2000/420/CFSP: Council Common Position of 29 June 2000 concerning EU support for the OAU peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea
Official Journal L 161 , 01/07/2000 P. 0001 - 0001
Council Common Position
of 29 June 2000
concerning EU support for the OAU peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 15 thereof,
(1) On 10 April 2000, the Council adopted conclusions on the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea on the basis of regular reports by the Presidency's Special Representative.
(2) The Council has adopted Common Position 97/356/CFSP concerning conflict prevention and resolution in Africa(1) and Common Position 98/350/CFSP concerning human rights, democratic principles, the rule of law and good governance in Africa(2).
(3) As stated in the declarations of the Presidency on behalf of the European Union of 17 November 1998, 15 January, 11 February, 2 March, 18 June, 21 July 1999, 10 May, 17 May and 14 June 2000, and in the Conclusions of the Council on 22 and 23 May 2000, the Union has pledged its support to the implementation of the peace plan drawn up under the auspices of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) provided that the parties respect and implement such plan in accordance with the terms set out therein.
(4) The United Nations Security Council has adopted Resolutions 1177(98), 1226(99), 1227(99), 1297(2000) and 1298(2000).
(5) On 18 June 2000, the Governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea signed an agreement on cessation of hostilities, proposed by the OAU, which the European Council welcomed through its Declaration on 20 June 2000,
Article 1
The objective of this Common Position is to support the OAU peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Article 2
The European Union shall in coordinated manner support action taken by the Organisation of African Unity and the United Nations for the implementation of the OAU peace settlement, including the cessation of hostilities agreement signed by the two countries concerned on 18 June 2000. The European Union shall support in particular the deployment of international observers, the delimitation and demarcation of borders, mine-clearance and efforts to assist refugees and displaced persons.
Article 3
The Council notes that the Commission may direct its action towards achieving the objectives of this Common Position, where appropriate, by relevant Community measures.
Article 4
The European Union and its Member States reserve the right to modify or cancel any activities in support of the implementation of the OAU peace package if the parties do not abide by the terms thereof.
Article 5
This Common Position shall take effect on the day of its adoption.
Article 6
This Common Position shall be published in the Official Journal.
Done at Luxembourg, 29 June 2000.
For the Council
The President
M. Arcanjo
(1) OJ L 153, 11.6.1997, p. 1.
(2) OJ L 158, 2.6.1998, p. 1.