77/713/EEC: Council recommendation of 25 October 1977 on the rational use of energy in industrial undertakings
Official Journal L 295 , 18/11/1977 P. 0003 - 0004
Greek special edition: Chapter 12 Volume 1 P. 0229
Spanish special edition: Chapter 12 Volume 3 P. 0036
Portuguese special edition Chapter 12 Volume 3 P. 0036
COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 25 October 1977 on the rational use of energy in industrial undertakings (77/713/EEC)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
Having regard to the draft from the Commission,
Whereas in its resolution of 17 September 1974 concerning a new energy-policy strategy for the Community (1) the Council approved the objective of reduction of the rate of growth of internal consumption by measures for using energy rationally and economically without jeopardizing social and economic growth objectives;
Whereas improvements in the rational use of energy are generally beneficial to the environment;
Whereas in its resolution of 17 December 1974 on a Community action programme on the rational utilization of energy (2) the Council noted that, in its communication to the Council entitled "Rational Utilization of Energy", the Commission had drawn up a Community action programme in this field;
Whereas the industrial sector also lends itself to the more efficient utilization of energy, in keeping with its economic objectives ; whereas this possibility varies according to the size, location, production processes and products of the undertaking;
Whereas it is desirable to inform, increase the awareness of and encourage undertakings, in accordance with Article 92 et seq. of the Treaty, in their efforts to save energy ; whereas the initiatives already taken by some Member States to set up public or approved bodies charged with these tasks should be extended;
Whereas the practice already adopted by some undertakings, in particular the large energy-intensive ones, of appointing an energy management officer, should be extended;
Whereas the bodies referred to above should monitor the progress achieved by the undertakings in realizing their energy-saving programmes;
Whereas since one of the most profitable exercises at Community level is the systematic and regular exchange of information on energy-saving processes between Community undertakings and in particular small- and medium-sized undertakings, professional organizations should collate information from energy management officers on experience gained and difficulties encountered in order to disseminate this information ; whereas these same organizations should also periodically organize meetings or seminars to exchange details of their members' experiences,
1. that they take the necessary measures to mount campaigns to provide information and increase awareness, and to encourage, in accordance with Article 92 et seq. of the Treaty, the achievement of energy savings ; and, to this end, to set up, in so far as they do not already exist and along the lines of the initiatives already taken by some Member States, one or more public or approved bodies or departements with particular resposibility for these tasks;
2. that they invite sectoral and general professional organizations as well as technical and scientific associations and consultancy services to arrange periodically for meetings and seminars, to exchange details of experience at national level, and possibly at Community level, in order to ensure the widest and most rapid dissemination of information possible;
3. that they encourage industrial undertakings: - to set up an energy department within their organization, if they have not already done so, or call in an outside expert. (1)OJ No C 153, 9.7.1975, p. 1. (2)OJ No C 153, 9.7.1975, p. 5.
The duties and tasks of such departments or persons could be along the lines of those proposed as a guide in the Annex to this recommendation;
- if they are required to prepare an annual report, to devote a chapter of it to their energy consumption, also including any energy-saving measures taken or planned and the results obtained;
4. that they collate, as efficiently as possible, all useful information concerning the results of the energy-saving measures taken by the industrial undertakings mentioned in 3;
5. that they inform the Commission regularly of the measures taken in the field covered by this recommendation and of the results obtained or anticipated from the measures.
Done at Luxembourg, 25 October 1977.
For the Council
The President
ANNEX Suggested duties and tasks of the energy management officer in industrial undertakings
1. In keeping with the economic objectives of their undertaking, the functions of the energy management departments or officers could be focused on the following tasks: (i) Within the undertaking
deciding on the appropriate ways and means of carrying out the energy-saving programme which the undertaking has devised and in particular: - keeping a permanent check that the undertaking is not wasting energy,
- suggesting ways in which industrial equipment and processes might be modified to bring about a more rational use of energy ; in this respect any investment in new or additional equipment or processes should be the subject of energy appraisals as well as financial ones,
- establishing channels of communication between the various sections or departments and with office staff and manual workers and making them aware of the aims of energy saving.
(ii) Outside the undertaking
maintaining contact with other industrial sectors concerned so that their undertaking may draw on the experience gained elsewhere.
2. To enable it to discharge these duties effectively, the energy management department should be responsible directly to the decision-making bodies of its undertaking.