Commission Implementing Decision of 5 January 2018 on the publication in the ... (32018D0106(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 5 January 2018

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of an application to amend the specification for a name in the wine sector in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Haut-Montravel (PDO)

(2018/C 4/04)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007(1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) France submitted an application to amend the specification for the name ‘Haut-Montravel’ in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) The Commission examined that application and found that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, 97(1), 100, 101 and 102 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 had been met.
(3) In order to allow statements of objection to be submitted in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the application to amend the specification for the name ‘Haut-Montravel’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The application to amend the specification for the name ‘Haut-Montravel’ (PDO) in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 is contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision in the
Official Journal of the European Union
confers the right to oppose the amendment of the specification referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within 2 months.
Done at Brussels, 5 January 2018.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671




Date of submission of the application: 15 September 2014



Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 – non-minor amendment


Description of and reasons for the amendment


Geographical production area

The geographical production area described under point IV of chapter 1 of the specification is expanded to include the territory of eight municipalities: Bonneville-et-Saint-Avit-de-Fumadières, Lamothe-Montravel, Montcaret, Montazeau, Montpeyroux, Saint-Méard-de-Gurçon, Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne and Saint-Vivien. These municipalities, which are also situated in the production area for the ‘Côtes de Montravel’ PDO, have identical soil and climate characteristics to those of the geographical production area initially defined for the ‘Haut-Montravel’ PDO, and have similar vine varieties. This amendment goes hand in hand with a gradual change in the production conditions to maintain the dessert nature of the white wines of the ‘Haut-Montravel’ PDO.
These amendments are in line with those made in parallel to the specification for the ‘Côtes de Montravel’ PDO. From now on, the areas for these two PDOs are the same but for different products: the wines under the ‘Côtes de Montravel’ PDO are semi-sweet white wines. This clarifies the situation.
The municipalities added to the geographical area were previously part of the area in immediate proximity. That area has consequently been amended to remove them (point IV(3) of chapter 1 of the specification).
The date on which the relevant national authority approved the amendment to the demarcated parcel area within the newly defined geographical production area has been added to point IV(2) of chapter 1. This point does not affect the Single Document.


Link to the origin

The link to the origin under point X of the specification is amended in conjunction with the amendments made to the specification.
The summary of the link under point 7 of the Single Document has been revised accordingly and in accordance with the maximum number of characters allowed by e-ambrosia.


Editorial changes

— Under point VI(1)(b) of chapter 1, the word ‘buds’ is replaced by the words ‘fruit-bearing buds’ – this is an editorial improvement and does not alter the sense of the original text.
This point of the Single Document is amended: the expression ‘10 buds’ is replaced by ‘10 fruit-bearing buds’.
— Under point XI of chapter 1 regarding transitional measures, paragraph 2 ‘Analytical standards – total alcoholic strength by volume’ is deleted, as this provision only applied up to and including the 2011 harvest.
This is an editorial update that does not affect the Single Document.



— Under point VIII(1) of chapter 1 of the specification, the provisions regarding yields are amended: the yield is reduced from 50 hl/ha to 25 hl/ha and the maximum yield is also reduced from 60 hl/ha to 30 hl/ha.
Point 5(b) of the Single Document is amended accordingly.
— Under point VI(1)(d) of chapter 1, the maximum average density per parcel is reduced from 8 000 kg/ha to 7 000 kg/ha in line with the amendments to the yields.
This amendment does not affect the Single Document.
— A paragraph 4 is added under point VIII of the specification that provides for the controlled designation of origin ‘Haut-Montravel’ and the controlled designation of origin ‘Côtes de Montravel’ to be claimed simultaneously on a defined area of vines in production.
In this case, the quantity declared for the controlled designation of origin ‘Côtes de Montravel’ may not exceed the difference between the authorised annual yield for the controlled designation of origin ‘Côtes de Montravel’ and the quantity declared for the controlled designation of origin ‘Haut-Montravel’, subject to a coefficient
. The coefficient
is equal to the quotient of the authorised annual yield for the controlled designation of origin ‘Côtes de Montravel’ divided by the authorised annual yield for the controlled designation of origin ‘Haut-Montravel’.
This amendment does not affect the Single Document.
The amendments to the production conditions are part of the desire to better identify the wine ‘Haut-Montravel’ as a sweet dessert wine made from overripe grapes harvested by hand in successive selections.


Ripeness of the grapes and analytical standards

— Under point VII(1) of chapter 1 of the specification, the provisions regarding harvesting are amended to specify that the grapes are harvested when overripe with or without the effect of noble rot.
— It is also added that the grapes are harvested by hand in successive selections.
— Under point VII(2) of chapter 1 of the specification, the provisions regarding the ripeness of the grapes are revised upwards as follows: the sugar content of the grapes and the natural and actual alcoholic strength by volume are adjusted, increasing from 198 g/l to 225 g/l, from 12,5 % to 17 %, and from 10,5 % to 12 % respectively.
— Point 3 of the Single Document is amended with regard to the minimum actual alcoholic strength and the minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume.
— Under point IX(b) of chapter 1 regarding the analytical standards, the fermentable sugar content is increased from between 25 and 51 g/l to 85 g/l.
— It is also added that, by way of derogation, the wines have a volatile acid content before packaging (bulk wine) laid down by joint order of the Minister for Consumer Affairs and the Minister for Agriculture.
The amendments to the production conditions are part of the desire to better identify the wine ‘Haut-Montravel’ as a sweet dessert wine made from overripe grapes harvested by hand in successive selections.


Vine varieties and blending

— The following phrase is inserted into point V(2) of chapter 1 on the rules on the proportions of the various vine varieties to be planted: ‘the proportion of the Sémillon B variety must be greater than or equal to 50 % of the vines planted’. This variety, which accounts for the large majority of vines in the production area, is highly suited to over-ripening in the oceanic climate enjoyed by the production area.
This amendment does not affect the Single Document.
— Under point IX(1)(a) of chapter 1, the provisions on the blending of varieties are revised to specify that the minimum proportion of the Sémillon B variety is greater than or equal to 50 %.
This amendment does not affect the Single Document.
These amendments are part of the characterisation of the wines of the ‘Haut-Montravel’ PDO and the emphasis of the dessert nature of the wines produced.


Oenological practices

Point IX(1)(c) of chapter 1 on oenological practices is amended to add that enrichment is prohibited for the wines of the ‘Haut-Montravel’ PDO.
Point 4 of the Single Document, ‘Wine-making practices’, is amended accordingly.


Placing of the wines on the market for consumers

An ageing period (extension of the length of ageing) is inserted into point IX(4) of chapter 1 of the specification, under which the wines are not placed on the market for consumers until, at the earliest, 1 September of the year following the year of harvest.
The amendments to the production conditions are part of the desire to better identify the wine ‘Haut-Montravel’ as a sweet dessert wine made from overripe grapes harvested by hand in successive selections.
This amendment does not affect the Single Document.



Description and reasons
Point I of chapter II of the specification on compulsory declarations is amended.
The date of submission of the production waiver declaration is amended to be before the harvest begins.
The withdrawal declaration is removed.
Point II of chapter II of the specification on record-keeping is amended to insert an obligation to record daily harvests in order to gather information on the land-registry references of the parcels harvested, the date, volume harvested and sugar content of the batches.
The table of main points to check under point I of chapter III of the specification is amended to insert a check on harvesting by hand in successive selections.
These amendments concerning the monitoring of compliance with the specification do not affect the Single Document.






Type of geographical indication

PDO — Protected Designation of Origin


Categories of grapevine products



Description of the wine(s)

They are highly concentrated fine, smooth white wines. Their ‘sweet’ character is more pronounced when the grapes are affected by ‘noble rot’ (the effect of botrytis cinerea). They are very well suited to ageing. Very high in fermentable sugars (content > 85 g/l) and with a certain roundness in the mouth, these sweet white wines have flavours of stewed or candied fruits, sometimes with notes of honey.
No enrichment. Minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume = 17 %.
Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume): 12 %
By way of derogation, the wines have a volatile acid content before packaging laid down by joint order of the Minister for Consumer Affairs and the Minister for Agriculture.


Wine-making practices


Essential oenological practices

Specific oenological practice

Any enrichment is prohibited.
Any heat treatment of the wine harvest where the temperature falls below – 5 °C and any use of drying tunnels or chambers are prohibited. The use of wood chips and the addition of tannins are prohibited. In addition to the above provisions, the oenological practices applied to these wines must meet the requirements laid down at EU level and in the Rural Code.

Cultivation method

The minimum planting density of the vines is 5 000 plants per hectare.
The spacing between the rows may not exceed 2 metres, and the spacing between plants in the same row may not be less than 0,80 metres.
The vines are pruned according to the following techniques: ‘Guyot’ pruning method, ‘Cordon de Royat’ pruning method, or using short pruning.
Each vine shall have a maximum of 10 fruit-bearing buds. Irrigation is prohibited.


Maximum yields

30 hectolitres per hectare


Demarcated area

The grapes are harvested and the wines made and developed in the following municipalities in the department of Dordogne: Bonneville-et-Saint-Avit-de-Fumadières, Fougueyrolles, Lamothe-Montravel, Montcaret, Montazeau, Montpeyroux, Nastringues, Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Saint-Antoine-de-Breuilh, Saint-Méard-de-Gurçon, Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne, Saint-Vivien and Vélines.


Main wine grapes

Muscadelle B
Semillon B
Sauvignon gris G
Sauvignon B


Description of the link(s)

The geographical area of the controlled designation of origin ‘Haut-Montravel’ is included in the geographical area of the control designation of origin ‘Montravel’. Delimited to the south by the valley of the Dordogne and to the north by the Forêt du Landais, it is located in the western part of the department of Dordogne and covers the territory of 13 municipalities.
In terms of geomorphology, the geographical area of ‘Haut-Montravel’ constitutes a unique area in Bergeracois with a fairly narrow table landscape, surrounded by the valleys of the Lidoire and the Dordogne.
Carefully selected to obtain optimal grape quality, the demarcated parcel area is mostly composed of well-drained clay-limestone plots on the plateau and fully south-facing slopes. These vineyard parcels have thin, leached soils but with sufficient clay content not to suffer the effects of drought in summer.
This demarcation requires careful management of training techniques, which results in a minimum planting density of 5 000 vines per hectare, and a low harvest rate per vine. This careful management ensures sufficient and early maturity of the grapes in order to enable a good concentration and in particular for the local varieties from the region such as the Muscadelle B, Sauvignon B and Sauvignon gris G, the Ondenc B to a lesser extent, and in particular the Sémillon B, which is often the predominant variety and is highly suited to over-ripening in the oceanic climate.
The concentration of the grapes must be achieved naturally and concentration techniques using low temperatures or drying tunnels are prohibited. Likewise, in order to preserve the grapes before pressing, any use of continuous presses or auto-draining trailers with vane pumps is prohibited.
Furthermore, the specific climate conditions associated with the valley of the Dordogne and the Forêt du Landais encourage the formation of morning mists followed by sunny afternoons in autumn. When these conditions are combined, the wine-growers harvest, in successive rounds, the overripe grapes with a very high sugar content affected by ‘noble rot’ caused by botrytis cinerea. The wines obtained are highly concentrated fine, smooth white wines with a fermentable sugar content of over 85 grams per litre and a total alcoholic strength by volume greater than 14,5 %, without any use of enrichment. These ‘sweet’ wines have a certain roundness in the mouth and flavours of stewed or candied fruits, sometimes with notes of honey, that demonstrate the range of possibilities offered by this region, and are very well suited to ageing.
Finally, the wine-growers’ expertise comes from a long tradition of wine production with residual sugar and preservation of the wines, which were sometimes consumed a long way from their place of origin (in northern Europe in particular).
Before the arrival of phylloxera, there is little record of the ‘Haut-Montravel’ wines, with reference only being made to the ‘Montravel’ wines in general without specifying whether dry wines or wines with fermentable sugars were meant.
In 1903, Edouard Feret made a full inventory of the viticulture of Bergeracois in the work
Bergerac et ses vins
[Bergerac and its wines]. He noted that: ‘in the municipalities of Fougueyrolles, Nastringues and Saint-Antoine-de-Breuilh (among others), the best vintages rival the wines of Sainte-Foy. They are fine, mellow, sweet wines, often with a pleasant bouquet.’
With limited production sold exclusively in bottles, the wine-growers have demonstrated over time that they are able to expertly manage their vineyards and the wine production to obtain high-quality sweet white wines, despite the uncertainties of the climate.
At many local events (agricultural shows etc.), the term ‘Montravel’ is increasingly emphasised in order to maintain the reputation of this distinctive area of Bergeracois.


Essential further conditions

Area in immediate proximity
Legal framework:
National legislation
Type of further condition:
Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area
Description of the condition:
The area in immediate proximity, defined by derogation for the making and development of the wines, comprises the territory of the following municipalities:
Department of Dordogne
: Bergerac, Le Fleix, Monfaucon, Saint-Laurent-des-Vignes.
Department of the Gironde
: Gardegan-et-Tourtirac, Gensac, Landerrouat, Les Lèves-et-Thoumeyragues, Pineuilh, Saint-Avit-Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Emilion.
Labelling rules
Legal framework:
National legislation
Type of further condition:
Additional provisions relating to labelling
Description of the condition:
Wines with the ‘Haut-Montravel’ controlled designation of origin may specify on their labels the broader geographical unit ‘Sud-Ouest [South-West]’. This broader geographical unit may also feature on any literature and containers. The size of the letters for the broader geographical unit must not be larger, either in height or width, than the size of the letters forming the name of the controlled designation of origin.

Reference to publication of the specification