of 26 November 2021
agreeing on the extension of the validity of the EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities [2021/2213]
Having regard to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part,
(1) The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part (1) (the ‘Agreement’) was signed on 25 June 2001 and entered into force on 1 June 2004.
(2) Under Article 76 of the Agreement, the Association Council may make appropriate recommendations.
(3) Article 86 of the Agreement states that the Parties are to take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under the Agreement and are to see to it that the objectives set out in the Agreement are attained.
(4) In the Association Council of 25 July 2017, the European Union and Egypt agreed on the Partnership Priorities, as set out in Recommendation No 1/2017 of the Association Council (2), to guide the partnership for the period 2017-2020.
(5) Following a letter from the European Union, both Parties agreed that the validity of the EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities should be extended as a guiding document to consolidate the partnership pending the adoption of new updated Partnership Priorities.
(6) Article 10 of the Rules of Procedure of the Association Council provides for the possibility to adopt recommendations by written procedure in the period between meeting, if both Parties so agree,
Article 1
The Association Council, acting by written procedure, recommends that the validity of the EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities adopted at the Association Council on 25 July 2017 be extended until new updated Partnership Priorities are adopted by the Association Council.
Article 2
This Recommendation shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 26 November 2021.
For the EU-Egypt Association Council
The President
Sameh Hassan SHOUKRY
OJ L 304, 30.9.2004, p. 39
(2) Recommendation No 1/2017 of the EU-Egypt Association Council of 25 July 2017 agreeing on the EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities (
OJ L 255, 3.10.2017, p. 26