
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì
Priimta Briuselyje,
Kelt Brüsszelben,
Magħmul fi Brussell,
Gedaan te Brussel,
Sporządzono w Brukseli, dnia
Feito em Bruxelas,
Întocmit la Bruxelles,
V Bruseli
V Bruslju,
Tehty Brysselissä
Utfärdat I Bryssel den
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
За Европейския съюз
Рог la Unión Europea
Za Evropskou unii
For Den Europæiske Union
Für die Europäische Union
Euroopa Liidu nimel
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
For the European Union
Pour l'Union européenne
Za Europsku uniju
Per l'Unione europea
Eiropas Savienības vārdā –
Europos Sąjungos vardu
Az Európai Unió részéről
Għall-Unjoni Ewropea
Voor de Europese Unie
W imieniu Unii Europejskiej
Pela União Europeia
Pentru Uniunea Europeană
Za Európsku úniu
Za Evropsko unijo
Euroopan unionin puolesta
För Europeiska unionen
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

B.   Letter from Iceland

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, which reads as follows:
‘I have the honour to refer to the bilateral agricultural trade negotiations between the European Union and Iceland (the Parties) that were concluded on 17 September 2015. A new round of agricultural trade negotiations between the European Commission and Iceland was undertaken on the basis of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area with the aim to further the progressive liberalisation of agricultural trade between the Parties on a preferential, reciprocal and mutually beneficial basis. The negotiations were carried out on an orderly basis, with due consideration given to developments in the Parties' respective agricultural policies, including developments in bilateral trade and trade conditions with other trading partners.
I hereby confirm that the results of the negotiations were as follows:
(1) Iceland undertakes to grant duty-free access to products originating in the European Union, listed in Annex I.
(2) Iceland undertakes to provide duty free quotas for products originating in the European Union, as specified and listed in Annex II.
(3) Iceland undertakes to reduce import duties on products originating in the European Union, listed in Annex III.
(4) The European Union undertakes to grant duty-free access to products originating in Iceland, listed in Annex IV.
(5) The European Union undertakes to provide duty free quotas for products originating in Iceland, as specified and listed in Annex V.
(6) The tariff codes set out in Annexes I to V are the tariff codes that apply to the Parties on 1 January 2015.
(7) These bilateral concessions replace and consolidate all existing bilateral concessions in agricultural products that are currently in force, by virtue of Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
(8) Protocol 3 to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Iceland, as amended by Decision No 2/2005 of the EC-Iceland Joint Committee concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation (2), shall apply mutatis mutandis to the products mentioned in Annexes I to V.
(9) The Parties agree to ensure that the benefits, which they grant each other, will not be jeopardised by other restrictive import measures.
(10) The Parties agree to ensure that tariff quotas will be managed in such a way that imports may take place regularly and that the quantities agreed for import can effectively be imported.
(11) The Parties agree to promote trade in eco-friendly products and products with a geographical indication. In order to strengthen the protection of geographical indications in the territories of both Parties, an agreement on geographical indications was negotiated in parallel to this Agreement.
(12) The Parties agree to exchange at regular interval information on traded products, tariff quota management, price quotations and any useful information concerning the respective domestic markets and the implementation of this Agreement.
(13) Consultations will be held at the request of either Party on any question on the implementation of this Agreement. If difficulties arise in the implementation of this Agreement, these consultations will be held as promptly as possible, with a view to adopting appropriate corrective measures.
(14) The first consultations relating to this Agreement will be held before implementing arrangements are put in place. This is to facilitate the smooth implementation of this Agreement.
(15) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the seventh month following the date on which the Parties have notified each other that the required internal procedures have been completed. If this date is before the date of the entry into force of the Agreement between the European Union and Iceland on the protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, done at Brussels on the twenty-third day of March in the year two thousand and seventeen, this Agreement shall only enter into force on the same date as the latter. Where necessary, tariff quotas will be opened on a pro-rata basis.
(16) The Parties agree to resume bilateral negotiations under Article 19 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area in two years' time, with particular consideration given to the outcome of the WTO negotiation process in agriculture.’.
I have the honour to confirm that the Government of Iceland is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Done at Brussels,
Съставено в Брюксел на
Hecho en Bruselas, el
V Bruselu dne
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den
Geschehen zu Brüssel am
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις
Fait à Bruxelles, le
Sastavljeno u Bruxellesu
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì
Priimta Briuselyje,
Kelt Brüsszelben,
Magħmul fi Brussell,
Gedaan te Brussel,
Sporządzono w Brukseli, dnia
Feito em Bruxelas,
Întocmit la Bruxelles,
V Bruseli
V Bruslju,
Tehty Brysselissä
Utfärdat I Bryssel den
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
For Iceland
За Исландия
Por Islandia
Za Island
For Island
Für Island
Islandi nimel
Για τηv Ισλανδία
Pour l'Islande
Za Island
Per l'Islanda
Islandes vārdā –
Islandijos vardu
Izland részéről
Voor IJsland
W imieniu Islandii
Pela Islândia
Pentru Islanda
Za Island
Za Islandijo
Islannin puolesta
För Island
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
(1)  Decision No 2/2005 of the EC-Iceland Joint Committee of 22 December 2005 amending Protocol 3 to the Agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation (
OJ L 131, 18.5.2006, p. 1
(2)  Decision No 2/2005 of the EC-Iceland Joint Committee of 22 December 2005 amending Protocol 3 to the Agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation (
OJ L 131, 18.5.2006, p. 1


Iceland will grant duty-free access for the following products originating in the European Union: