Commission Implementing Decision of 29 September 2017 on the publication in t... (32017D0930(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 29 September 2017

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of the single document referred to in Article 94(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of the reference to the publication of the product specification for a name in the wine sector

[Monor, Monori (PDO)]

(2017/C 329/06)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007(1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) Hungary has sent an application for protection of the name ‘Monor, Monori’ in accordance with Section 2 of Chapter I of Title II of Part II of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) In accordance with Article 97(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 the Commission has examined that application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of that Regulation are met.
(3) In order to allow for the submission of statements of objection in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the single document referred to in Article 94(1)(d) of that Regulation and the publication reference of the product specification made in the course of the preliminary national procedure for examining the application for protection of the name ‘Monor, Monori’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The single document established in accordance with Article 94(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and the reference to the publication of the product specification for the name ‘Monor/Monori’ (PDO) are contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision shall confer the right to object to the protection of the name specified in the first paragraph of this Article within two months from the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 29 September 2017.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671





Date of application: 2.5.2013


Name(s) to be registered

Monor, Monori


Geographical indication type

PDO — Protected Designation of Origin


Categories of grapevine products



Description of the wine(s)

white varietal and cuvée wines

Pale green or greenish-yellow in colour, lively and fresh, varietal wines have a fruity and floral fragrance and taste characteristic of the variety used; long finish; dry, medium-dry, medium-sweet or sweet, depending on the sugar content.
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (mEq/l)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (mg/l)


rosé varietal and cuvée wines

Pale pink or salmon-coloured, lively, fresh wines made from black grapes, with fruity fragrances and flavours (raspberry, peach, sour cherry, blackcurrant, wild strawberry, etc.) and perhaps floral aromas; exuberant wine with light, playful acids; dry, medium-dry, medium-sweet or sweet, depending on the sugar content.
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (mEq/l)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (mg/l)


red varietal and cuvée wines

Ruby in colour, varietal wines have fragrances and flavours characteristic of the variety used, with rounded acids; coupage wines have a tannin content reflecting the varieties used, a velvety taste and body; these wines have fruity (sour-cherry, raspberry, walnut, blackcurrant, etc.) and spicy (cinnamon, vanilla), chocolate and tobacco aromas; dry, medium-dry, medium-sweet or sweet, depending on the sugar content.
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total alcoholic strength (% vol.)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (mEq/l)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (mg/l)



Wine making practices


Essential oenological practices

Relevant restriction on making the wines

Mandatory oenological practices
White and rosé
— harvesting by hand;
— grapes must be processed on the day on which they are harvested;
— pressing may be carried out only in batch presses;
— purification of the must;
— controlled fermentation of the must at 20 °C max.
— harvesting by hand;
— grapes must be processed on the day on which they are harvested;
— fermentation on skins;
— pressing may be carried out only in batch presses;
— ageing in wooden casks for at least three months;
— ageing in bottles for at least three months.

Cultivation practice

In the case of existing vineyards planted before 31 December 2011, products with the Monor(i) PDO may be produced from grapes originating from the vineyard for as long as the vineyard remains in operation.
In the case of vineyards established after 1 January 2012, products labelled with the Monor(i) PDO may be produced only from grapes originating from vines planted using the following methods of cultivation: head-training, umbrella training, Moser training, single-curtain training, Sylvoz training.
For vineyards established after 1 January 2012, the planting density should be at least 3 300 vines per hectare. When determining the distance between rows and between vines, besides even row and vine spacing, the planting of twin rows and/or twin vines is also acceptable. The distance between rows must be at least 1,00 m and no more than 3,60 m, while the distance between vines must be at least 0,60 m and no more than 1,20 m. In the case of twinned vines, the average distance between the vines is the determining factor.
When determining the vine load, the number of living light buds left on each vine may not exceed 12 per m
The date on which harvesting begins is decided by the competent wine community each year and is determined on the basis of test harvests carried out every week from 1 August each year. The date of the harvest is published in the form of an announcement by the wine communities.
The grapes have a minimum sugar content of 16,0 [MM °] (natural alcoholic strength at 17,5 °C at least 9,87 % vol.)


Maximum yields

White and rosé wine

70 hl/ha

Red wine

60 hl/ha


Demarcated area

Those sections of Strázsa-hegy (Strázsa hill) in the town of Monor, Száraz-hegy (Száraz hill) in the town of Monor and the villages of Monorierdő and Bénye, and sloping sites in the Harc-völgy (Harc valley) in the village of Gomba that are classified as Class I and II according to the vineyard cadastre.


Main wine grapes

** Zöld veltelini (MAIN)
** Cabernet sauv. (MAIN)
** Cabernet franc (MAIN)
** Blauburger (OTHER)
** Ezerjó (MAIN)
** Kékoportó (OTHER)
** Kékfrankos (MAIN)
** Karát (OTHER)
* Kadarka (MAIN)
** Irsai Olivér (OTHER)
** Hárslevelű (MAIN)
** Cserszegi fűszeres (MAIN)
** Chardonnay (MAIN)
** Ottonel muskotály (OTHER)
** Olasz rizling (MAIN)
** Kövidinka (MAIN)
** Szürkebarát (OTHER)
** Syrah (OTHER)
** Sauvignon (OTHER)
** Rajnai rizling (MAIN)
** Pinot noir (MAIN)


Description of the link(s)

Link with the geographical area

1.   Description of the demarcated area

Natural factors

The area where grapes for Monori wine are grown, which – according to the Hungarian Geomorphological Map (Magyarország geomorfológiai térképe) – is located in the Gödöllő-Monori-dombság (Gödöllő-Monor hills) geomorphological macroregion, in a range of hills on the south-western edge of the Cserhát hills, has an average elevation of 200 m above sea-level. At Monor, an erosion bench separates the Pesti hordalékkúp síkság (Pest alluvial plain) mesoregion, which lies to the south-west of the ridge of hills, from the Pilis-Alpári homokhát (Pilis-Alpár sand ridge) geomorphological mesoregion. Within the range of hills are lower-lying ridges separated by eroded valleys. The production area is situated on these ridges.
The soil is of the Upper Pleistocene, comprising 10-30 m deep typical loess, sandy sloping loess, loessial sands and quicksand or fixed windblown sand. The topsoil is rust-brown forest soil or carbonaceous residual-forest chernozem that contains large amounts of dolomite and is low in illite clay minerals, with a relatively low iron and aluminium content. Everywhere on the ridges, the groundwater is at a depth of more than 10 m.
In terms of its climate, the area is well-suited to the growing of grapes. Temperatures vary according to the season, but extreme temperature variations are unknown. The risk of winter frost is low, and frosts occur only rarely on high ground in spring and autumn. There is no significant variation between daily minimum and maximum temperatures during the vegetation period, and the number of hot days in summer is low. The annual average temperature is 11,6 °C. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the vegetation period. Rainfall averages 500 mm per year. There are 2 000 hours of sunshine per year.

Human factors

Grape production on the Strázsahegy in Monor and in the Harc-völgy (Harc valley) in Gomba is based on traditional varieties and techniques.
Notably, grape production in the demarcated area began in the 15th century, when vines were planted following the clearing of extensive areas of woodland. Cellars were traditionally dug into the loess amongst the vine plantations on the Strázsahegy (Strázsa hill) at Monor. Some of the cellars were lined with brick, but most of them are even now not brick-lined. Thermal conditions in the cellars are suitable for ensuring the ideal temperature of 10–11 °C. There are about 1 000 cellars in Monor.
In the modern vineyards on the Szárazhegy (Száraz hill) in Monorierdő and Bénye there are international varieties in addition to the traditional Hungarian varieties.
The impact of human factors on the production area can be observed in the following areas:
— selection of varieties in line with the potential presented by the ecological conditions;
— development of viticultural and wine-production techniques in keeping with specific ecological and, in part, market features;
— development of facility and integration structure in line with ecological and market conditions;

2.   Description of wines

A general feature of the wines is their elegant appearance, high alcohol content and fine acid composition, long-lasting after-taste, having the floral, fruity fragrance and flavour of the variety used.

3.   Presentation and demonstration of the causal link

Owing to the location of the Monor production area and the particularities of its soil, the environment has a significant impact on the characteristics of the wines produced from the grapes that are grown here, which cannot be replicated either in neighbouring areas of the Duna (Danube) Wine Region or in other wine-producing sub-regions. Above all, this imparts a rich bouquet of flavours and aromas and means that the wines are low in acidity and rich in alcohol. The wines have a higher mineral content owing to the properties of the soil and possess a mineral character. The wines from the production area may be consumed young, but their qualities develop fully if they are allowed to age for longer.


Essential further conditions

Legal framework

By an organisation which manages the PDO/PGI, where foreseen by Member States

Type of further condition

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition

Guarantee of identity of origin: the name of a locality may appear on a wine only if 100 % of the raw materials used to make the wine were grown in that locality.
List of permitted traditional terms and other restricted terms:
Traditional term: Védett eredetű bor [Protected-origin wine]
Other restricted terms: muskotály, barrique
Traditional terms, other restricted terms and terms referring to the colour of the wine may not be indicated on the label in lettering which is bigger than that used for the designation of origin.
Use of variety names:
Variety names may appear on the label provided that the lettering in which they appear is not bigger than that used for the designation of origin.
For wines produced from several varieties of grape, the words küvé, cuvée or házasítás may be used.

Production outside the demarcated production area

Legal framework
By an organisation which manages the PDO/PGI, where foreseen by Member States
Type of further condition
Derogation on production in the demarcated geographical area
Description of the condition
This is possible in the village of Tápiószentmárton.

Link to the product specification