of 28 October 2022
amending Annex XIII (Transport) to the EEA Agreement [2023/881]
Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (“the EEA Agreement”), and in particular Article 98 thereof,
(1) Regulation (EU) 2021/782 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations ( 1 ) is to be incorporated into the EEA Agreement.
(2) Regulation (EU) 2021/782 repeals, with effect from 7 June 2023, Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 ) , which is incorporated into the EEA Agreement and which is consequently to be repealed under the EEA Agreement with effect from 7 June 2023.
(3) Annex XIII to the EEA Agreement should therefore be amended accordingly,
Article 1
The text of point 42h (Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council) of Annex XIII to the EEA Agreement shall be replaced, with effect from 7 June 2023, by the following:
‘ 32021 R 0782 : Regulation (EU) 2021/782 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations ( OJ L 172, 17.5.2021, p. 1 ).
The provisions of the Regulation shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be read with the following adaptation:
As regards the EFTA States, references to Directive (EU) 2019/882 shall apply in accordance with, and from the date of entry into force of, the Decision of the EEA Joint Committee incorporating that Directive into the EEA Agreement.’
Article 2
The text of Regulation (EU) 2021/782 in the Icelandic and Norwegian languages, to be published in the EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union , shall be authentic.
Article 3
This Decision shall enter into force on 29 October 2022, provided that all the notifications under Article 103(1) of the EEA Agreement have been made ( * ) .
Article 4
This Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and in the EEA Supplement to, the Official Journal of the European Union .
Done at Brussels, 28 October 2022.
For the EEA Joint Committee
The President
Kristján Andri STEFÁNSSON
( 1 ) OJ L 172, 17.5.2021, p. 1 .
( 2 ) OJ L 315, 3.12.2007, p. 14 .
( * ) No constitutional requirements indicated.