95/91/CFSP: Common Position of 24 March 1995 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on the European Union, with regard to Burundi
Official Journal L 072 , 01/04/1995 P. 0001 - 0002
COMMON POSITION of 24 March 1995 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on the European Union, with regard to Burundi (95/91/CFSP)
Having regard to the Treaty on the European Union, and in particular Article J.2 thereof,
1. The European Union will pursue with regard to Burundi the objectives set out in its Declaration of 19 March 1995 defining its overall priorities.
2. The Ministerial Troïka will visit Burundi on 24 March 1995 in order to demonstrate the European Union's support for national reconciliation as provided for in the Government Convention of 10 September 1994.
3. The European Union is prepared to assist the Burundi Government in organizing a national debate with the participation of all sectors of the Burundi nation in order to consolidate national reconciliation and reconstruct democracy. The Presidency, acting under the conditions set out in Article J.5(3) of the Treaty on European Union, will contact the Burundi authorities with the purpose of submitting an assessment of requirements to the Council as soon as possible.
4. The Presidency and the Commission, within the scope of their respective responsibilities, will establish the contacts necessary for implementing this common position and will jointly effect the planned démarches to third parties.
4.1. The European Union is prepared rapidly to lend its support to sending human rights experts within the framework put in place by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- The necessary contacts will be established with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in order to define the conditions of the European Union's participation;
- the Commission intends to propose that the European Community contribute as soon as possible to the funding of this operation an approximate amount of ECU 3 million, which figure the Commission will reassess on the basis of the results of the Troïka's visit and ongoing contacts.
4.2. The European Union is prepared to assist in restoring the rule of law and strengthening the Burundi judiciary system, inter alia by giving help with the training of magistrates.
The necessary contacts will be established with the Burundi authorities in order to enable the Council to adopt a programme of assistance to the judiciary system as soon as possible.
4.3. The European Union supports the rapid convening of a round table of donors with the participation of international institutions, in particular international financial institutions, and all countries which are friends of Burundi.
The necessary démarches will be made in order to secure the broadest possible support for this proposal.
4.4. The European Union is prepared to help implement, for Burundi, and follow up the action plan adopted by the Regional Conference on assistance to refugees, displaced persons and returnees in the Great-Lake region held in Bujumbura from 15 to 17 February 1995.
The necessary démarches will be made to encourage third States to support the action plan.
4.5. The European Union is prepared to support the action taken by the OAU.
5. All the other European Union objectives and priorities as defined in the declaration adopted in Carcassonne on 19 March 1995 will be pursued as soon as possible and will be covered, if appropriate, by a supplementary common position.
6. This common position will be followed up by the relevant Council working parties, to which the Presidency and the Commission will regularly report.
7. This common position shall be published in the Official Journal.
Done at Brussels, 24 March 1995.
For the Council
The President