81/879/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 9 October 1981 on transfrontier coordination for regional development
Official Journal L 321 , 10/11/1981 P. 0027 - 0028
Spanish special edition: Chapter 14 Volume 1 P. 0054
Portuguese special edition Chapter 14 Volume 1 P. 0054
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 9 October 1981 on transfrontier coordination for regional development (81/879/EEC)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 155 thereof,
Having regard to Council Decision 75/185/EEC of 18 March 1975 setting up a Regional Policy Committee (1), and in particular Article 2 (1) (d) thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 724/75 of 18 March 1975 establishing a European Regional Development Fund (2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3325/80 (3), and in particular Article 6 thereof,
Having regard to the common outline for regional development programmes (4), prepared by the Regional Policy Committee,
Having regard to Commission recommendation 79/535/EEC of 23 May 1979 to the Member States on regional development programmes (5), and in particular point 5 thereof,
Having regard to the Ems-Dollar transfrontier programme communicated to the Commission by the Governments of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany and examined by the Regional Policy Committee on 15 February 1979,
Whereas the Ems-Dollar programme prepared jointly by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany is an initial experiment bringing into relief the specific problems of this area, and in particular the bottlenecks arising from delayed integration and from measures adopted on either side of the frontier;
Whereas this programme should be developed further on the basis of joint objectives in order to achieve improved coordination of regional development on both sides of the frontier with emphasis on uniform competitive conditions;
Whereas, in the case of these two Member States, there are other areas adjoining a common land frontier presenting special problems for which common transfrontier programmes are being prepared;
Whereas, generally, in coordinating regional development policies, internal frontier regions of the Community frequently give rise to special problems, in particular in the case of development or reconversion regions or areas;
Whereas, therefore, Member States of the Community have a special responsibility with regard to these regions and areas;
Whereas, when these special problems arise on either side of the frontier, close collaboration is necessary between the authorities concerned to ensure proper coordination between national regional policies;
Whereas, in this case the regional development programmes for the period 1981 to 1985, within the meaning of Article 6 of the ERDF Regulation, should in the economic and social analysis take account of the special geographical situation of these regions, in particular of the complementary character of their economies;
Whereas it is desirable that such cooperation lead, in the areas nearest frontiers, to the implementation of investment programmes, particularly in relation to economic and social infrastructure and to the protection of the environment;
Whereas the Commission declares its intention, on the one hand, of examining with special attention and in the light of the recommendations drawn up below the development programmes for the frontier regions as notified to it pursuant to Article 6 (3) of the ERDF Regulation and, on the other hand, of granting priority to financing studies on improved coordination in the formulation of regional development programmes for frontier regions,
(1) OJ No L 73, 21.3.1975, p. 47. (2) OJ No L 73, 21.3.1975, p. 1. (3) OJ No L 349, 23.12.1980, p. 10. (4) OJ No C 69, 24.3.1976, p. 2. (5) OJ No L 143, 12.6.1979, p. 9. HEREBY RECOMMENDS TO THE MEMBER STATES THAT:
1. The Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany continue their coordination with a view to developing the existing Ems Dollar transfrontier programme. They should likewise formulate programmes for other areas along the Dutch-German border. These programmes, starting from a common basis, should aim at the harmonization of regional and sectoral aids to private investment and should indicate bottlenecks as well as action to be undertaken particularly in relation to economic and social infrastructure.
2. In general, Member States which establish, for regions benefiting from ERDF assistance, regional development programmes pursuant to Article 6 of the ERDF Regulation for the period 1981 to 1985 should, when considering regions having a common frontier with regions of another Member State, make appropriate contact with the competent authorities of the neighbouring State with a view to coordinating, in particular: - economic and social analysis, in particular concerning employment problems related to transfrontier movements,
- development objectives,
- development action.
3. In formulating these regional development programmes the Member States should take care to achieve a better balance as regards direct and indirect aids to enterprises so as to avoid risks of distortion particularly in areas close to frontiers.
4. For areas closest to frontiers the Member States should examine the possibility of formulating common transfrontier programmes, particularly in relation to economic and social infrastructure investments and to the protection of the environment.
Done at Brussels, 9 October 1981.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission