Commission Implementing Decision of 25 June 2019 on the publication in the Of... (32019D0702(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 25 June 2019

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of an application for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Dealurile Sătmarului (PGI))

(2019/C 221/03)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) Romania has sent an application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Sătmarului’ in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) The Commission has examined the application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 have been met.
(3) In order to allow for the presentation of statements of opposition in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Sătmarului’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Dealurile Sătmarului’ (PGI), in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, is contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision confers the right to oppose the amendment of the specification referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within two months of the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 25 June 2019.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671




Date of application: 10.6.2015



Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 — Non-minor modification


Description and reasons for amendment


Re-demarcating the defined geographical area

The Association of Wine Producers of the traditional vineyards of Satu Mare has submitted an application to modify the specification for the Dealurile Sătmarului GI in order to extend the demarcated production area to localities which have the specific characteristics of the Satu Mare area.
The above is supported by information regarding the wines from the wine-growing region of Dealurile Sătmarului, more specifically from Rătești, which have long been produced and known under the designation ‘Dealurile Răteștilor’ or ‘Vinul de Halmeu’.
Factors regarding the relief and climate specific to the hills of Satu Mare, such as Ardud, Beltiug, Hurez, Hodod, Tășnad, etc., which have steeper slopes with terracing that mitigates their inclines, with Pleistocene soils of red clays, and north-facing slopes with gentler inclines covered with more podzolic soils, with Mediterranean influences, determine the development and production of wines with characteristics similar to those obtained in other localities composing the area of the Dealurile Sătmarului GI.
The wines have floral or fruity aromas (forest fruit of Pinot noir, Merlot, Burgund mare) as well as peppery or grassy aromas with pleasant primary notes (Fetească albă, Furmint). The flavours are typical of the variety: they are round, full-bodied, tannic, velvety wines with moderate astringency. The white wines have a distinct freshness due to the soil’s acidity.
The demarcated area of the geographical indication Dealurile Sătmarului is amended to extend it to the following localities in the county of Satu Mare:
— Beltiug (Beltiug, Rătești and Șandra villages)
— Ardud (Ardud, Ardud Vii and Gerăușa villages)
— Viile Satu Mare (Viile Satu Mare and Tătărăști villages)
— Socond (Socond and Hodișa villages)
— Supur (Dobra, Hurezu Mare and Racova villages)
— Acâș (Unimăt village)
— Bogdand (Bogdand, Babța, Ser and Corund villages)
— Hodod (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului, Lelei and Giurtelecu Hododului villages)
— the town of Carei, the locality of Carei
— Pir (Pir village)
— Săuca (Săuca village)
— Cehal (Cehal, Cehăluț and Orbău villages)
— the town of Tășnad, with the locality of Tășnad
— Sanislău (Sanislău village)


Re-demarcating the geographical area

By re-demarcating the geographical area of the geographical indication Dealurile Sătmarului to extend it to the localities listed above located in the territory of Satu Mare County, the demarcated cultivation and production area in which the wines with the geographical indication will be obtained will comprise:
Satu Mare County, which includes the following localities:
— Halmeu (Halmeu and Halmeu-Vii villages)
— Orașu Nou (Orașu Nou-Vii, Remetea Oașului and Orașu Nou villages)
— Târna Mare (Târna Mare village)
— Bătarci (Tămășeni village)
— Turulung (Turulung-Vii village)
— Beltiug (Beltiug, Rătești and Șandra villages)
— Ardud (Ardud, Ardud Vii and Gerăușa villages)
— Viile Satu Mare (Viile Satu Mare and Tătărăști villages)
— Socond (Socond and Hodișa villages)
— Supur (Dobra, Hurezu Mare and Racova villages)
— Acâș (Unimăt village)
— Bogdand (Bogdand, Babța, Ser and Corund villages)
— Hodod (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului, Lelei and Giurtelecu Hododului villages)
— Pir (Pir village)
— Săuca (Săuca village)
— Cehal (Cehal, Cehăluț and Orbău villages)
— the town of Tășnad, with the locality of Tășnad
— the town of Carei with the locality of Carei
— Sanislău commune — Sanislău village.
Maramureș County, which includes the following localities:
— the town of Seini (Seini locality, Săbișa and Viile Apei villages)
— Cicârlău (Cicârlău and Ilba villages)
— Tăuții — Măgheruș (Tăuții — Măgheruș locality, Băița village)
— the town of Baia Mare (Săsar village)
— Remetea Chioarului (Remetea Chioarului village)
— Bicaz (Bicaz, Corni and Ciuta villages)
— Băsești (Băsești and Odești villages)
— Oarța de Jos (Ortița and Oarța de Sus villages)
— Mânau, Arduzel, Someșu Uileac, Vilcea and Tohat villages
— Asuaju de Sus (Asuaju de Sus village)
— Șomcuta Mare (Vălenii Șomcutei and Finteușu Mare villages).
During the period of the Communist regime in Romania, localities were organised by vineyards and wine-growing centres. There was a well-known wine-growing centre called Valea lui Mihai, which extended into the two counties of Satu Mare and Bihor.
Valea lui Mihai in Satu Mare County indicated in the specification sent for the Dealurile Crișanei GI, cf. Article 118s of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, was removed because it was the name of a wine-growing centre.
Considering the precise and exact delimitation of the area, wine-growing centres and vineyards were no longer relevant since the delimitation is done on the basis of localities (cities, towns, villages); Valea lui Mihai has been removed from the specification for Dealurile Crișanei as belonging to Satu Mare County, because it is the name of a wine-growing centre, not a locality.



Name to be registered

Dealurile Sătmarului


Geographical indication type

PGI — Protected Geographical Indication


Categories of grapevine products



Description of the wine(s)

Analytical and organoleptic characteristics — white wines

Muscat Ottonel
: straw yellow or intense yellow, with floral hints, typical muscat aroma, subtle, delicate, round, velvety.
: greenish-yellow, refined elderflower aroma, fruity.
Traminer roz
: yellowish-green colour, with a rose petal aroma, harmonious, with qualities derived from ageing in the bottle.
Pinot gris
: greenish-white, yellowish, pleasant primary aroma of freshly cut apples, a flavour of rye bread crust and acacia flowers.
Fetească regală
: greenish-yellow or golden, sourish summer apple aroma, when slightly aged has a hint of freshly mown hay and honey, full-bodied, slightly ether-like with ageing.
Fetească albă
: greenish-white, pleasant flavour of summer apples.
Riesling varietal (Riesling de Rhin, Riesling italian)
: greenish-white, mineral at maturity, fruity, fresh, pleasing acidity.
: golden-yellow, acacia aroma, soft, unctuous, round, velvety.
Mustoasă de Măderat
: greenish-yellow (unripe lemon), if aged in the bottle it becomes pale-yellow, a nose of raw green apple, fresh, with notes of grapevine flower, fresh, lively, with a high acidity, does not necessarily require ageing.
: greenish-white, pale-yellow, pleasant primary aroma of exotic fruit.
: greenish-yellow, aroma of raw green apple, fresh, lively.
The vine varieties may be used as main varieties for producing wines, and with other varieties for blends; the main variety must account for at least 50 % of the final product. The wines are fresh, with a fruity primary aroma, floral.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Analytical and organoleptic characteristics — red wines

Cabernet Sauvignon
: ruby-red, distinct aroma of vegetation and grass, coarse, tannic, hard, becoming pleasantly velvety, round and softer as it ages.
: ruby-red, bright, pleasant aroma of forest fruit, fresh raspberry, the astringency is more moderate than in Cabernet Sauvignon and the velvety texture is specific to this variety.
Pinot noir
: dark cherry-red, aroma changing from cherries to ripe sour cherries as it ages, subtle, velvety, delicate.
Fetească neagră
: intense garnet-red, complex aroma, well-shaped, pleasant and sufficiently full-bodied, palatable.
Burgund mare
: garnet-red with hints of violet, intensely coloured, aroma of ripe forest fruit: redcurrant, cowberry, blackberry and blueberry, balanced, consistent, long-lasting.
: bright-red, bright, distinctive aroma of fresh fruit, extractive, consistent, heavy, full-bodied, velvety, sometimes acid
: bright-red, floral bouquet with very intense aromas of pepper, tannic, full-bodied
For blends which may be obtained from the red wine varieties set out in the specification, the share of the main variety must be a minimum of 50 %. The wines are intensely coloured, velvety as they age, full-bodied, with forest fruit aromas.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)



Wine making practices


Essential oenological practices

Relevant restriction on making the wines
No addition of saccharose is allowed in the production of wines with the geographical indication ‘Dealurile Sătmarului’.


Maximum yields

grape production — Fetească regală, Iordană, Mustoasă de Măderat varieties
15 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare
grape production — Fetească albă, Furmint, Riesling de Rhin, Riesling italian varieties
12 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare
grape production — Merlot, Fetească neagră, Cadarcă, Burgund mare varieties
12 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare
grape production — Muscat Ottonel, Pinot gris, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Traminer roz varieties
10 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare
grape production — Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, Syrah varieties
10 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare
wine production — white wines
95 hectolitres per hectare
wine production — red, rosé wines
85 hectolitres per hectare


Demarcated geographical area

Satu Mare County, which includes the following localities:
— Halmeu (Halmeu and Halmeu-Vii villages)
— Orașu Nou (Orașu Nou-Vii, Remetea Oașului and Orașu Nou villages)
— Târna Mare (Târna Mare village)
— Bătarci (Tămășeni village)
— Turulung (Turulung-Vii village)
— Beltiug (Beltiug, Rătești and Șandra villages)
— Ardud (Ardud, Ardud Vii and Gerăușa villages)
— Viile Satu Mare (Viile Satu Mare and Tătărăști villages)
— Socond (Socond and Hodișa villages)
— Supur (Dobra, Hurezu Mare and Racova villages)
— Acâș (Unimăt village)
— Bogdand (Bogdand, Babța, Ser and Corund villages)
— Hodod (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului, Lelei and Giurtelecu Hododului villages)
— Pir (Pir village)
— Săuca (Săuca village)
— Cehal (Cehal, Cehăluț and Orbău villages)
— the town of Tășnad, with the locality of Tășnad
— the town of Carei with the locality of Carei
— Sanislău commune — Sanislău village.
Maramureș County, which includes the following localities:
— the town of Seini (Seini locality, Săbișa and Viile Apei villages)
— Cicârlău (Cicârlău and Ilba villages)
— Tăuții — Măgheruș (Tăuții — Măgheruș locality, Băița village)
— the town of Baia Mare (Săsar village)
— Remetea Chioarului (Remetea Chioarului village)
— Bicaz (Bicaz, Corni and Ciuta villages)
— Băsești (Băsești and Odești villages)
— Oarța de Jos (Ortița and Oarța de Sus villages)
— Mânau, Arduzel, Someșu Uileac, Vilcea and Tohat villages
— Asuaju de Sus (Asuaju de Sus village)
— Șomcuta Mare (Vălenii Șomcutei and Finteușu Mare villages).


Main wine grapes variety(ies)

Burgund Mare N — Grosser burgunder, Grossburgunder, Blaufrankisch, Kekfrankos, Frankovka, Limberger
Cabernet Sauvignon N — Petit Vidure, Bourdeos tinto
Cadarcă N — Schwarzer Kadarka, Rubinroter Kadarka, Lugojană, Gâmză, Fekete budai
Merlot N — Bigney rouge
Syrah N — Shiraz, Petit Syrah
Pinot Noir N — Blauer Spätburgunder, Burgund mic, Burgunder roter, Klävner Morillon Noir
Pinot noir N — Spätburgunder, Pinot nero
Fetească neagră N — Schwarze Mädchentraube, Poama fetei neagră, Păsărească neagră, Coada rândunicii
Muscat Ottonel B — Muscat Ottonel blanc
Sauvignon B — Sauvignon verde
Traminer Roz Rs — Rosetraminer, Savagnin roz, Gewürztraminer
Pinot Gris G — Affumé, Grau Burgunder, Grauburgunder, Grauer Mönch, Pinot cendré, Pinot Grigio, Ruländer
Fetească regală B — Königliche Mädchentraube, Königsast, Kiralyleanka, Dănășană, Galbenă de Ardeal
Fetească albă B — Păsărească albă, Poama fetei, Mädchentraube, Leanyka, Leanka
Riesling italian B — Olasz Riesling, Olaszriesling, Welschriesling
Riesling de Rhin B — Weisser Riesling, White Riesling
Chardonnay B — Gentil blanc, Pinot blanc Chardonnay
Mustoasă de Măderat B — Lampau, Lampor, Mustafer, Mustos Feher, Straftraube
Furmint B — Furmin, Şom szalai, Szegszolo
Iordană B — Iordovană, Iordan


Description of the link(s)

Link with the geographical area — details of the geographical area

The specific natural feature is the hilly area of Maramureș, causing a certain reduction in temperatures and increased rainfall variability. Winters in this area are milder, and wine-growing areas enjoy a significant amount of sunshine while being sheltered from winds and cold currents.
This is noticeable on sunnier slopes with temperatures averaging over 10,0 °C (perhaps even higher in Rătești) and reaching 20,0 °C in July, and redistribution according to the orientation of the slope means that the vineyard enjoys higher temperatures.
The multi-annual average amount of precipitation in the area is 650 to 700 mm.
The ripening of the grapes is influenced by the number of sunny days, which total 2 000 hours/year, and also by the winds, with predominantly north-western winds in the spring and eastern and north-eastern winds in the autumn and winter.
The hydrographic network of the demarcated area irrigates the vineyards in the Crasna, Someș, Tur and Ier basins through major tributaries bordering the slopes on which the vines grow.
The soils of the Ardud-Beltiug-Hurez hills (the villages of Beltiug, Rătești and Șandra, Ardud, Ardud Vii and Gherăușa, Hurez) are composed of loamy deposits, and there are also yellowish or reddish brown soils with gravel and sand in areas that are more eroded.

Link with the geographical area — causal interaction

The thermal climate ensures good development of the sugar content and acidity of the grapes and improves the quality of the aromas, guaranteeing good values at the end of the ripening period.
Quality wines have floral or fruity aromas (forest fruit) and pleasant primary notes, which are peppery, grassy, typical of the variety, with round and balanced aromas influenced by the growing season characterised by average day-time temperatures greater than 10,0 °C, during which time temperatures become high enough for maturation.
The fruity, full-bodied aromas (forest fruit, redcurrant, blackberry, blueberry) are noticeable in red wines, particularly those produced from the soils of the Hodod hills (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului etc. villages), which have loamy, often carbonate, sediments rich in nutrients where large amounts of anthocyanins accumulate and benefit these wines.
The acidic soils and southern orientation (in Rătești) together with the mild winters help produce fresh white wines (with vibrant acidity, specific aromas of elderberry, green apple, honey, acacia) and balanced red wines (fruity aromas, typical of the variety when matured in a barrel) with potential for ageing (subtle notes of vanilla when aged in oak barrels for 12 months, spices).


Essential further conditions

Marketing conditions
Legal framework:
In national legislation
Type of further condition:
Additional provisions relating to labelling
Description of the condition:
Wines with the geographical indication ‘Dealurile Sătmarului’ must have a main label when packaged and labelled. The use of counter-labels is optional.

Link to the product specification