Commission Implementing Decision of 19 June 2017 on the publication in the Of... (32017D0621(02))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 19 June 2017

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of a request for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Dealurile Crişanei (PGI))

(2017/C 197/05)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007(1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) Romania has sent an application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Crişanei’ in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) The Commission has examined the application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 have been met.
(3) In order to allow for the presentation of statements of opposition in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Crişanei’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Crişanei’ (PGI), in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, is contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision confers the right to oppose the amendment of the specification referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within 2 months of the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 19 June 2017.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671





Date of submission: 3.6.2015


Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 — Non-minor amendment


Description and reasons for the amendment


Amendment to the demarcated area

The Association of Wine Producers of the traditional vineyards of Satu Mare has submitted an application to modify the specifications for the Dealurile Sătmarului GI, to extend the demarcated production area to include localities which have the specific characteristics of the Satu Mare area. These localities were incorrectly included in the demarcated area of the specifications for the Dealurile Crișanei GI, given that there is a series of arguments regarding the location and the eco-pedoclimatic factors in those localities, which are specific to the area of the indication Dealurile Sătmarului and not Dealurile Crișanei. The above is supported by information regarding the wines from the wine-growing region of Dealurile Sătmarului, i.e. from Rătești, which have long been produced and known under the designation ‘Dealurile Răteștilor’ or ‘Vinul de Halmeu’.
The inclusion of the localities in question in the Satu Maru area and therefore within the indication Dealurile Sătmarului and not in Dealurile Crișanei, is supported by data regarding the relief and climate of hills such as Ardud-Beltiug-Hurez, Hododului, Tășnad-Săuca-Pir, Săcășeni-Supur, Tășnad-Cehal, which have steeper slopes with terraces mitigating their inclines, Pleistocene soils of red clays and north-facing slopes with gentler inclines covered with more podzolic soils. Mediterranean influences permit the development and production of wines with floral or fruity aromas (forest berries of Pinot noir, Merlot, Burgund mare), as well as peppery or grassy wines with pleasant primary notes (Fetească albă, Furmint). The flavours are typical of the variety: round, tannic, velvety and with moderate astringency, full-bodied, fresh (white wines).
The localities which are being removed from the area of the geographical indication Dealurile Crişanei are located in the county of Satu Mare. They are:
— Valea lui Mihai
— Municipality of Carei, locality of Carei
— Pir (Pir village)
— Săuca (Săuca village)
— Cehal (Cehal, Cehăluț and Orbău villages)
— the town of Tășnad, with the locality of Tășnad
— Sanislău, in Satu Mare County, with the locality Sanislău (village of Sanislău)
— Rătești, with localities:
— Beltiug (Beltiug, Rătești and Șandra villages)
— Ardud (Ardud, Ardud Vii and Gerăușa villages)
— Viile Satu Mare (Viile Satu Mare and Tătărăști villages)
— Socond (Socond and Hodişa villages)
— Supur (Dobra, Hurezu Mare and Racova villages)
— Acâș (Unimăt village)
— Bogdand (Bogdand, Babța, Ser and Corund villages)
— Hodod (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului, Lelei, Giurtelecu Hododului villages)
The localities above are no longer in the demarcated area of the indication Dealurile Crişanei.
By re-demarcating the geographical area of the geographical indication Dealurile Crişanei by removing from it the localities listed above located in the territory of Satu Mare County, the demarcated cultivation and production area in which the wines with the geographical indication will be obtained will comprise:

Bihor County, localities:

— Diosig (Diosig and Vaida villages)
— Săcueni (Săcueni and Cadea villages)
— Ciuhoi (Sâniob and Ciuhoi villages)
— Biharia (Biharia village)
— Cetariu (Şişterea and Paleu villages)
— Tileagd (Tileagd village)
— Valea lui Mihai.

County of Sălaj, localities:

— town of Șimleu Silvaniei, localities Șimleu Silvaniei and Cehei
— Nuşfalău (Nuşfalău, Boghiş, Bozieş and Bilghez villages)
— Vârşolţ (Vârşolţ village)
— Ip (Ip, Zăuan, Zăuan Băi villages)
— Camăr (Camăr village)
— Pericei (Pericei, Sici and Bădăcin villages)
— Carastelec (Carastelec and Dumuslău villages)
— Crasna (Crasna village)
— Măerişte (Măerişte, Doh and Uileacu Şimleului villages)
— municipality of Zalău, locality Zalău
— Meseşenii de Jos (Meseşenii de Jos and Aghireş villages)
— Crişeni (Crişeni and Gârceiu)
— Hereclean (Hereclean, Guruslău, Dioşod and Badon villages)
— Dobrin (Dobrin and Doba villages)
— Horoatu Crasnei (Horoatu Crasnei village)
— Coşeiu (Coşeiu and Archid)
— Şamşud (Şamşud and Valea Pomilor villages)
— Bocşa (Bocşa and Borla villages)
— Sărmăşag (Sărmăşag, Lompirt, Ilisua and Moiad villages)
— Bobota (Bobota, Dersida and Zalnoc villages).
The locality of Valea lui Mihai in the county of Satu Mare was mistakenly included in the geographical indication of Dealurile Crişanei in the technical file forwarded to the Commission in accordance with Article 118(s) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
The mistake of including the locality of Valea lui Mihai in the county of Satu Mare, in the area of the indication, is a result of the fact that in the past, according to the division/demarcation of wine-growing areas during the period of the Communist regime in Romania, when localities were organised by vineyards and wine-growing centres, there was a well-known vineyard called Valea lui Mihai which extended into the two counties, Satu Mare and Bihor.
In accordance with Order of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry No 397/2003 approving the Designation of wine-growing areas and the grouping of localities into wine-growing regions, vineyards and wine-growing centres (published in Official Gazette No 513 of 16 July 2003), in point V — Wine-growing Region of Crişanei and Maramureşului, position 28 places Valea lui Mihai in the county of Satu Mare outside of Bihor, on the basis of the old sectors mentioned above.



Name(s) to be registered

Dealurile Crişanei


Geographical indication type

PGI — Protected geographical indication


Categories of grapevine products



Description of the wine(s)

Analytical and organoleptic characteristics

— actual alcoholic strength: minimum 10 % by volume,
— total acidity (tartaric acid): minimum 4,5 g/l,
— volatile acidity (acetic acid): not more than 1,2 g/l,
— non-reducing dry extract: not less than 17 g/l,
— total sulphur dioxide: not more than 300 mg/l,
— free sulphur dioxide: maximum 60 mg/l.

1.   Sauvignon:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: green yellow, bright, with no oxidation marks
— Nose: refined elderflower aroma
— Taste: fruity, pleasant.

2.   Traminer roz:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish yellow, bright
— Nose: fresh, pleasant rose petal aroma
— Taste: delicate, harmonious, bottle ageing conveys distinctive qualities.

3.   Pinot gris:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish-white, with slightly yellowish highlights
— Nose: pleasant primary aroma of freshly cut apples
— Taste: supple, palatable, with a hint of rye bread crust and acacia flowers.

4.   Fetească regală:

— Appearance: clear
— Colour: greenish yellow, may become golden yellow at consumption maturity
— Nose: sourish summer apple aroma, when slightly aged has a hint of freshly mown hay and honey
— Taste: distinctive, full-bodied, becomes slightly ether-like with ageing, balanced.

5.   Fetească albă:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish-white
— Nose: pleasant primary aroma
— Taste: pleasant, marked, like summer apples.

6.   Riesling varietal (Riesling de Rhin, Riesling Italian):

— Appearance: clear
— Colour: greenish white, bright
— Nose: no specific primary aroma, has stony, mineral notes at maturity
— Taste: palatable, fruity, extremely fresh, pleasantly acidulated, clean and sober.

7.   Chardonnay

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: golden yellow
— Nose: characteristic acacia aroma
— Taste: soft, unctuous, round, velvety, harmonious.

8.   Iordană

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish-yellow
— Nose: raw green apple
— Taste: fresh and lively due to high acidity, to be consumed as a ‘young wine’.

9.   Mustoasă de Măderat:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish-yellow, like unripe lemons, if bottle matured becomes pale yellow
— Nose: raw green apple, fresh, with notes of grapevine flower
— Taste: fresh and cooling, lively due to high acidity but at the same time a ‘long run’ wine, to be consumed young without the need for ageing.

10.   Furmint:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish white with pale yellow highlights and no oxidation marks
— Nose: pleasant primary aroma of exotic fruits
— Taste: pleasant, similar to an exotic fruit.

11.   Furmint de Miniş:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: greenish white with pale yellow highlights and no oxidation marks
— Nose: pleasant primary aroma of exotic fruits
— Taste: pleasant, imposing, with a clear and catchy finish, original.

12.   Muscat Ottonel:

— Appearance: clear and bright
— Colour: straw-yellow or intense yellow, depending on the quality of the grapes when harvested
— Nose: delicate floral notes, typical Muscat aroma, very complex, subtle and delicate.
— Taste: typical muscat flavour, subtle, delicate, full, harmonious, with a pleasant roundness and slightly velvety.

13.   Tămâioasă românească:

— Appearance: clear and bright
— Colour: yellow or intense yellow, depending on the quality of the grapes when harvested
— Nose: delicate floral hints, typical aroma, subtle and delicate;
— Taste: typical frankincense aroma, full-bodied, harmonious, with a pleasant velvety nuance.

14.   Cabernet Sauvignon:

— Appearance: clear, translucent
— Colour: ruby-red
— Nose: distinct aroma of vegetation and grass
— Taste: rough, tannic, hard, by maturation becoming pleasantly velvety, round and softer.

15.   Pinot noir:

— Appearance: clear, transparent
— Colour: dark cherry red
— Nose: aroma changing from cherries to ripe sour cherries as it ages
— Taste: fine, velvety, delicate, complex and refined.

16.   Merlot:

— Appearance: clear, transparent
— Colour: ruby-red, bright
— Nose: pleasing aroma of forest fruits, fresh raspberry
— Taste: astringency is more moderate than in the case of Cabernet Sauvignon, and has the velvety texture specific to this variety.

17.   Fetească neagră:

— Appearance: clear, translucent
— Colour: intense garnet red
— Nose: complex and original aroma
— Taste: well-shaped, pleasant and sufficiently full-bodied, palatable and attractive.

18.   Burgund mare:

— Appearance: clear, pleasant
— Colour: garnet red with hints of violet, intensely coloured
— Nose: aroma of ripe forest fruits: redcurrant, cowberry, blackberry and blueberry.
— Taste: balanced, consistent, long-lasting, non-aggressive.

19.   Syrah:

— Appearance: clear, transparent
— Colour: bright red
— Nose: floral bouquet with very intense aromas redolent of pepper
— Taste: tannic, consistent, full-bodied.


Wine-making practices


Essential oenological practices

Oenological practices

Relevant restriction on making the wines:
No addition of saccharose is allowed in the production of wines with the geographical indication ‘Dealurile Crișanei’.


Maximum yields

Grape production — for the Fetească regală, Iordană, Mustoasă de Măderat varieties:
15 000 kg of grapes per hectare
Grape production — for the Fetească albă, Furmint, Furmint de Miniș, Riesling de Rhin and Riesling Italian varieties:
12 500 kg of grapes per hectare
Grape production – for the Merlot, Fetească neagră and Burgund mare varieties:
12 500 kg of grapes per hectare
Grape production — Muscat Ottonel, Tămâioasă românească, Pinot gris, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Traminer roz varieties:
10 000 kg of grapes per hectare
Grape production — for the Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir and Syrah varieties:
10 000 kg of grapes per hectare
Wine production — for white wines:
95 hl per hectare
Wine production — for red, rosé and aromatic wines:
85 hl per hectare


Demarcated area

Bihor County

— Diosig and Vaida villages
— Săcueni and Cadea villages
— Sâniob, Ciuhoi and Biharia villages
— Cetariu — Șișterea and Paleu villages
— Tileagd village
— Valea lui Mihai village.

Sălaj County

The town of Șimleu Silvaniei, with Șimleu Silvaniei and Cehei localities

— Nușfalău, Boghiș, Bozieș and Bilghez villages
— Vârșolț village
— Ip, Zăuan and Zăuan Băi villages
— Camăr village
— Pericei, Sici and Bădăcin villages
— Carastelec, Dumuslău, and Crasna villages
— Măeriște, Doh and Uileacu Șimleului villages.

Municipality of Zalău

— Meseșenii de Jos and Aghireș villages
— Crișeni and Gârceiu villages
— Hereclean, Guruslău, Dioșod and Badon villages
— Dobrin and Doba villages
— Horoatu Crasnei, Coșeiu and Archid villages
— Şamşud, Valea Pomilor, Bocşa and Borla villages
— Sărmăşag, Lompirt, Ilisua, and Moiad villages
— Bobota, Dersida and Zalnoc villages.


Maine wine grapes

Burgund Mare N
Tămâioasă românească B
Pinot Gris G
Fetească neagră N
Muscat Ottonel B
Cabernet Sauvignon N
Sauvignon B
Merlot N
Fetească regală B
Fetească albă B
Furmint de Miniş B
Furmint B
Iordană B
Chardonnay B
Mustoasă de Măderat B
Syrah N
Traminer Roz Rs
Riesling Italian B
Riesling de Rhin B
Pinot Noir N


Description of the link(s)

Link with the demarcated area

The specific natural feature of the environment is the Crișul Repede river area, bounded on the north by the Șes mountain, gentle hills close to the plain and the influence of the Central European climate, causing a certain reduction in temperatures and increased rainfall variability. Winters in this area are milder, and wine-growing areas enjoy a significant amount of sunshine while being sheltered from winds and cold currents.
In the wine-growing areas of Diosig and Valea lui Mihai, the area of Silvania and the wine-growing centres of Biharia and Tileagd there are vineyards distributed over a large area, to the north and north-east of the Oradea. The wine-growing centres of the wine areas (Diosig, Săcuieni and Sâniob) have a tradition dating back to 1569-1578. The white wines produced here are rich, with an expressive taste and a strong acidic and fruity character. The varieties with particular potential in this wine-growing area include Fetească albă, Fetească regală, Riesling Italian and the aromatic Muscat Ottonel. The wines of this area have a well-balanced structure. The oenoclimatic potential of the wine-growing region has a score of 4 287 on the hydro-helio-thermal index. This means that the region is particularly suitable for white wines, which have expressive aromas of acacia flowers, green apples and cut grass (Fetească regală), with a long finish (Tămâioasă românească), ripe pears, notes of vanilla when matured in oak barrels, with prominent exotic notes of pineapple (Chardonnay), balanced and with good acidity. Red wines are full-bodied, velvety, round, with aromas of cherries to ripe sour-cherries with ageing in the case of Pinot noir, peppery notes in the case of Syrah, and typical forest fruits — fresh raspberries in the case of Merlot.


Essential further conditions

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

When labelled, wines with the geographical indication ‘Dealurile Crișanei’ must have a main label. The counter-label is optional.


Link to the product specification