Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Communit... (22003A0321(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 07 Transport policy


Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to transit traffic of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through Austria as from 1 January 1999

Official Journal L 075 , 21/03/2003 P. 0034 - 0053
in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to transit traffic of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through Austria as from 1 January 1999
A. Letter from the European Community
Brussels, 29 October 2002
I have the honour to inform you that, following negotiations between the Delegation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Delegation of the European Community, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12(3)(b) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the field of transport, the following has been agreed:
1. Ecopoints (transit rights) for heavy goods vehicles from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia transiting through Austria are allocated in the following way:
Additional ecopoints are allocated for users from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia of the "Rollende Landstraße" up to a maximum of 50 % of the total number of ecopoints for the year, as follows:
Ecopoints for Rollende Landstraße (RoLa) users shall be allocated to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian authorities, on the basis of ecopoints for two road journeys for every two round trips made on RoLa.
The Austrian company for combined transport, Ökombi, will regularly provide each month monthly information to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia concerning Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia users of combined transport in transit through Austria.
The ecopoints system will be implemented from 1 January 2002.
Transit journeys made in the circumstances listed in Annex A or under ECMT authorisations shall be exempt from the ecopoints system.
2. The driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the territory of Austria shall carry, and shall make available for inspection at the request of the supervisory authorities, either:
(a) a duly completed standard form or an Austrian certificate confirming payment of the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex B, hereinafter referred to as "the ecocard", or
(b) an electronic device, fitted to the motor vehicle which enables the automatic debiting of ecopoints, hereinafter referred to as "the ecotag", or
(c) appropriate documentation to demonstrate that an ecopoint-free transit journey, as defined in Annex A or under ECMT authorisation is being made, or
(d) appropriate documentation to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made, and when the vehicle is fitted with an ecotag, the ecotag is set for this purpose.
The competent Austrian authorities shall issue the ecocard against payment of the cost of production and distribution of ecopoints and ecocards.
3. Ecotags shall be manufactured, programmed and installed in accordance with the general technical specifications laid down in Annex C. The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is authorised to approve, programme and install the ecotags.
The ecotag shall be programmed to contain information on the country of registration and the NOx value of the motor vehicle, as stated in the conformity of production (COP) document, as defined in paragraph 4.
The ecotag shall be affixed to the windscreen of the motor vehicle. It shall be positioned in accordance with Annex D. It shall be non-transferable.
4. The driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia registered on or after 1 October 1990 shall also carry, and produce upon request, a COP document, modelled on Annex E, as evidence of the NOx emissions of that vehicle. Heavy goods vehicles first registered before 1 October 1990 or in respect of which no document is produced shall be assumed to have a COP value of 15,8 g/kWh.
5. The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is authorised to issue the documents and ecotags referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4.
6. Unless the vehicle is using an ecotag, the requisite number of ecopoints shall be affixed to the ecocard and cancelled. The ecopoints shall be cancelled by signing in such a way that the signature extends over both the ecopoints and the form to which they have been affixed. A rubber stamp may be used instead of a signature.
An ecocard, bearing the requisite number of ecopoints shall be handed to the supervisory authorities of Austria, who will hand back a copy with the proof of payment.
If the vehicle is fitted with an ecotag, upon confirmation of its undertaking a transit journey requiring ecopoints, a number of ecopoints, equivalent to the NOx emission information stored in the ecotag of the vehicle, shall be deducted from the total of ecopoints allocated to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This shall be done by infrastructure provided and operated by the Austrian authorities.
For vehicles fitted with ecotags that are making bilateral journeys they must set the ecotag to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made prior to entering Austrian territory.
In the case where an ecocard is used and where a tractor unit is switched during a transit journey, the proof of payment on entry shall remain valid and be retained. Where the COP value of the new tractor unit exceeds that indicated on the form, additional ecopoints, affixed to a new card, shall be cancelled on leaving the country.
7. Continuous journeys which involve crossing the Austrian frontier once by train, whether by conventional rail transport or in a combined transport operation, and crossing the frontier by road before or after crossing by rail, shall be regarded not as transit of goods by road through Austria but as bilateral journeys.
Continuous transit journeys through Austria using the following rail terminals shall be deemed as bilateral journeys:
Fürnitz, Villach Süd, Sillian, Innsbruck/Hall, Brennersee, Graz.
8. Ecopoints shall be valid between 1 January of the year for which they are attributed and 31 January of the following year.
9. Infringements of this Agreement by a driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, or an undertaking, shall be prosecuted in accordance with the national legislation in force.
The Commission and the competent authorities of Austria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall, each within the limits of their jurisdiction, provide each other with administrative assistance in investigating and prosecuting these infringements, in particular by ensuring that ecocards and ecotags are correctly used and handled.
Controls may be carried out at a point other than the border, at the discretion of the European Community Member State, with due regard to the principle of non-discrimination.
10. The Austrian supervisory authorities may, having due regard to the principles of proportionality, take appropriate measures if a vehicle is fitted with an ecotag and at least one of the following situations occur:
(a) the vehicle or the operator of the vehicle has repeatedly committed infringements;
(b) there are insufficient ecopoints remaining in the allocation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
(c) the ecotag has been tampered with or has been changed by a party other than those authorised in paragraph 3;
(d) the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has not allocated sufficient ecopoints for the vehicle to make a transit journey;
(e) the vehicle does not have appropriate documentation in accordance with points (c) or (d) of paragraph 2 to justify why the ecotag has been set to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made on Austrian territory;
(f) when the ecotag specified in Annex C is not loaded with sufficient ecopoints to make a transit journey.
The Austrian supervisory authorities may, having due regard to the principle of proportionality, take appropriate measures if a vehicle is not fitted with an ecotag and at least one of the following situations occurs:
(a) an ecocard is not presented to the supervisory authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;
(b) an ecocard is presented which is incomplete or incorrect, or where the ecopoints are not correctly affixed;
(c) the vehicle does not possess the appropriate documentation to justify that it does not need ecopoints.
11. The printed ecopoints which are intended for affixing to ecocards shall be made available each year before 1 November of the preceding year.
12. In the case of vehicles registered before 1 October 1990 which have had a change of engine since this date, the COP value of the new engine shall apply. In such a case the certificate issued by the appropriate authority shall mention the change of engine and give details of the new COP value for NOx emissions.
13. A transit journey shall be exempt from the payment of ecopoints if the following three conditions are met:
(i) the sole purpose of the journey is to deliver a brand new vehicle, or vehicle combination, from the manufacturers to a destination in another State;
(ii) no goods are transported on the journey;
(iii) the vehicle or vehicle combination has appropriate international registration papers and export licence plates.
14. A transit journey shall be exempt from the payment of ecopoints if it is the unladen leg of a journey exempt from ecopoints as listed in Annex A and the vehicle carries suitable documentation to demonstrate this. Such suitable documentation shall be either:
- a bill of lading, or
- a completed ecocard to which no ecopoints have been attached, or
- a completed ecocard with ecopoints, which are subsequently reinstated.
15. Any problems arising from the management of this regime of ecopoints shall be submitted to the Community/the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Transport Committee provided for in Article 22 of the Transport Agreement which shall assess the situation and recommend appropriate actions. Any measure to be taken shall be implemented immediately, shall be proportional and of non-discriminatory nature.
I should be obliged if you would confirm the agreement of your Government to the contents of this letter.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
On behalf of the Council of the European Union
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Journeys for which no ecopoints are required
1. The occasional transport of goods to and from airports when flights are diverted.
2. The carriage of baggage in trailers attached to passenger vehicles, and the carriage of baggage to and from airports by vehicles of all kinds.
3. The carriage of postal consignments.
4. The carriage of damaged vehicles or vehicles in need of repair.
5. The carriage of waste and sewage.
6. The carriage of animal carcasses for disposal.
7. The carriage of bees and fish spawn.
8. The transport of corpses.
9. The carriage of works of art for exhibition or commercial purposes.
10. The occasional carriage of goods for advertising or educational purposes.
11. The carriage of goods by removal firms possessing the appropriate personnel and equipment.
12. The carriage of equipment, accessories and animals to and from theatrical, musical, cinema, sporting or circus events, exhibitions or fairs, or to and from radio, cinema or television recordings.
13. The carriage of spare parts for ships and aircraft.
14. The empty journey of a goods vehicle sent to replace a vehicle that has broken down in transit and the continuation of the journey by the replacement vehicle using the authorisation issued for the first vehicle.
15. The carriage of emergency medical aid (particularly in the case of natural disasters).
16. The carriage of valuable goods (e.g. precious metals) in special vehicles escorted by the police or another security service.
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General technical specifications of the ecotag
Short-range communication beacon - vehicle
(Pre)standards and technical reports relevant to DSRC
The following requirements provided by CEN/TC 278 with regard to short-range communication between the vehicles and the roadside infrastructure are to be met:
(a) prENV278/No 62 "DSRC physical layer using microwave at 5,8 GHz";
(b) prENV278/No 64 "DSRC data link layer";
(c) prENV278/No 65 "DSRC application layer".
Type test
The supplier of the ecotag must provide type-test certificates for the appliances from an accredited test institute conforming compliance with all the limit values specified in the current I-ETS 300674.
Operating conditions
The ecotag for the automatic ecopoint system must guarantee the required functionality under the following operating conditions:
- ambient conditions: temperature from - 25 °C to + 70 °C,
- weather conditions: all eventualities,
- traffic: several lanes, moving,
- speed range: from "stop-and-go" to 120 km/h.
The above operating conditions are minimum requirements pending the adoption of (pre)standards relevant to DSRC.
The ecotag may react only to microwave signals specific to its own applications.
Each ecotag must have a unique identification number. In addition to the number of digits necessary to make it distinguishable, this number must also contain a check sum for integrity verification.
The ecotag should be designed for installation behind the windscreen of the lorry or traction unit. It shall be installed so as to be completely non-detachable from the vehicle.
Transit declaration
The ecotag must have an input facility for declaring a journey exempt from the payment of ecopoints.
The facility must be clearly visible on the ecotag for control purposes; alternatively, it must be possible to set the ecotag at a defined initial position. At all events, it must be ensured that only the status at the time of entry is taken into account for evaluation in the system.
External marking
Every ecotag must also be clearly identifiable on visual inspection. To this end, the abovementioned unique identification number must be indelibly applied to the surface of the appliance.
A non-detachable, indelible marking to the ecotag in the form of prepared stickers shall be affixed to the ecotag. This marking must show the number of ecopoints for the individual vehicle (5, 6, ... 16).
These special stickers must be tamper-proof; they must have mechanical strength and be light- and temperature-resistant. They must have a high adhesive strength and any attempt to remove them must result in their destruction.
The casing must be constructed in such way that any manipulation of the internal components is excluded and any interference can subsequently be detected.
The ecotag must have sufficient memory capacity for the following data:
- identification number,
- vehicle data:
- COP value,
- transaction data:
- identification of the border post,
- date/time,
- status of journey declaration,
- blocking (blacklisting) information,
- status data:
- manipulation,
- battery status,
- status of latest communication.
There must be a reserve of memory of at least 30 %.
Installation requirements for ecotag
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The ecotag shall be located on the interior side of the windscreen within the marked area (illustrated above) where the dimensions are as follows:
x= 100 cm
y= 80 cm.
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B. Letter from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Skopje, 12 December 2002
I have the honour to refer to your letter No SGS2/8274 of 29 October 2002, in which you inform me that, following negotiations between the delegation of the Republic of Macedonia and the delegation of the European Community, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12(3)(b) of the Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community in the field of transport, the following has been agreed:
"1. Ecopoints (transit rights) for heavy goods vehicles from the Republic of Macedonia transiting through Austria are allocated in the following way:
Additional ecopoints are allocated for users from the Republic of Macedonia of the 'Rollende Landstraße' up to a maximum of 50 % of the total number of ecopoints for the year, as follows:
Ecopoints for Rollende Landstraße users shall be allocated to the Republic of Macedonian authorities, on the basis of ecopoints for two road journeys for every two round trips made on RoLa.
The Austrian company for combined transport, Ökombi, will regularly provide, each month, monthly information to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Macedonia concerning Republic of Macedonia users of combined transport in transit through Austria.
The ecopoints system will be implemented from 1 January 2002.
Transit journeys made in the circumstances listed in Annex A or under ECMT authorisations shall be exempt from the ecopoints system.
2. The driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Republic of Macedonia on the territory of Austria shall carry, and shall make available for inspection at the request of the supervisory authorities, either:
(a) a duly completed standard form or an Austrian certificate confirming payment of the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex B, hereinafter referred to as 'the ecocard', or
(b) an electronic device, fitted to the motor vehicle which enables the automatic debiting of ecopoints, hereinafter referred to as 'the ecotag', or
(c) appropriate documentation to demonstrate that an ecopoint-free transit journey, as defined in Annex A or under ECMT authorisation is being made, or
(d) appropriate documentation to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made, and when the vehicle is fitted with an ecotag, the ecotag is set for this purpose.
The competent Austrian authorities shall issue the ecocard against payment of the cost of production and distribution of ecopoints and ecocards.
3. Ecotags shall be manufactured, programmed and installed in accordance with the general technical specifications laid down in Annex C. The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Macedonia is authorised to approve, programme and install the ecotags.
The ecotag shall be programmed to contain information on the country of registration and the NOx value of the motor vehicle, as stated in the conformity of production (COP) document, as defined in paragraph 4.
The ecotag shall be affixed to the windscreen of the motor vehicle. It shall be positioned in accordance with Annex D. It shall be non-transferable.
4. The driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Republic of Macedonia registered on or after 1 October 1990 shall also carry, and produce upon request, a COP document, modelled on Annex E, as evidence of the NOx emissions of that vehicle. Heavy goods vehicles first registered before 1 October 1990 or in respect of which no document is produced shall be assumed to have a COP value of 15,8 g/kWh.
5. The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Macedonia is authorised to issue the documents and ecotags referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4.
6. Unless the vehicle is using an ecotag, the requisite number of ecopoints shall be affixed to the ecocard and cancelled. The ecopoints shall be cancelled by signing in such a way that the signature extends over both the ecopoints and the form to which they have been affixed. A rubber stamp may be used instead of a signature.
An ecocard, bearing the requisite number of ecopoints shall be handed to the supervisory authorities of Austria, who will hand back a copy with the proof of payment.
If the vehicle is fitted with an ecotag, upon confirmation of its undertaking a transit journey requiring ecopoints, a number of ecopoints, equivalent to the NOx emission information stored in the ecotag of the vehicle, shall be deducted from the total of ecopoints allocated to the Republic of Macedonia. This shall be done by infrastructure provided and operated by the Austrian authorities.
For vehicles fitted with ecotags that are making bilateral journeys they must set the ecotag to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made prior to entering Austrian territory.
In the case where an ecocard is used and where a tractor unit is switched during a transit journey, the proof of payment on entry shall remain valid and be retained. Where the COP value of the new tractor unit exceeds that indicated on the form, additional ecopoints, affixed to a new card, shall be cancelled on leaving the country.
7. Continuous journeys which involve crossing the Austrian frontier once by train, whether by conventional rail transport or in a combined transport operation, and crossing the frontier by road before or after crossing by rail, shall be regarded not as transit of goods by road through Austria but as bilateral journeys.
Continuous transit journeys through Austria using the following rail terminals shall be deemed as bilateral journeys:
Fürnitz, Villach Süd, Sillian, Innsbruck/Hall, Brennersee, Graz.
8. Ecopoints shall be valid between 1 January of the year for which they are attributed and 31 January of the following year.
9. Infringements of this Agreement by a driver of a heavy goods vehicle from the Republic of Macedonia, or an undertaking, shall be prosecuted in accordance with the national legislation in force.
The Commission and the competent authorities of Austria and the Republic of Macedonia shall, each within the limits of their jurisdiction, provide each other with administrative assistance in investigating and prosecuting these infringements, in particular by ensuring that ecocards and ecotags are correctly used and handled.
Controls may be carried out at a point other than the border, at the discretion of the European Community Member State, with due regard to the principle of non-discrimination.
10. The Austrian supervisory authorities may, having due regard to the principles of proportionality, take appropriate measures if a vehicle is fitted with an ecotag and at least one of the following situations occur:
(a) the vehicle or the operator of the vehicle has repeatedly committed infringements;
(b) there are insufficient ecopoints remaining in the allocation of the Republic of Macedonia;
(c) the ecotag has been tampered with or has been changed by a party other than those authorised in paragraph 3;
(d) the Republic of Macedonia has not allocated sufficient ecopoints for the vehicle to make a transit journey;
(e) the vehicle does not have appropriate documentation in accordance with points (c) or (d) of paragraph 2 to justify why the ecotag has been set to demonstrate that a non-transit journey is being made on Austrian territory;
(f) when the ecotag specified in Annex C is not loaded with sufficient ecopoints to make a transit journey.
The Austrian supervisory authorities may, having due regard to the principle of proportionality, take appropriate measures if a vehicle is not fitted with an ecotag and at least one of the following situations occurs:
(a) an ecocard is not presented to the supervisory authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;
(b) an ecocard is presented which is incomplete or incorrect, or where the ecopoints are not correctly affixed;
(c) the vehicle does not possess the appropriate documentation to justify that it does not need ecopoints.
11. The printed ecopoints which are intended for affixing to ecocards shall be made available each year before 1 November of the preceding year.
12. In the case of vehicles registered before 1 October 1990 which have had a change of engine since this date, the COP value of the new engine shall apply. In such a case the certificate issued by the appropriate authority shall mention the change of engine and give details of the new COP value for NOx emissions.
13. A transit journey shall be exempt from the payment of ecopoints if the following three conditions are met:
(i) the sole purpose of the journey is to deliver a brand new vehicle, or vehicle combination, from the manufacturers to a destination in another State;
(ii) no goods are transported on the journey;
(iii) the vehicle or vehicle combination has appropriate international registration papers and export licence plates.
14. A transit journey shall be exempt from the payment of ecopoints if it is the unladen leg of a journey exempt from ecopoints as listed in Annex A and the vehicle carries suitable documentation to demonstrate this. Such suitable documentation shall be either:
- a bill of lading, or
- a completed ecocard to which no ecopoints have been attached, or
- a completed ecocard with ecopoints, which are subsequently reinstated.
15. Any problems arising from the management of this regime of ecopoints shall be submitted to the Community/the Republic of Macedonia Transport Committee provided for in Article 22 of the Transport Agreement which shall assess the situation and recommend appropriate actions. Any measure to be taken shall be implemented immediately, shall be proportional and of non-discriminatory nature.
I should be obliged if you would confirm the agreement of your Government to the contents of this letter."
I have the honour to confirm that my Government agrees with the contents of your letter. Your letter and this letter shall constitute signing of this agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community.
However, I declare that the Republic of Macedonia does not accept the denomination used for my country in your letter having in view that the constitutional name for my country is the Republic of Macedonia.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia
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C. Letter from the European Community
Brussels, 5 March 2003
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12 December 2002.
The European Community notes that the Exchange of Letters between the President of the Council of the European Union and the Minister of Transport and Communications of your country, agreeing, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12(3)(b) of the Agreement in the field of transport signed on 29 April 1997, the method of calculation and the detailed rules and procedures for the management and control of the ecopoints between the Contracting Parties, and in line with the provisions of Article 11 and Article 14(2) of Protocol 9 to the 1994 Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union regulating the ecopoints system applying in the Community, has been completed.
This cannot be construed as acceptance or recognition by the European Union, in any shape or form, of any name other than "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
On behalf of the Council of the European Union
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