Commission Implementing Decision of 8 June 2018 on the publication in the Off... (32018D0611(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 8 June 2018

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of the single document referred to in Article 94(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of the reference to the publication of the product specification for a name in the wine sector

(Oolde (PDO))

(2018/C 199/04)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) The Netherlands have sent an application for protection of the name ‘Oolde’ in accordance with Section 2 of Chapter I of Title II of Part II of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) In accordance with Article 97(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 the Commission has examined that application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of that Regulation are met.
(3) In order to allow for the submission of statements of objection in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the single document referred to in Article 94(1)(d) of that Regulation and the publication reference of the product specification made in the course of the preliminary national procedure for examining the application for protection of the name ‘Oolde’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The single document established in accordance with Article 94(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and the reference to the publication of the product specification for the name ‘Oolde’ (PDO) are contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision shall confer the right to object to the protection of the name specified in the first paragraph of this Article within two months from the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 8 June 2018.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671





Date of application: 18.8.2016


Name(s) to be registered



Geographical indication type

PDO — protected designation of origin


Categories of grapevine products

Liqueur wine
Quality sparkling wine
Semi-sparkling wine
Wine from overripe grapes


Description of the wine(s)

Wine category 1 Wine: Red, full, fruity

GRAPE VARIETIES: Regent or Pinotin or Cabertin, or a cuvée of these varieties (proportion varies according to year)

Organoleptic properties:

Regent Barrique: Colour: red, Aroma: spicy with slight animal notes, Taste: aromatic range including preserved fruit and heavy juice, soft tannins
Pinotin Barrique: Colour: red, Aroma: spicy, concentrated, dense fruity juice, Taste: dark red fruit such as black cherries, great length
Cabertin Barrique: Colour: red, Aroma: forest fruits, nuts and blackcurrant, Taste: dark red fruit such as blackberries, rich finish

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 0,5 and 6 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

63,84 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 1 Wine: White, dry, fruity


Organoleptic properties:

Colour: white
Aroma: fresh aromas of apple and grapefruit
Taste: good balance of acidity and great length

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 1 and 8 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

77,14 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 1 Wine: White, dry, full-bodied


Organoleptic properties:

Colour: white
Aroma: notes of vanilla and toast, ripe fruit
Taste: initially full-bodied, refined creaminess in the finish, with sufficient minerality and acids

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 1 and 8 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

77,14 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 1 Wine: Rosé, full, fruity

GRAPE VARIETIES: Regent or Pinotin or Cabertin, or a cuvée of these varieties (proportion varies according to year)

Organoleptic properties:

Colour: pink
Aroma: strawberries and light marmalade
Taste: dense juicy fruit, a little sweetness and fresh finish

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcohol content
— Maximum volatile acid content
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide content
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 1 and 8 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

63,84 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 3 Liqueur wine: Red

GRAPE VARIETIES: Regent or Pinotin or Cabertin, or a cuvée of these varieties (proportion varies according to year)

Organoleptic properties

Colour: red
Aroma: sweet, red/black fruit, slightly spicy
Taste: ripe, spicy

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 50 and 100 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

63,84 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 3 Liqueur wine: White


Organoleptic properties:

Colour: white
Aroma: ripe fruit
Taste: full, fruity

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcohol content
— Maximum volatile acid content
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide content
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 50 and 100 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

63,84 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 5 Quality sparkling wine: White, full, fruity


Organoleptic properties

Colour: white
Aroma: fresh aromas of apple and grapefruit
Taste: good balance of acidity and great length, initially grassy with a fine bouquet

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 2 and 12 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

79,8 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 8 Semi-sparkling wine: Rosé

GRAPE VARIETIES: Regent or Pinotin or Cabertin, or a cuvée of these varieties (proportion varies according to year)

Organoleptic properties:

Colour: pink
Aroma: strawberries
Taste: refined sweetness and fresh finish

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 1 and 8 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

77,17 in milliequivalents per litre

Wine category 16 Wine from overripe grapes White


Organoleptic properties:

Colour: white
Aroma: reserved, almost sultry, with notes of lychee and ripe pear
Taste: refined fresh taste

Analytical properties:

All the characteristics are in line with the applicable definitions and the limits set in the EU regulations/Dutch ministerial regulations.
— Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)
— Maximum volatile acidity
— Maximum total sulphur dioxide
— Maximum enrichment, deacidification and, subject to approval, acidification
The sugar content present is between 20 and 80 grams per litre
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

73,15 in milliequivalents per litre


Wine-making practices


Essential oenological practices

Wine category 1 Wine: Red, fruity, full-bodied

Specific oenological practice
Pulp fermentation for at least four days and ageing in wooden casks between five and 17 months

Wine category 1 Wine: White, dry, fruity

Specific oenological practice
Cold fermentation under 18 °C (exceptions for temperature increase at the start of fermentation and wines that do not ferment easily)

Wine category 1 Wine: White, dry, full-bodied

Specific oenological practice
Cold fermentation under 18 °C (exceptions for temperature increase at the start of fermentation and wines that do not ferment easily), partial ageing in wooden casks between two and six months

Wine category 1 Wine: Rosé, full, fruity

Specific oenological practice
Cold fermentation under 18 °C (exceptions for temperature increase at the start of fermentation and wines that do not ferment easily)

Wine category 3 Liqueur wine: Red

Specific oenological practice
Pulp fermentation for at least four days and ageing in wooden casks for at least two years, addition of wine alcohol

Wine category 3 Liqueur wine: White

Specific oenological practice
Pulp fermentation for at least four days and ageing in wooden casks for at least two years, addition of wine alcohol

Wine category 5 Quality sparkling wine: White, full, fruity

Specific oenological practice
Cold fermentation under 18 °C (exceptions for temperature increase at the start of fermentation and wines that do not ferment easily), traditional second fermentation in bottle (traditional method)

Wine category 8 Semi-sparkling wine: Rosé

Specific oenological practice
Cold fermentation under 18 °C (exceptions for temperature increase at the start of fermentation and wines that do not ferment easily), it is carbonated on bottling

Wine category 16 Wine from overripe grapes: White

Specific oenological practice
Late harvest with at least 110 Oechsle, wine-making by cold fermentation


Maximum yields

Red Regent

65 hectolitres per hectare

Red Pinotin

65 hectolitres per hectare

Red Cabertin

65 hectolitres per hectare

White Cabernet Blanc

65 hectolitres per hectare

White Solaris

65 hectolitres per hectare

White Solaris for wine from overripe grapes

40 hectolitres per hectare


Demarcated area

Definition and limits of PDO Oolde (municipality of Lochem)
The geographical area is Oolde, which forms part of the municipality of Lochem.
Oolde is a district within the municipality of Lochem in the province of Gelderland.
The names and mindset of the districts are very much alive among the local population.
Oolde covers a total area of 658 hectares.
Oolde is defined by the natural watercourses on its northern (Dortherbeek) and southern (Molenbeek) borders. To the west, the area is bordered by the original municipal border of Gorssel. The eastern border runs parallel to the banks of Lindenbergsdijk, Stoomdijk and Broekdijk.
The PDO Oolde has ‘beek’ (brook) earth soils, with the characteristic loamy fine sand important for wine cultivation.


Main wine grapes

Pinotin N
Cabertin N (VB-91-26-17)
Cabernet Blanc B (VB-91-26-1)
Regent N


Description of the link(s)


The soil texture in Oolde is fairly complex, varying between a range of overlapping soil types.
The PDO Oolde has ‘beek’ (brook) earth soils, with the characteristic loamy fine sand (10 %-50 % clay) important for wine cultivation, with a mineral soil layer thinner than 50 cm and a lutum (clay particle) percentage of up to 12 %.

Climate and environment

Oolde borders with Twente, where the climate averages (1971-2000) for the wine growing period of May to September, followed by the national average figures, are as follows:
— Average temperature: 15,0 degrees Celsius (15,2)
— Average minimum temperature: 9,7 degrees Celsius (10,5)
— Average maximum temperature: 19,9 degrees Celsius (19,7)
— Average relative humidity: 78,8 %, (78,8 %)
— Average precipitation: 64,9 mm, (64,9 mm), per month
— Average hours of sunshine: 174,2 hours, (185,1 hours), per month
The somewhat lower night-time temperatures help to produce fresh, fruity wines.

Grape varieties

The grape varieties used in PDO Oolde and which can be cultivated well in the climate are for white wine: Cabernet Blanc and Solaris and for red wine: Regent, Pinotin and Cabertin. They are classified as
vitis vinifera
in the Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) database with formal classification information. These varieties are also included in the current OIV list (Office International de la Vigne et du Vin).

Human aspects (cultivation and vinification)

Before planting, grape varieties are carefully selected which grow well within the terroir of the named plots and produce ripe grapes full of aromas. Based on soil analysis, the most suitable types of stocks per variety are selected. The varieties selected are proven to have better resistance to common diseases, and this is optimised by continuous monitoring and planned protection of the plant throughout the year. This considerably increases the sustainability of cultivation.
The plants are planted in rows in the vineyard (direction from north to south) so that they get as much sunlight as possible. The spacing between rows is 2,15 metres. Plants are spaced between 0,9 and 1,25 metres apart, so that each plant also gets enough soil nutrients (some 2,2 square metres per plant).
The de Guyot cultivation method has been chosen, with a foliage wall growing straight up and the shoots supported by horizontal wires. Winter cutting is done by hand to select the best one-year shoots, and the buds will sprout in the new season. In the growing season, the foliage wall is trimmed by machine. The leaf around the clusters is specially thinned (by hand and by machine) so that the sun reaches as much of the clusters as possible and they dry quickly after wet weather. A well-managed foliage wall helps the formation of sugars and the ripening of the clusters. So that the clusters begin to take on colour, they are thinned in a manner that allows the remaining clusters to ripen better (sugar, aromas). One of the parameters for determining whether the grapes have attained the correct ripeness and aromas is a balanced soil and leaf fertilisation. This is ensured by yearly soil analysis of 20 points per hectare followed by an adjusted fertilisation plan. Leaf fertilisation is used at the appropriate moments to avoid deficiencies, e.g. of magnesium.
One of the most important decisions is when to harvest. The ripening process (formation of sugars, acids and aromas) is followed very closely by measuring the Oechsle and pH values and visual assessment of the condition of the grapes. Harvesting is done entirely by hand, and grapes are chosen for picking based on quality, to achieve a quality wine. Harvesting can be planned quickly, meaning that the optimal moment can be chosen — not too soon, not too late. Directly after picking, the harvested grapes are cooled (around 4 °C) near the vineyard, so the grapes remain in good condition while they are transported for wine-making.
Vinification of white and rosé wines uses cold fermentation to achieve the characteristic fresh, fruity wines. Red wines are aged in oak casks to achieve a more full-bodied taste. White wine can also be given more fullness by a short period of ageing in wood.
Furthermore, the intensive cooperation with experts makes an important contribution to the existence of these wines.
Vinification may take place in the area of the protected designation of origin, or in the nearby municipality of Hof van Twente.

Causal link

The quality of the wine is strongly influenced by the interaction between the climate, soil, cultivation and vinification.
The prevailing (continental) climate ensures the required ripeness is achieved. The slightly lower night temperatures in the autumn ensure enough reduction in the acids yet maintain the characteristic freshness and fruity flavour of the wine.
The slightly lower night temperatures in the autumn ensure enough reduction in the acids yet retain enough acidity to maintain the balance between sweetness and acidity necessary for the characteristic freshness and fruity flavour of the wine.
The soil is ‘beek’ earth soil, with an important clay content and between 5 % and 10 % organic matter. Loam soil is exceedingly well suited to wine cultivation due to its excellent processing of moisture and nutrients, allowing grape aromas to fully develop and produce a full-bodied, powerful wine.
By retaining moisture for longer, which is necessary to transport nutrients in the soil to the plant, the loamy soil ensures that the nutrients present in the soil are passed on to the vine, particularly during dry periods. These nutrients ensure that the plant is well supported during the ripening period so the sugars and aromas develop fully.
Grapes that ripen in this manner are essential to achieve a wine with a full mouthfeel and a long finish.
This kind of wine is highly suited for barrel ageing to develop it further.
Besides climate and soil, the knowledge and choices of the vine grower and winemaker also have a major influence on the wine quality: the variety selected, design of the vineyard, fertilisation, growing method, foliage management, cluster thinning, monitoring the condition of the vineyard and the ripening process, deciding when to harvest, harvest selection, vinification (cold fermentation, ageing in wood).
Cooperation is deliberately sought with experts in gastronomy and wine trading for their input to give quality wines.
This link applies to wine, sparkling quality wine, semi-sparkling wine, liqueur wine and wine from overripe grapes. The latter two of these are even more affected by human actions.
The organoleptic and analytical properties of the wines produced, such as the characteristic fresh, fruity taste of the white and rosé wines and soft tannins in the red wines are the result of the link between soil, climate and human aspects.


Essential further conditions

Legal framework:

By an organisation which manages the PDO/PGI, where foreseen by the Member State.

Type of additional condition:

Exception concerning production in the defined geographical area

Description of the condition:

Vinification may take place in the area of the protected designation of origin, or in the nearby municipality of Hof van Twente.

Link to the product specification