No 2/2007
of 26 July 2007
rectifying the Swiss domestic reference price of whole-milk powder
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community, of the one part, and the Swiss Confederation, of the other part, signed in Brussels on 22 July 1972, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’, as amended by the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation amending the Agreement as regards the provisions applicable to processed agricultural products signed in Luxembourg on 26 October 2004, and its Protocol No 2, and in particular Article 7 thereof,
Whereas for the implementation of Protocol No 2 to the Agreement, internal reference prices are fixed for the Contracting Parties by the Joint Committee,
Whereas the actual Swiss domestic reference price of whole-milk powder had to be rectified,
Article 1
The Swiss domestic reference price of whole-milk powder, stated as 653,33 CHF per 100 kg net in Table III of Decision No 1/2007 of the EC-Switzerland Joint Committee(1), is replaced by the reference price of 586,90 CHF per 100 kg net.
The difference in Table III between the Swiss and the EC reference price is correspondingly adjusted to 232,60 CHF per 100 kg net.
The applied basic amount as from the entry into force, stated as 269,00 CHF per 100 kg net in Table IV, is replaced by the amount of 209,00 CHF per 100 kg net.
The applied basic amount as from three years after the entry into force, stated as 254,00 CHF per 100 kg net in Table IV, is replaced by 198,00 CHF per 100 kg net.
Article 2
This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
It shall have legal effect as of 1 February 2007.
Done at Brussels, 26 July 2007.
For the Joint Committee
The Chairman
OJ L 35, 8.2.2007, p. 29