Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the other, in areas of the Schengen acquis which apply to these States
Official Journal L 015 , 20/01/2000 P. 0002 - 0007
concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the other, in areas of the Schengen acquis which apply to these States
HAVING REGARD TO the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters' association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis,
WHEREAS the integration of the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union has taken the form of an authorisation, by the High Contracting Parties to the Treaty of Amsterdam, to 13 Member States of the European Union, not including Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to establish closer cooperation among themselves within the scope of the instruments and provisions constituting the Schengen acquis;
WHEREAS Ireland and the United Kingdom have the possibility, subject to the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as "the Schengen Protocol"), to take part in some or all of the provisions of the Schengen acquis and in proposals and initiatives concerning areas of cooperation which build upon the Schengen acquis;
BEING AWARE of the fact that before Ireland or the United Kingdom are in a position to take part in provisions in respect of which a closer cooperation has been authorised pursuant to the Schengen Protocol, certain constitutional or other internal requirements may need to be fulfilled, including in respect of this Agreement;
WHEREAS, as a result of the association of the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway to the implementation, application and development of Schengen acquis, it is necessary to establish rights and obligations between the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the one hand, and Ireland or the United Kingdom, or both, on the other, to the extent that Ireland or the United Kingdom, or both, participate in the Schengen acquis, or measures building on it, in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Schengen Protocol;
WHEREAS the establishment of relations in these areas between Ireland and/or the United Kingdom, on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the other, should be exclusively governed by this Agreement and by the procedures set out in, or adopted pursuant to, the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters' association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis,
Article 1
In so far as questions relating to:
- the procedures governing the association of the Republic of Iceland (hereinafter referred to as "Iceland") and the Kingdom of Norway (hereinafter referred to as "Norway") with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis, and
- the legal, financial and other implications of this association,
are not addressed in this Agreement, the provisions contained in, or adopted pursuant to, the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters' association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis (hereinafter referred to as "the other Agreement") shall apply.
Article 2
1. Before the Council of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") decides on a request made by Ireland or the United Kingdom on the basis of Article 4 of the Schengen Protocol, consultations shall take place in accordance with Article 4 of the other Agreement in the Mixed Committee established pursuant to Article 3 of that Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Mixed Committee").
2. Before the Council decides to fix the date on which provisions of the Schengen acquis as listed in Annex A to the other Agreement which have already been put into effect for other Member States of the European Union and for Iceland and Norway will be put into effect for Ireland and the United Kingdom or for either of these latter two States, consultations shall take place in accordance with Article 4 of the other Agreement in the Mixed Committee.
3. Any notification by Ireland or the United Kingdom pursuant to Article 5 of the Schengen Protocol shall also be conveyed to Iceland and Norway within the Mixed Committee. In cases where the Council intends to fix a date on which acts or measures building upon the provisions of the Schengen acquis listed in Annex A to the other Agreement which have already been put into effect for other Member States of the European Union and for Iceland and Norway, will be put into effect for Ireland and the United Kingdom or for either of these latter two States, consultations shall take place in accordance with Article 4 of the other Agreement in the Mixed Committee.
Article 3
1. Once the provisions referred to in Article 15(4) of the other Agreement become applicable to Iceland and Norway, this shall create rights and obligations between, on the one hand, Iceland and Norway, and, on the other hand, Ireland and the United Kingdom or either of these latter two States, as the case may be, in respect of any such provisions which already apply to Ireland and the United Kingdom or either of them.
2. Once particular provisions of the Schengen acquis as listed in Annex A to the other Agreement, or of acts or measures amending or building upon those provisions become applicable to Ireland and the United Kingdom or to either of these two States, this shall create rights and obligations between, on the one hand, Ireland and the United Kingdom or either of them, as the case may be, and, on the other hand, Iceland and Norway, provided that those particular provisions or acts or measures already apply to the latter two States.
Article 4
This Agreement shall enter into force one month following the day on which the Secretary-General of the Council, who shall act as its depositary, has established that all formal requirements concerning the expression of the consent by or on behalf of the Parties to this Agreement to be bound to it have been fulfilled.
Article 5
This Agreement may be denounced by Iceland or by Norway or by a decision of the Council, acting unanimously. Such denunciation shall be notified to the depositary. It shall take effect six months after notification.
Termination of the other Agreement pursuant to Article 8(4) or Article 11(3) thereof shall also have the effect of terminating this Agreement.
Article 6
The consequences of denunication of this Agreement by Iceland or Norway shall be the subject of an agreement between the remaining Parties and the Party which has denounced this Agreement. If no agreement can be reached, the Council shall decide after consultation of the remaining associated Contracting Party on the necessary measures. However, these measures shall be binding upon that Party only if they are accepted by it.
Hecho en Bruselas, el treinta de junio de mil novecientos noventa y nueve
en lenguas alemana, danesa, española, finesa, francesa, griega, inglesa, irlandesa, italiana, neerlandesa, portuguesa, sueca, islandesa y noruega, siendo cada uno de estos textos igualmente auténticos, en un único ejemplar original que quedará depositado en los archivos de la Secretaría General del Consejo de la Unión Europea./Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den tredivte juni nitten hundrede og nioghalvfems
i et originaleksemplar på dansk, engelsk, finsk, fransk, græsk, irsk, italiensk, nederlandsk, portugisisk, spansk, svensk, tysk, islandsk og norsk, idet alle tekster har samme gyldighed; originaleksemplaret deponeres i arkiverne i Generalsekretariatet for Rådet for den Europæiske Union./Geschehen zu Brüssel am dreißigsten Juni neunzehnhundertneunundneunzig
in einer Urschrift in dänischer, deutscher, englischer, finnischer, französischer, griechischer, irischer, italienischer, niederländischer, portugiesischer, schwedischer, spanischer sowie in isländischer und norwegischer Sprache, wobei jeder Wortlaut gleichermaßen verbindlich ist; die Urschrift wird im Archiv des Generalsekretariats des Rates der Europäischen Union hinterlegt./Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις τριάντα Ιουνίου χίλια εννιακόσια ενενήντα εννέα,
σε ένα μοναδικό πρωτότυπο σε αγγλική, γαλλική, γερμανική, δανική, ελληνική, ιρλανδική, ισπανική, ιταλική, ολλανδική, πορτογαλική, σουηδική, φινλανδική, ισλανδική και νορβηγική γλώσσα, και έκαστο κείμενο είναι εξίσου αυθεντικό. Το πρωτότυπο αυτό παραμένει κατατεθειμένο στα αρχεία της Γενικής Γραμματείας του Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης./Done at Βrussels on the thirtieth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Icelandic and Norwegian languages, each text being equally authentic, such original remaining deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union./Fait à Bruxelles, le trente juin mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf,
en langues allemande, anglaise, danoise, espagnole, finnoise, française, grecque, irlandaise, islandaise, italienne, néerlandaise, norvégienne, portugaise et suédoise, tous les textes faisant également foi, l'exemplaire original étant déposé dans les archives du Secrétariat général du Conseil de l'Union européenne./Arna dhéanamh sa Bhruiséil ar an tríochadú lá de Mheitheamh sa bhliain míle naoi gcéad nócha a naoi
i scríbhinn bhunaidh amháin sa Bhéarla, sa Danmhairgis, san Fhionlainnis, sa Fhraincis, sa Ghaeilge, sa Ghearmáinis, sa Ghréigis, san Iodáilis, san Ioruais, san Íoslainnis, san Ollainnis, sa Phortaingéilis, sa Spáinnis agus sa tSualainnis, agus comhúdarás ag gach téacs; taiscfear é i gcartlann Ardrúnaíocht an Aontais Eorpaigh./Fatto a Bruxelles, addì trenta giugno millenovecentonovantanove,
in un unico esemplare in lingua danese, finlandese, francese, greca, inglese, irlandese, italiana, olandese, portoghese, spagnola, svedese, tedesca, islandese e norvegese, i testi in ciascuna di queste lingue facenti ugualmente fede, depositato negli archivi del Segretariato generale del Consiglio dell'Unione europea./Gedaan te Brussel, de dertigste juni negentienhonderd negenennegentig,
in een origineel exemplaar in de Deense, de Duitse, de Engelse, de Finse, de Franse, de Griekse, de Ierse, de Italiaanse, de Nederlandse, de Portugese, de Spaanse, de Zweedse, de IJslandse en de Noorse taal, zijnde alle teksten gelijkelijk authentiek, welke originele exemplaren zijn gedeponeerd in het archief van het secretariaat-generaal van de Raad van de Europese Unie./Feito em Bruxelas, em trinta de Junho de mil novecentos e noventa e nove,
em exemplar único nas línguas alemã, dinamarquesa, espanhola, finlandesa, francesa, grega, inglesa, irlandesa, italiana, neerlandesa, portuguesa, sueca, islandesa e norueguesa, qualquer dos textos fazendo igualmente fé, ficando esse exemplar único depositado nos arquivos do Secretariado-Geral do Conselho da União Europeia./Tehty Brysselissä kolmantenakymmenentenä päivänä kesäkuuta vuonna tuhatyhdeksänsataayhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän
englannin-, espanjan-, hollannin-, iirin-, italian-, kreikan-, portugalin-, ranskan-, ruotsin-, saksan-, suomen-, tanskan-, islannin- ja norjankielisenä yhtenä ainoana kappaleena, jonka jokainen teksti on yhtä todistusvoimainen; kyseinen kappale talletetaan Euroopan unionin neuvoston pääsihteeristön arkistoon. /Upprättat i Bryssel den trettionde juni nittonhundranittionio
på danska, engelska, finska, franska, grekiska, iriska, italienska, nederländska, portugisiska, spanska, svenska, tyska, isländska och norska språken, vilka samtliga texter är lika giltiga, i ett enda original som skall deponeras i arkiven hos Europeiska unionens råds generalsekretariat./Gjört í Brussel hinn 30. júní 1999
í einu frumriti á dönsku, ensku, finnsku, frönsku, grísku, hollensku, írsku, íslensku, ítölsku, norsku, portúgölsku, spænsku, sænsku og Þýsku og eru allir textarnir jafngildir en frumritið verður afhent til vörslu í skjalasafni aðalskrifstofu Evrópusambandsins./Utferdiget i 30 juni 1999
i ett eksemplar på dansk, engelsk, finsk, fransk, gresk, irsk, islandsk, italiensk, nederlandsk, norsk, portugisisk, spansk, svensk og tysk, med samme gyldighet for hver av tekstene, som skal deponeres i Rådssekretariatets arkiver.
Por el Consejo de la Unión Europea/For Rådet for Den Europæiske Union/Für den Rat der Europäischen Union/Για το Συμβούλιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης/For the Council of the European Union/Pour le Conseil de l'Union européenne/Per il Consiglio dell'Unione europea/Voor de Raad van de Europese Unie/Pelo Conselho da União Europeia/Euroopan unionin neuvoston puolesta/För Europeiska unionens råd/Fyrir hönd ráðs Evrópusambandsins/For Rådet for Den europeiske union
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Por la República de Islandia/For Republikken Island/Für die Republik Island/Για τη Δημοκρατία της Ισλανδίας/For the Republic of Iceland/Pour la République d'Islande/Per la Repubblica d'Islanda/Voor de Republiek IJsland/Pela República da Islândia/Islannin tasavallan puolesta/På Republiken Islands vägnar/Fyrir hönd Lyðveldisins Íslands/For Republikken Island
>PIC FILE= "L_2000015EN.000601.TIF">
Por el Reino de Noruega/For Kongeriget Norge/Für das Königreich Norwegen/Για το Βασίλειο της Νορβηγίας/For the Kingdom of Norway/Pour le Royaume de Norvège/Per il Regno di Norvegia/Voor het Koninkrijk Noorwegen/Pelo Reino da Noruega/Norjan kuningaskunnan puolesta/På Konungariket Norges vägnar/Fyrir hönd Konungsríkisins Noregs/For Kongeriket Norge
>PIC FILE= "L_2000015EN.000701.TIF">